New Beginnings.

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Tomura slept for two days, only waking up for short intervals to eat, drink and hobble to the bathroom, refusing help from anyone as he tried to walk on his broken leg.
You hated that he did that. Although your body allowed wounds and broken bones to heal at an accelerated rate, you knew the pain that came with a broken limb and you knew for a fact he was making his own life harder by not allowing any of the other guys to go with him to keep him stable if he needed it.
You stayed with him, naturally. Although he decided he didn't like you leaning over onto his bed, getting a little snappy about you folding yourself over to rest, so eventually he attempted to shift more to one side to allow you more room to get onto the bed beside him. It was still uncomfortable, but it made him happy, and you had missed being able to be so close to him, so you sucked it up.
It was surprisingly relieving that everyone knew about the pregnancy now. Toga was still weak, but whenever you'd gone to check on her she'd gushed about her excitement for the baby.

Dabi was still as unbothered as ever as he came and went as he pleased, likely having heard enough about it within the past few weeks. Compress and Spinner were wonderful during morning sickness bouts, not allowing you to go through it alone, holding back your hair and rubbing your back through it during the short stints you had away from Tomura.
Jin had accidentally brought the fact they were comforting you during those times up in front of Tomura during one of his spells of being fully conscious and you'd frozen beside him, expecting one of his jealous fits, but instead he'd looked down at you with a furrowed brow, asking if it was really normal to throw up that much. He was concerned, not angry.
You'd been taken aback by it for a moment, but had begun telling him all the things you'd learned about morning sickness through the books that Dabi had gotten you. When you had both been younger, Tomura often liked hearing about and seeing the medical books that Sensei would bring you. Pregnancy was a little different, but as you'd started reeling off facts at him, his crimson eyes had stayed on you, giving you his undivided attention.
You maybe shouldn't have been surprised, Tomura was always eager to learn, knowledge was power, after all.

You'd all ended up spending about a week in Garaki's cut off area of the hospital. He had been getting antsy about you all being there the longer you stayed, so he ended up using some shady experimental medicine he'd claimed he'd been sitting on, waiting for the right opportunity to try it out, on Toga, who was arguably in the worst shape out of all of them. It seemed to work pretty well. Asides from her sight in one eye, the rest of her wounds seemed to heal pretty quickly. Garaki, seemingly thrilled with how well the medication worked, then ended up giving some to Jin, who's arms healed within a day after taking it.
Tomura seemed wary of the mystical medicine and refused to take any, despite knowing there was no risk. Garaki had shrugged, saying it was his loss. Tomura didn't seem too bothered by the prospect of having to hop around on one leg and crutches for a few more weeks despite the comment anyway.
You did wonder where the medication had come from, and how he'd even managed to make it, but decide that ignorance is bliss. You were just thankful that it didn't kill anyone, knowing the more gruesome outcomes to Garaki's experiments in the past.

Garaki kept having 'private' chats with Tomura too, which was making you a little nervous. You didn't like being left out of things, especially after Sensei giving Tomura special talks and treatment your entire childhood. You sat outside the room obediently, staring at them both through the small glass strip in the door, trying to lip read unsuccessfully.
Tomura wouldn't spill what it was they'd been discussing, which was even more infuriating. He claimed it didn't need to affect you, and that he was sorting it out by himself. Something told you he was hiding something pretty major from you, but wasn't going to give you even the slightest hint of what it was that he deemed worthy of keeping a secret from you. Neither of you had really had a chance to have secrets before, what with sharing a room your entire lives, so this was new territory, and you weren't enjoying it at all.

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