(Tomura) Chocolate.

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Tomura wasn't planning on keeping his fingers on her head, but the way they all kept looking at her crumpled up on the floor was making him feel as though he had to.
"Shouldn't you move her to the couch?" Compress asks, finally. "She's hurt."
"She's fine where she is." Tomura assures, trying to keep his voice steady like Y/N had told him to.
"I don't know, Shigaraki... that was a pretty deep cut. I think I'm gonna move her." Magne says, getting up.
"Do not move her." Tomura hisses, his fingers tangling in her hair.
They all stare at him a little disconcerted.

"If she sleeps she'll heal faster. Leave her alone." Tomura spits. He moves forward, lifting the hoodie that covered her body ever so slightly, revealing the cut that had already begun stitching itself together.
He's thankful Dabi's not here. He wouldn't have proved the point if he had been around.
The others all hum, turning their attention away apart from Toga. Tomura keeps his fingers in her hair to stop Toga from doing anything weird with the sleeping girl resting against the seat.
The longer Toga stares, despite Tomura glaring straight back at her, the more he considers pulling Y/N up with him.

With a grumble, he readjusts himself on the seat to allow for her to join him. He'd be uncomfortable but if it'd ensure no-one touching Y/N then he'd endure it.
The reptilian man looks up at Tomura, attentive and curious like usual. That's why Tomura liked him the most.
"Bring her here." Tomura says, patting his shoulder. "I can't do it from this angle."
He ignores the stares and the slight smirk on Togas face as Spinner approaches, slowly sliding his taloned hands underneath Y/N's body.

As he hauls her up, her back clicks loudly.
"Careful!" Tomura hisses, leaning forward.
"Dude, that was me being careful." Spinner defends in a whispered hiss.
"She does click all the time, Shigaraki." Twice joins in. "Perfectly quiet."
"She's like a broken doll." Toga muses, looking adoringly at the limp Y/N in Spinners arms, her pink hair floating in the air as her head lulls back in Spinners hold.
Spinner lays her as gently and as slowly as he can against Tomura, visibly cringing when she stirs slightly, her baby pink eyes opening and looking straight at him before closing again and nuzzling into Tomuras shoulder.

"Tomura?" She mumbles into his skin, her arm wrapping around his stomach.
That unfamiliar pang in his heart strikes again. He wonders if maybe this time it's anger. Anger from Spinner disturbing her. Anger that she's being so clingy in front of everyone without even thinking twice about it.
As he looks back up at the other members, he's a little relieved to see theres no look of judgement, as though he was weaker for allowing a sleepy Y/N to cuddle into him the way she had. Togas eyes were practically sparkling now.

"Miss Y/N- Ah." Kurogiri calls, stopping by Tomuras feet as they hang over the arm of the chair.
"Go away." She murmurs, moving her body closer to Tomuras.
"Leave her alone. She's sleeping." Tomura hisses quietly.
"Miss Y/N." Kurogiri says, ignoring Tomuras angry glare and hissed warning entirely. "I brought you a gift, to apologise for earlier."
Tomura continues to glower at the mist-like man as Y/N lifts her head slowly to look at Kurogiri.
"What is it?" She asks sleepily, rubbing one of her eyes.
"Chocolates." Kurogiri says, nudging a plate of chocolate towards her.

Tomura eyes them suspiciously.
Why did Kurogiri need to apologise to her? Had she had to heal him, or someone else under his command? Is that why she'd been so hesitant to heal Tomura himself?
Thats what he usually had to apologise to her for, and it made sense the more he thought about it. But she hadn't mentioned anything, and the thought of her adorning scars from other peoples wounds was enough to make his throat start to burn.
"Thanks." She mutters, dropping her head back down to Tomuras chest again.
"I'll leave them here." Kurogiri says, placing the plate on top of the coffee table.
Tomura keeps his eyes trained on the chocolates. They weren't ones that had been left here by the old woman. And they appeared to be dusted with a weird white power, like icing.

"Bring me one of those, Twice." Tomura orders, holding his hand closest to the table out for him to place one in his hand, which he does without even questioning it.
"Wait, didn't Kurogiri say they were for Y/N?" Spinner asks.
"I want one too! I want one!" Toga exclaims, bouncing excitedly on the chair.
"Shut up!" Tomura snaps, and she immediately falls silent, her body stilling too. "Be quiet. She's sleeping. And she won't miss one."
Tomura runs his finger along the dusting on the chocolate, tasting it gingerly.


He frowns at the chocolate before popping it in his mouth.
It was just a normal chocolate. Kurogiri must have gone out to get some for her. Whatever he'd done must have been bad to warrant doing that.
Tomura hums quietly to himself, feeling a little smug. He'd never had to get Y/N gifts to apologise. Usually a hug or an apology itself was enough to placate her, even if she was a little off with him still for a day or two afterwards.
The others begin chatting among themselves, trying to keep the volume down for the sake of Y/N who had well and truly dropped off again.

Tomura gently manoeuvres to pull his phone out of his pocket, managing to do so without accidentally destroying his pants or getting Y/N to stir, and with a lazy grip on the device, he loaded up one of the games he'd downloaded, turning the volume down to ensure it didn't wake Y/N.
Midway through the first game, he becomes painfully aware of the lack of anger, hatred or the itchiness that would set into his skin at random times.
There was nothing.
He was empty.

His lips pull up.
The feeling is uncomfortable. New. He doesn't like it. Not at all.
The voices of the others as they banter between each other should have been pissing him off.
Mr.Compress' arrogance, Twice's contradictory outbursts, Toga's over-excitement... it all should have pissed him off. But there was nothing.
He deliberately starts to try losing the games, to return to that familiar and safe feeling of frustration and anger. But it doesn't work. He knows he's deliberately losing.
The frustration that he can't feel frustration works, though, and he begins to lean into the feeling, surprisingly grateful for its return.

The second Dabi walks in the room again, his hair dishevelled, circular dark patches in his scarred neck, and claw marks down the unscarred patches of his arm, his eyes rest for a little too long on Y/N for Tomura's liking, and that familiar itch begins to burn under Tomuras skin again.
Dabi reaches for the chocolates on the table despite Tomuras gaze on him. "Don't mind if I do."
"They're for Miss Y/N!" Kurogiri snaps as Dabi chucks it in the air, throwing his head back to catch it in his mouth.

The change in tone in Kurogiris voice immediately draws everyones attention, even Dabis near-fluorescent eyes moving to meet Kurogiris yellow ones.
"Cool your jets. She won't notice one is missing." Dabi drawls while chewing the chocolate before flopping onto the sofa beside Compress.
Tomuras eyes remain fixed on Kurogiri, however. The rare form of anger that Kurogiri had never shown before had piqued his interest.

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