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"We're seriously going to have to consider moving." Compress urges Tomura. "This morning was a tad too close a call for my liking."
"Work harder then." Tomura shrugs, lazily crunching on a cracker as he lounges on the seat.
You sigh as quietly as you can to yourself. As much as Tomura seemed to think that leadership was the control he had over the others, he seemed to lack the understanding that he'd have to put his back into it too. There was only so long that they'd allow him to boss them around while doing absolutely nothing to help them.
You stay out of it for now, deciding to have a word with him in private to avoid an 'embarrassed' temper-fueled outburst from him in front of the others.

"Why don't you help us?" Dabi asks. "Not like you're helping Twice out."
"I destroy." Tomura hisses. "I don't build."
Magne is listening to Toga rant on about the bruises on Dabi, and you try to focus on that conversation instead of the more serious one that the others were having, trying desperately to keep your attitude to yourself.
"He was back really really late last night." Toga whispers. "I think he has a secret girlfriend."
Magne hums lowly in response, her eyes clearly focused on what the others were doing.
"I wonder if she's cute. Like Ochaco-kun." Toga muses quietly, the minimal response from Magne seeming to be enough for the blonde girl.

You have no idea who the young girl's on about, and you're not enthralled in the conversation. You can't relate to it, having never really been too interested in people or relationships before Tomura started showing an interest in you, and even then you weren't entirely sure what even was going on between you and Tomura.
You hang your head over the back of the sofa before twisting it slightly, the crack it made at the back of your neck drowned out by the sound of the escalating argument between Dabi and Tomura, and the louder whispering of Toga to make sure Magne could hear her over the raising voices.

"Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri interrupts. "I think it's beneficial that you help the others."
Tomura glowers at him, making his displeasure known at the mans two cents being added to the conversation.
"What about Y/N? I'm sure she could help Twice out." Spinner shrugs. Tomuras eyes instantly snap to him, a snarl pulling up on his face, revealing his teeth. "What? She's smart. And her Quirk is strong."
"She hurts." Tomura spits.
"She has those tablets you and Toga got her." Compress argues. "She's been more present lately. She doesn't even sleep during the day anymore."

"I don't mind helping." You say, wanting to nip the disagreement between them all in the bud as Tomura begins to scratch at his neck, the sound going straight through you.
"You hate outside." He growls.
"The others need help. I'm not doing anything else." You shrug.
"You're helping me." Tomura snaps.
"No offence, but she's not been helping anyone. She's been moping around for the past few days." Spinner interjects.
"Hey." You call, a little more sadly than intended. "I'm still here."
"She's been helping him get his dick wet." Dabi sneers.
Tomura lunges for Dabi, taking the burnt man off-guard and knocking him backwards.
"Tomura!" You shout as everyone jumps into action.

Tomura grips onto Dabi's jacket with four fingers as Toga holds a knife to Tomuras neck, Twice, Spinner, Magne and Compress readying themselves to back Toga up.
"Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri warns.
All you can do is watch and pray for him to get off Dabi before the others do anything else. You would easily be overpowered if you attempted to help him out.
Dabi seems entirely unbothered, his blue eyes moved down ever so slightly to meet Tomuras, not even an ounce of fear in them.
"Tomura." You say sternly.
Tomura and Dabi remain staring at each other, neither willing to break the eye contact first.

"Get off him, Shigaraki." Magne warns.
"Or else I'll cut ya." Toga adds cheerfully, swiping the air near Tomuras face with her knife, but not even pulling a flinch from the man.
"All of you, stand down." You say a little shakily. Togas eyes move to you before moving away, but all the others ignore you. "I said, stand down."
You're not sure whether it's the sudden authoritative tone in your voice, the order, or the realisation finally hitting them without you having to say it, but Toga does move away, the others following suit, slowly withdrawing their weapons, asides from Twice who's tape measure slides straight back into the bands around his wrist loudly.

"If he was going to kill him he'd have done it by now." You grumble. "Tomura, let go of Dabi."
Tomura grips him tighter, pushing him harder against the the wall that had kept Dabi propped up. Dabi smirks a little, a mocking glint in his blue eyes.
The two stare at each other for a couple seconds longer before Tomura huffs and lets go of him, Dabi simply watching lazily as he storms out. You follow after him quickly, leaving Kurogiri to deal with the aftermath.
"I apologise for Tomura Shigaraki's behavior." Kurogiris voice travels through the bottom of the house. "He's been... distracted lately."

You grab Tomura's shoulder on the way up the stairs. "Oi."
He shakes you off angrily. "Leave me alone."
"No." You spit. "What the fuck was that?"
"Y/N." He growls, a warning.
"You cannot do that to the others." You chastise. "We're a team, remember? We're gonna lose them if you keep treating them like dogs bodie-"
Tomura slams the bedroom door in your face, like he would have back when you were both teenagers, like he had back at the bar when he was in a mood.

It had been so long since you'd experienced it that it flew you into a rage, and you kicked the door with as much strength as you could muster, immediately sending stabbing pains up your leg from the damaged and inflamed joints that you'd forgotten about in your moment of rage.
"You're a fucking child." You spit at the door. "Some fucking leader you are. You can't even have a conversation!"
The shout left you before you even had time to register it. You cringe at yourself. There was no way that the others hadn't heard you yell that. There was definitely no way that they hadn't heard you kick the door, especially after the wood had threatened to crack.

You had honestly expected the door to fly open, for Tomura to lunge at you much like he had Dabi. He'd done it before over less, so you couldn't imagine it would be any different this time, especially with you insulting his leadership loud enough for everyone to hear.
If he was anything, he was proud, stubborn, and angry to no end.
So you were surprised when the door remained shut, only the faint sounds of a mobile game coming through the wood, as though Tomura had deliberately turned the sound on his burner up to let you know he was ignoring you, like he had done with his computer so many times in the past. Like you had done with your nose in your books when things were flying around and turning into dust during his temper flare-ups, which happened to be far more common than yours.

"Miss Y/N." Kurogiri says from behind you.
You fly around, a little startled. Your breathing was heavy from the pain of your leg and the adrenaline of losing your temper properly for the first time in weeks.
"Lets leave Tomura Shigaraki to think." He says patiently. "I'm sure you're aware he needs time."
You turn to look at the door, wondering what on earth his problem was today. Wondering whether it was Twice interrupting you twice in one day, the cops visiting and putting him under untold stress, whether it was Dabi's lazily drawled pet name of you, the continued jokes about you and Tomura's sex life, or literally anything else. You could never tell when he was like this.

"Why don't you join the others tonight?" Kurogiri asks, his head tilting slightly. "I'm sure it'll be a while yet."

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now