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"You always were smart." Kenji praises with a sneer as he looks down at you.
You begin to narrow your eyes, the thudding ache in your ribs telling you that he'd definitely broken a rib or two with that last kick.
"What the fuck are you on about?" You hiss, trying to wiggle your way up to stand yourself up again.
He doesn't answer your question, instead sitting himself on the edge of the desk behind him, looking down at you with a expectant look, as though he's waiting for you to come to the answer yourself.
You just glare straight back at him as you continue to try and move. Eventually you give up and turn to your uninjured side, trying to lift your arms high enough to press a palm to your throbbing ribs.
Surprisingly, he doesn't try to stop you, just mutters something into the guards ear, who hums quietly in return and passes you to return back to the door, manifesting a couple of swords in his palm, only to give it to the other henchman and manifest another straight away.
That could be another problem for you. You had no idea how many objects he could manifest, if there were any rules to his Quirk that may act as a weakness- or an opening for you.

Pressing your palm as high to your ribs as you can and activating your Quirk, you draw your attention back to the silent, sneering man as he sits on the desk.
The silence is almost heavy. For some reason you feel the need to feel the empty space, as if the silence was more threatening than the fact you were quite literally cuffed and beaten, unable to move from the floor.
"Maybe I was wrong." Kenji muses, simpering down at you. "That wasn't a very smart idea now, was it little Y/N?"
You furrow your brows at him, wishing you could clock him around his stupid smug face. And then it sets in that he addressed you by name, and your face falls into a look of shock momentarily before a scowl takes over.
You can't remember being addressed by your name in front of him. Which meant someone must have given it to him. Which only meant that there was a rat in the League.
"Ah, is that the look of realisation I was hoping for?" Kenji chuckles. "I was hoping it'd be sweeter than that."

You refuse to address it, to allow yourself time to think over who the rat could be, in the off chance you managed to escape this situation and tell Tomura, instead opting to answer the question.
"Why would it be a bad idea?" You ask, trying to match his sneer straight back as you lower your arms again, the pain in your ribs having dissolved completely.
"Because it makes you sleepy." Kenji replies, cocking his head at you.
You show your teeth slightly, frustrated with how much he seemed to know about you. Whoever it was that had been feeding him information had told him everything, it felt like. And yet you knew nothing about his Quirk, although it seemed to be some kind of teleportation Quirk. Not too threatening in combat, much like Kurogiri, hencewhy Kenji seemed to surround himself with strong men.
You'd never killed anyone before, leaving that to Tomura. But in that moment you felt like you may change that the second you found out who it was that had screwed you, and likely the others too, over.
"Don't worry." You soothe sarcastically. "I won't be sleeping till I hurt you."

There's a flash of something unrecognisable in his eyes for a moment as he grins down at you before sliding himself off the desk and crouching beside you.
"I'd love to see you try." He responds, stroking your hair back with a flat palm, and chuckling to himself when you try to bite his hand again. "Now, now. What happened to that nice little girl?"
You just furrow your brows at him again, getting irritated with the constant remarks about how you were as a child, as if he knew who you were.
"Will you shut up?" You spit, trying to swing your body around to kick him with both feet. "Tomura's gonna kill you."
Kenji just raises a brow at your futile effort to spin your body around as your feet fail to make contact with any part of his body, simply kicking out at the air.
"I'm not afraid of Shigaraki." Kenji replies simply, standing to his full height over you again. "It's just a matter as to who's faster between us both. I have more faith in myself than in him."
You fight the smirk you want to give him. Anyone who had ever underestimated Tomura had always been proven wrong. Even when you were both kids.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora