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You stare at the remains of the book you'd been holding, entirely happy within your own mental space, living inside the fantasy world the author had created, ignoring Tenko's calls, grabs and huffs.
Your pink eyes travel up to Tenko, your blood beginning to warm under your skin.
"I was reading that." You hiss, your throat becoming thick with anger. Sensei had just brought you that book, and it was new! It wasn't from a library, no markings anywhere on the pages that indicated being owned previously. No folds in the pages, no cracks in the spine...

"I want to play." Tenko says, matching your glare and folding his arms over his chest.
"I don't want to play with you." You say, shoving him roughly.
The act throws him off entirely, you never usually lost your temper. Especially not with him, and especially not with Sensei watching from the window.
His lips pull up into a half-snarl and his palms shove you back equally as rough, your foot falling into the pile of ash that had previously been once solid, a book. A book that you'd been so excited to receive.
"You promised!" He growls. "You said you'd play with me once you finished the chapter!"

"It was a long chapter." You seethe. "Sensei got me that!"
Tenko looks over to the widow, his crimson eyes taking in the shape of Sensei as he watches you both. If he's scared he doesn't let it show, his entire body remaining in a defensive position as his eyes snap back to you.
Your temper is completely lost though. You yourself couldn't care less if Sensei was watching either. This was the third time this week Tenko had destroyed something of yours to get your attention.

First, he had destroyed a candy bar you'd been gifted by a elderly lady while out begging. You'd tried, unsuccessfully, to hide it from him, not wanting to share it with him. At the time he had looked apologetic, and had claimed it was an accident desperately to Sensei who had appeared once you'd started thumping your fists into Tenkos chest in frustration.
The second time, you'd happily been playing by yourself, making a mud pie in the garden you were in now. Tenko had been pestering you to play with him, bored of watching you play in the mud, your fingers able to grace the dirt in a way his weren't.
One second, you'd been stirring the mud with a stick, and the next second, your hand was just a balled up fist with a sand-like substance dropping from your grasp.

Minor things, but now, with the loss of the new book that Sensei had graciously gotten you, as a reward for doing so well begging, you'd had enough.
The careless, unapologetic look on his face despite you being visibly angry did nothing to help your anger, and before you know it you've managed to topple your blue haired companion onto the floor, his head banging against the floor with a crack.
His hands begin to flail, in desperate attempts to try and make contact with your skin or your dress.

"I hate you!" You yell, your voice reaching a level of volume that was very rare. Compared to Tenko, you were the meek one. The controllable one. Less of a loose cannon. A yin to his yang.
"You ruin everything!" You say, grabbing one of his wrists and slamming it into the ground. "Stop messing up my stuff!"
Tenko writhes and grunts underneath you, trying to free himself before his eyes widen and his body stills.

You should have known Sensei wouldn't have allowed you to continue your rage filled assault on Tenko, his wrist bloodied from being scraped into the floor time and time again, making sure you'd repeat the action whenever his free hand swung towards you.
As Sensei pulls you up from the Tenkos still body, scruffing you by the neck of your dress, you allow your arms and legs to fall limp, accepting your fate. You still glared down at Tenko as you got lifted higher and higher into the air, your dress now uncomfortably tight around your throat.

"What is going on here?" Sensei says, calmly. His deep voice not giving away any emotions just yet.
"Tenko ruined my book!" You yell, pointing at the red eyes child that was now pushing himself into a sitting position using his one uninjured arm.
"Tomura." Sensei corrects you patiently before his attention falls to Tenko, his arm lowering your body slightly. "Is this true?"
Tomura looks a little shyly up at Sensei, the fear he'd swallowed earlier clearly rising up in him now.
"I didn't mean to." He offers weakly.
"He's lying!" You spit angrily, lurching towards him again despite being hung in the air.

"Y/N." Sensei warns, his deep voice somehow becoming deeper. The tone of danger. You still yourself, still glaring down at Tomura with your baby pink eyes.
Sensei lowers you down entirely, albeit very slowly, until your feet are on solid ground. His grip on the back of your dress remains tight, though.
"Right, both of you." Sensei says firmly, crouching so he's in line with you both to hold eye contact. "Y/N, heal Tomura's wrist."
You puff your chest out as you look at the wonky, limp wrist that hung by Tomura's side.

"Now." He says, gruffly, tightening the grip on your clothes. The warning is silent, but evident. So you furrow your eyebrows, reaching your hand out for Tomura.
He looks a little hesitant for a second, but he does lift his wrist slowly, gingerly placing it in your hand.
A pink glow emits from your hand as you take the injury yourself, a broken bone as well as the grazes on his skin slowly fading from his own and appearing on yours.
You wince the second you feel your bone snap, the sound audible to everyone around you.

"Don't do it if you can't handle it yourself." Sensei reminds you, something you'd heard at least a handful of times since he'd taken you in.
"Now." He says, letting go of you and standing slowly, looking down at you both with a stern glint in his eyes. You drop Tomuras wrist, unsure if you could have held it any longer with how much pain your own wrist was in. It flops faithfully back to Tomuras side, his eyes fully trained on the towering man you both called Sensei.

"Both of you need to play nicely." He says, his voice clear and concise. "Tomura, stop ruining Y/N's belongings. Y/N, I don't want to have to tell you to heal any more of Tomura's bones. Behave, the both of you."
You both bow your heads slightly, your eyes upturned as Sensei walks away. Once he's out of sight, you follow after him. Not wanting to hang around with Tomura.
Your wrist hurt, and your heart was still filled with anger.
"Y/N." Tomura calls, quietly, but you ignore him, your eyes brimming with tears as you storm off.
"Y/N!" Tomura calls again, louder this time. You ignore him again, throwing the front door open.


"Y/N." Tomura's voice says, and you're met with the  cold, night air as the blankets are ripped off you.
It's a phantom pain, and you know it, but your wrist still aches as you slowly come back to the land of the living.
"What?" You ask sleepily, flicking the aching wrist to crack the bone, hoping that'd ease the pressure ache in the joint before turning to face him properly, a little pissed off at the rude awakening.
Your mouth drops open as you manage to pick up the sight of him, his hands covered in blood and hanging limply by his side as he looks down at you, a little blood spatter on his face.

"I need your help." He says, nodding his head towards the open door. "Come on."

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now