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The next few weeks are pretty much a blur. Everyone was so busy being preoccupied with Gigantomachia that you didn't really have too much to do on a day to day basis other than educate yourself and consider ways of telling Tomura that wouldn't lead to him having some kind of melt down.
The more you learned, the more you kind of want to keep the little one you're growing. But you know deep down in the pit of your stomach that neither of you were really in any position to have a child.
Your 'morning sickness' never seemed to settle down. Your sense of smell had been so heightened that even the slightest trigger would make your stomach turn. It was one of the many negative symptoms you were experiencing.
Another was that your moods were all over the place, and you knew it, but couldn't control yourself enough to stop yourself from lashing out at everyone for seemingly minor problems.
Poor Jin had to face the brunt of it, with his occasional contradictory statement being less than favourable towards yourself, and immediately winding you up despite you knowing deep down that nothing harmful was truly meant by it.

With the sickness not getting any better, and being sporadic about when it occurred, Tomura must have told the others to keep an eye on you, as they continued to take it in turns to keep you company, even if you wanted to sit silently, stewing in your bad moods.
You had barely seen Tomura since the appearance of Gigantomachia. He was fully fixated on bringing the enemy down, making him submit to him like Doc had asked him to.
You occasionally saw him when he stumbled in, over tired and over worked, flopping onto the floor near to you before instantly falling asleep.
You'd never in your whole time with him seen him fall asleep so easily, and if you hadn't missed him so much, you'd almost be relieved that he was finding it so easy to fall asleep.
You needed to tell him. You know you needed to tell him. But there never seemed to be a good time.
Dabi had pretty much reached a point where he was getting sick of being the only person that knew about it, what with you having no-one else to discuss pregnancy facts with as you learned them over time. He kept asking you when you were going to tell Tomura, and then eventually began getting lazier and lazier about keeping it quiet himself, probably hoping one of the others would catch on and blab to Tomura while they worked together.

You knew he was doing it on purpose, there was no way he couldn't be.
At first it was barely noticeable for even you, and then somehow over time it became more and more obvious digs about you being pregnant.
You'd almost ended up in a screaming match with him after he'd made a snide comment about how you were 'eating for two' when you'd dared sit with them all during a short break from Gigantomachia to have some lunch while he slept.
Luckily the others didn't seem to think too much of it, putting it down to the fact that Tomura hadn't really been eating since you'd all gotten there, but you'd been eating more.
The argument had been cut short when Tomura had grumbled at you both to sit down and shut up because he had a headache. He'd given you his food, glowering at Dabi and reminding him that you were sick and that you could eat as much of his food as you wanted.
Dabi had glared back at him for a second before giving a small snort of derision and muttering 'you're so dense' under his breath.

It was lucky Tomura hadn't heard him, he was getting more and more delirious as time went on thanks to the lack of sleep, and it was getting to a point you were all a little worried about his predictability.
Currently, he was resting quietly while Gigantomachia slept, his face resting on his folded up arms.
Toga had come to get you to let you know that Tomura was finally resting again, so you were following her out towards the patch of land they'd all been occupying for weeks.
Jin appeared to be on the phone, looking a little panicked at Tomura. When you both get a little closer, Jin practically launches the phone towards you both, narrowly missing your stomach.
"Twice!" Dabi growls, drawing Tomura's attention, who was also scowling at the fact Jin had been so careless about where he'd thrown the chunk of metal.
"Nice of you to warn us." Tomura says aloud, but seemingly not to anyone in particular. "What do you really want?"
You stand beside Spinner, who was watching with a small furrow between his eyes.
"What's going on?" You ask softly.
A crackly voice comes through the discarded phone by your feet.
"Destro must be the one to lead this revolution, and your name has gotten too big. So your destruction at our hands will be the second big event of the Liberation Army!"

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