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"You can't be serious." You say in disbelief as Tomura tries to kiss you the second you walk through the bedroom door. You manage to duck out of it, but his eyes are angry, like you'd just insulted him in the most vile way possible.
"We have time." He mutters, before closing his eyes and going to kiss you again.
You duck again, earning a deep growl from him as he meets the air rather than your face.
"Why?!" He asks, frustrated, his hand flying to his neck.
You stare blankly at him, wondering how someone so intelligent could lack basic common sense sometimes.
After all, it was hypocritical of him to claim you as his own without any discussion back on your part, get jealous whenever any other guys came near you, but he didn't seem to be expectant of the exact same behavior in return.

Truth be told, you weren't overly bothered by him looking at the women. You weren't stupid. He was a wanted criminal, who would immediately be tipped off if he even set foot towards another woman. He also had no conversational skills at all with new people. You'd had the other members of the League as constant company for months now, and even now you weren't overly sure they were too keen on him, or if they even knew where they stood with him either.
"Use your brain, Tomura." You sigh with a roll of your eyes, taking your jacket off to throw on more extra layers.
If you were going to the warehouse to meet this recruit Twice was so excited about, you were bound to be cold.

Tomura remains silent. You can hear his fingernails still raking across his neck as you pull out another hoodie and turning to face him after it was on.
His ruby eyes were burning into the wall opposite as he clawed at his skin. You were certain that if he focused any harder, you might be able to see steam leaving his ears. Your eyes pick up on the beginning trickles of blood and sigh, swiping two fingers over the back of his hand.
"Figure it out later. Lets go meet this guy Twice is so hyped about."
His hand pauses for a second before giving one final scratch with a grunt, immediately bending to pick up the hands lying on the floor.

You grimace the second his fingers make contact with the grey, disembodied hands.
"Wait, Tomu." You say, leaning behind him and pressing a hand on the side of his neck. "Before you put those on."
He remains quiet as you heal the small scratches, the slight uncomfortable burn practically nothing compared to the other wounds you'd taken for him. The second you move your hand away, he mutters a small thank you, returning to picking up the hands and wrapping them over his jacket, neck and head.
Your top lip pulls as he puts Father into place, going to crack his neck as he turns to face you.
"Lets go." He grumbles.
You nod. "Let me just clear this blood up."

You could feel it dripping down your neck slowly, and it was tickling. Tomura just hums, clearly still lost in thought as he walks past, walking slowly down the stairs towards an expectant Kurogiri.
"Be there in a sec." You call as Kurogiri's eyes move towards you.
"Hurry." Tomura says bluntly, as though you'd spoken to him and not Kurogiri.
You throw him a glare at the top of the stairs before quickly rushing to the bathroom and wiping your neck down with a wet towel.
Quickly dabbing it dry to avoid setting the cuts off again, you rush down the stairs with loud joints.

"Are you ready Miss Y/N?" Kurogiri asks.
"Lets go." You reply, throwing your hood up.
"I hope it's a girl!" Toga chants excitedly, skipping through the Warp Gate the second it manifests.
"Always the optimist." Compress says, tucking his cane under his arm as he walks through behind her.
Magne remains silent, hauling her metal pillar along through the portal.
You follow through, too. Unsurprised when you almost instantly feel the cool air of the abandoned warehouse. You wrap your jacket tighter around yourself, watching as the others take their places around the back of the warehouse.

Your ankles were hurting pretty badly after walking for so long. You'd been an idiot to jump from any height considering how weak your bones were even on a good day. You should have taken painkillers before you left the hideout.
You settle on top of the crate alongside Compress, Toga sitting below your feet. Magne sits on one of the other empty crates opposite, cradling the hunk of metal she always carried around, leaning her head against it as she looks over at the Warp Gate, Tomura walking through casually, Father and his pale hair covering his face from view.
He stands, leaning against the metal wall beside you, facing the entrance point.

You all sit in silence for a little while before Toga tries breaking the ice.
"Big sis Y/N, do you hope it's a girl?" She asks, her head moving up to look at you.
You look down at the young girl, innocent curiosity on her face for once. No twisted smile, no hidden intent. Just eagerness for another person like her.
"I don't care." You reply honestly. "But I hope you get what you want."
You weren't exactly her dream friend. Whenever she tried to get you to dress up or play with makeup you weren't interested. Magne sometimes entertained the excitable girl, but Toga always seemed to want more than what either of you offered.

A wide, toothy grin appears on her face as she beams up at you.
The creaking of the warehouse door attracts all of your attentions, even Tomura shifting slightly as Twice's head appears around the door, his foot sliding the other door open too, flooding the place with dim light.
Your breath hitches as you spot the new recruit. The telltale plague doctors mask told you everything you needed to know about his existing affiliation.
"You brought us a crazy big fish, huh, Twice?" Tomura asks, cocking his head slightly.
Big fish was an understatement. Twice had brought you Yakuza member.

"Big fish? That's ironic..." The Yakuza man retorts, his voice a low drawl. "League of Villains."
"What? Is that guy someone famous?" Magne asks, turning to look at Tomura.
You crack your neck anxiously, not wanting to look away from the masked man as he stood beside Twice.
Tomura hums. "Sensei showed me a picture of him before. He's what you'd call a 'yakuza'."
You decide to ignore the fact that he'd seen a picture of this exact member before and not you, remembering that up until Sensei left, you were simply around to heal Tomura when needed.

"The young head of the Shie Hassaikai." Tomura muses aloud.
"The young head of the Shie Hassaikai?! So he's the number two of organized crime?" Magne begins to flap. "Oh my. I've never seen anything like him! He smells dangerous."
Your lip twitches in disgust at the last comment, still not looking away from the young head, even as his cool yellow eyes land on yours.
"Organized crime?" Toga asks, looking up at you and Compress.
You ignore her, allowing Compress to explain the history of organized crime and the Yakuza to her, instead choosing to keep your eyes trained on the new recruit, much like Tomura was.

The man talking catches your attention, breaking the silence you'd created with your focus on him.
"So why is this impoverished Yakuza boy here?" Compress asks in the most condescending way you'd ever heard him speak to anyone before. "Are you also on a high after All Mights retirement?"
"No. Its less about All Might and more about the loss of All for One." He replies.
You pick up on Tomura shifting slightly, doing a awful job of hiding the sore spot he'd just hit.
"My generation treated him like an urban legend, but our elders believed they had reason to fear him. Even after he was rumoured to be dead."
You shudder, remembering the intense pain you'd felt trying to heal the injuries he'd suffered.

"In other words right now, for both those in the sun and those in the shadows, there is no leader. So who will be the next leader?" He asks brazenly, immediately bringing about a change in the atmosphere of the room.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now