(Tomura) Reunited.

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Tomura was on a mission. He didn't even care that Compress had completely ignored his rule of teaming up in twos so that no-one would get distracted while in this building. He hadn't even said a word to Tomura, thinking he was slick as he dove into a room directly after the rooms 'owner' had winked at him as they passed.
He wonders to himself about how Dabi and Spinner were getting on, unconvinced that either one of those two would be able to stop themselves from going after a woman if the opportunity arose, either. It was a weak pairing on his part, and he knew it, but he couldn't be everywhere at once.
Grumbling to himself as he passes through the hall about the ineptitude of Compress, he scratches at himself in frustration. For a second, he questions his decision to leave Kurogiri waiting for them outside, frustrating him even more. With a final scratch, he lowers his hand.

It was fine. He didn't need him anyway. He was more than capable of handling this himself. After losing his arm, Tomura supposes that his subordinate could probably use the pick-me-up. Tomura was familiar of the feeling since having sex with Y/N regularly. He couldn't blame him for wanting a vice, either.

Tomura was a little surprised that none of the women standing outside their doors seemed to be put off or scared by his own appearance, only a couple of them catching on to the disembodied hands that covered the entirety of his upper body. They didn't outwardly react though, simply looked away from the offending items, smiling politely at him, clearly searching for his eyes behind the fingers of Father.
Tomura looked back over them all as he passed, too. Searching for the familiar pink eyes and pink hair that he'd spent the majority of his life with. His right hand, his player two. As he passes, and is disappointed time and time again when he was met with completely different colours instead, he considers the idea that they may have changed her appearance in fear of this happening. They could have dyed her hair, put her in a wig, put contacts in. There were a multitude of possibilities.
Hearing sudden screaming from the other side of the building, Tomura freezes in his path for a moment before slowly turning his head to gauge the other womens reactions. They all remain still outside their doors, a couple even looking slightly relieved as he turns to look back at them.
It wasn't until the screaming rapidly turned into more voices than just one that they all started to look amongst themselves and shift their feet slightly.

Relieved that at least one of them was doing their job, Tomura presses on at a little more of a speed than he had been previously, wanting to catch Y/N before there was a stampede of nearly naked women to fight through.
Two men rushing down the stairs as Tomura makes his way up don't even have time to react before there's a palm on each of their faces, their bodies rapidly decaying and falling to the floor as ashy particles, not even slowing Tomura slightly. He doesn't even flinch as he does it, his hands twitching by his sides as he continues to walk up to the third floor, coolly opening the door to the hallway, only to be greeted with the same sight of women lined up outside their doors, a couple women missing from the line. They're silent as he passes, all of them looking a little tetchier than the ones downstairs had been, the screaming clearly unsettling them all.

Tomura almost felt like he was playing one of those looping hallway games that he'd once owned back at the bar. He just needed a sign that the layout was going to change, a sign that the boss was close.

No sign of the familiar shade of pink that always came with Y/N appeared as he cleared the second hallway, looking for a familiar scar instead, the one laying across her collarbone, or the one running down her stomach.
The added search for scars instead of hair and eye colour slows Tomuras reaction time ever so slightly, two men managing to make it for long enough to shout out a "hey!" at him before his legs dashed him forward, the strength from his push to their faces enough to force them to the floor, Tomuras hands shoving them down hard as he watches their heads crack like glass before turning to ash, completely forgetting about all the women behind him that lay witness to it as it happens until he hears a couple of whimpers of fear from behind him.
Standing slowly, he doesn't even turn to face them, instead letting out a clear order before continuing on his path.
He hears the scrambling and panicked bickering as he continues to walk on, making his way through yet another door to go up another flight of stairs and end up at another hallway full of women.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang