(Tomura) Commence.

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Tomura had been scratching at himself for a while now. He was aware of the cold blue eyes that would settle on him from time to time, only breaking their burning gaze when his hand would drop from his neck with an unimpressed grunt.
So he'd started scratching at his arms instead. They were under the table as he sat facing Giran, a little more undetectable than his usual spot. The silver haired man sat opposite him was not telling him what he wanted to hear. In fact, it sounded to Tomura that he was trying to discourage them from going after Y/N,
"I'm telling you there will be guards around every corner." Giran explains, the smoke from his cigarette threatening to sting Tomuras eyes as the older man waves his hand around. "He keeps his businesses watertight. Dabi should know."
Tomuras eyes turn to glance over at Dabi, who was suddenly finding the glass of whiskey in his hand a lot more entertaining than he had been prior.
"Dabi." Tomura states, looking expectantly over at his subordinate who had practically perched himself on the edge of the seat of the booth they all sat at.

Dabi's shoulders drop in a silent sigh, his eyes rolling from the glass up to Giran, a coldness behind them that even rivaled their usual tone. Tomura didn't care about what Dabi got up to in his spare time, he didn't even care that he'd likely had to have spent money that was hard to come by with them all since Sensei's downfall, he just wanted Y/N back at this point.
The thought of her alone, potentially being used by Kenji in one way or another, or even potentially laying dead somewhere was enough for the itch he'd been trying to avoid to start burning up in the sides of his neck again, his fingers flexing underneath the table as he tries to keep a hold of himself.
"Yeah there were a few." Dabi replies coolly.
"Enough to handle between the four of you?" Giran asks, a little too derisively for Tomuras liking.
"We can handle it." Tomura replies, trying to keep his voice even instead of adding the spite he wanted to behind the sentence.
He'd been struggling to keep his temper under control again since Y/N's disappearance. He was itchy all the time. Frustrated constantly. His brain was constantly ticking over with where she could have gone, how they managed to take her so easily.

The scene was playing out like a glitchy, pixelated cut-scene in his head. He couldn't quite figure out Kenjis Quirk. The rules around it. How it worked. And it was infuriating. Tomura wasn't stupid, and he knew it. But being so utterly useless in this situation, and feeling an overwhelming amount of failure from not being able to stop her from being taken had set up camp in his head, and it showed no signs of leaving anytime soon.
He almost wished that he had Twice here to act as a buffer between them all. Dabi wasn't exactly approachable, even if he did whatever Tomura asked, and Tomura knew that he wasn't the best person to deal with from time to time. He was abrasive. Whenever he tried to be calm, or nice, it came out harsh and blunt regardless. It had happened with Y/N enough times to make him wince slightly whenever it happened, and he cared about her a lot more than he cared about Giran.

"I know you all far too well to try and put you off going." Giran shrugs, the light gleaming off his glasses as he does so. "I'm sure I don't need to remind you all that until you have her back, you don't have a second go at getting her back."
Tomura's lips turn up into a slight snarl, and before he gets the chance to spit his venom at the man, Dabi's raspy, bored voice interrupts.
"Yeah, you don't need to remind us." Dabi replies, setting his glass down on the table loudly before sliding out from the booth, standing and looking down at Tomura with lazily half-lidded eyes wordlessly.
Tomura slides himself across the seat too, nodding his head at Dabi, who dunks his hand into one of the pockets of his leather jacket, pulling out a envelope heavy with cash and throwing it carelessly onto the table in front of Giran as Tomura stands beside him, throwing his hood over his hair.
Giran and Dabi had both tried to reassure him that this was a villain friendly bar, but Tomura was still on edge again now he was within view of others outside the safety of the booth they'd been sitting in.
"Oh, no need for that." Giran says, waving his hand as if to gesture to take the cash away.

Tomura eyes him suspiciously.
"You love money, old man." Dabi answers just as dubiously, sticking his hands in his pockets.
"It'd feel wrong to take it." Giran replies, laying his fingertips onto the end of the envelope and pushing it towards the two. "Go get her back."
Tomura eyes the packet that had made its way back to them before giving a single hum of agreement, encouraging Dabi to pick it back up and slide it back into one of his pockets.
"Thanks." Tomura says simply, before walking out of the bar, keeping his head slightly hung the entire time, his hair hiding his face from the other patrons.
Dabi skulks silently behind him until they turn a corner, Tomura already having dialed Kurogiri, hanging up as soon as he answers, knowing that he'd have understood what was wanted from him.
"When are we going?" Dabi asks, blue eyes peering up at Tomura from his own phone, his fingers paused over his screen mid-text.
"Now." Tomura replies bluntly, only pausing momentarily as Kurogiris portal opens fully before continuing to walk straight through with little care as to how far away Dabi was from him as he does so.

He steps through the portal into the living area of the shack, Spinner and Compress looking expectantly at him. They knew that he'd gone to meet Giran, and they knew what for.
Before they open their mouths fully to ask what was going on, Tomura interrupts as he walks through.
"We're going."
"Now?!" Spinner asks, darting up as obedient as ever.
"Now." Tomura replies, heading up the stairs to change. As he leaves, he hears Dabi explaining everything that transpired with Giran to them, his low voice rumbling through the floorboards.
Tomura slides on his long trench coat, retrieving the hands that he usually adorned whenever he was out in public anyway, ensuring the fingers were wrapped around him tight.
He listens to the thundering of feet coming up the stairs, pausing and looking at the closed door skeptically, the disappearance of Y/N a few days ago sending his brain into hyperdrive, any new, foreign sound becoming a red flag for him, expecting Kenji to come back to take more from him.
There's no interruption, the door remaining closed as two sets of slower paced steps follow the first lot up the stairs too, Dabi and Compress' voices trailing through the air and barely making it through the bedroom door.

Relaxing, Tomura continues to pick the hands that he'd moved from the floor onto the bed while Y/N had been gone. Sometimes he would brave the empty room, comforted only by the presence of the disembodied hands, sometimes he'd sleep slumped against Compress' bedroom wall.
He was thankful that Dabi hadn't really been around too often since Y/N's disappearance. Tomura hated to admit it, but everything felt wrong without her around. He had started beginning to feel like he was being held together with a very loose thread, the other half of him, the more logical and calm side, missing. He knew had Dabi made one stupid comment then there would be nothing to hold him back from that thread snapping.
Securing Father, he leaves the room, coming face to face with Spinner, Dabi and Compress as they wait for him in the hallway.
Spinner stands straight, and Dabi kicks himself off the wall he'd been leaning on, Compress still leaning upright on his cane, his mask to the side of his head.
Tomura lazily gives his neck a scratch, his eyes scanning over them all quickly.

"Let's go." 

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now