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You wake up with a dull ache in your stomach again, refusing to let you fall back asleep. Tomura is as still as ever behind you, the only sign he was even still alive was the ever so shallow breathing you could feel with his back against your own.
You sigh, sliding out of the bed as slowly and as quietly as your body would allow to go and get some more painkillers from downstairs and to refill your hot water bottle.

Your ankles crack down the stairs as you make the way down, something completely unavoidable and you wince with each pop. You hoped that the sounds of your bones were familiar enough that no-one would hop out of their beds and go to defend your makeshift hide-out from you.
You frown as you see the living room light on, ducking your head around the wall to see who was up.

Dabi lounged on the sofa with a beer bottle in his hand, the entire room smelt like smoke and his black hair was even scruffier than usual, a few small bruises visible on his chest and neck.
His glacial eyes move over to you, as he wordlessly sips his beer.
"Did you get in a fight?" You ask. "You look... messy."
A smirk tugs at his lip. "Messy huh?"
"More so than usual." You hum, looking over him again.
He chuckles to himself, placing the empty bottle on the table. "Yeah, well. You shoulda seen her."
"Her?" You parrot, cocking your head. "You got in a fight with a girl?"
His eyes shift to you again before they roll.

"Don't worry about it, doll." He grumbles lowly, sinking further back into the sofa.
"Do you need healing?" You ask.
His hand runs through his hair a little exasperatedly. "No."
"Okay." You say with a nod of your head. "Well, uh... Well done. For not getting hurt, I mean."
He chuckles to himself again. "Sure."
You move away again, returning to the kitchen to put the kettle on and take some painkillers. Once you sorted yourself out, you began to head up the stairs.

Lucky for you, the world seemed to be in your favour for once and you managed to slink into bed without waking Tomura up. Or at least, if you did, he didn't complain about it for once.


When you wake again, you're a little surprised to feel Tomuras back against your own still. He was usually asleep after you and awake before you, and it felt weird him not having done that last night or this morning. He must have been a lot more tired than he let on. Likely tired of having to deal with you and complaints about you the past couple of days.
You start your morning routine of rolling all your joints, immediately stretching out and rolling your ankles, the popping reverberating off the walls of the silent room.
The second you shift, Tomura spins around, his fingers digging into your sides.

"What are you doi-ah!" You squeak, as his face buries into the back of your shoulder, his lower half grinding into you crudely, a growl emanating from his chest.
"I- I'm still bleeding." You choke out between his grinding, his arousal making itself known more and more with each thrust against you as he grew increasingly harder.
"I told you. I'm not afraid of anything." He grumbles behind you.
You roll your eyes. "So you're proving a point."
"Shut up." He hisses, clamping his hand around your mouth.
Your eyes widen as his other hand ducks into your sweatpants.

Suddenly the door slams open, Twice darting into the room.
"Ah! I'm sorry!" He says, covering his eyes with his hand.
"Twice..." Tomura growls, Jin's villain name almost acting like a curse word with how Tomura had drawled it.
"I'm sorry! I really am!" Twice exclaims. "The cops are here again! Kurogiri told me to come and tell you both, he's gonna take us somewhe-"
Tomura slides away from you, growling and grumbling the entire time as he pulls on his villain costume, even meticulously putting the hands over his jacket.

"What are you doing?! Get your shit and go!" Dabi hisses at you, his messy black hair appearing before his face as he hangs his head around the door of the bedroom.
You grumble, kicking the sheets off only to rearrange them so they looked tidy like last time.
"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Twice urges after Tomura and Dabi leave. "Don't worry, I love waiting around!"
"I'm hurrying!" You snap, nearly bumping past him on your way out.
"Um... Y/N." He says. "I'd take those, too, if I were you..."
You follow his eyes to the tablets Kurogiri gave you laying on the bedside table.

You let out a displeased grumble but snatch them off the table, shoving them into the hoodie you'd pulled on in haste.
You and Twice rush into Kurogiris Warp as you hear Toga speaking to two male voices in Mrs Tamada's body. The second you step through, the portal closes, Kurogiri watching you both with his yellow misty eyes.
"You took your time, Miss Y/N."  He says, a little judgementally. "The others are inside." 
You finally take the chance to look around. You recognised the area as the abandoned house you and Dabi had visited a little while ago, but the house itself looked so much more different.

The roof was still bent in the middle, but the holes had appeared to be filled in, lumps of wood covering them. The windows were still smashed, but were boarded up a little better. There appeared to be building materials laying everywhere, wood, bricks and all sorts laying in front of the house, almost placed to make it look like it had been abandoned halfway through the work being done on it. Not that it mattered. It was in the middle of nowhere, no houses or main roads to be seen within the immediate area. Just trees to be seen for what you could only assume was miles.
You look in awe at the outside of the building. Even the wooden pillars that had been caving in on the porch had been worked on, new wooden splints straightening them and making them look like less of a overhead hazard.
"This is what everyone's been doing?" You ask under your breath.

Twice hums, pushing you forward with a gentle hand to the small of your back. 
"It still needs a little work, but it's better, right?" He asks. "Total waste of time."

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora