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You sigh, rolling your neck from side to side to try and alleviate the dull ache that had settled at the top of your spine.
Your entire body was aching if you were being honest, especially your hips.
You had felt fine in the morning but as the day went on, you were getting more and more achey throughout the day.
It was no surprise really, Tomura hadn't managed to keep up the gentle act for too long. It was always convenient how he'd remember your aches and pains when it suited him.

You roll your shoulders back, only being granted the sound of your bones squeaking rather than the relief you needed.
The sound of a boot on the patio, the glass door sliding beside you draws your attention. A blue light from Dabis finger lights his mangled face up, the light reflecting off the metal that lined his face.
Taking a deep drag of his cigarette his eyes roll lazily to you.
"What're you doing out here, doll?" He asks lazily, before leaning against the wall with one foot pressed up against it. "You'll catch a cold."
"Needed some quiet." You murmur.

He hums, looking down at you for a split second before raising his fingers to his lips again.
You both stay in mutual silence for a second,  the only sound filling the garden being the crackling of his cigarette with each inhale.
You roll your shoulders again, moving them forward as you you yourself lean forward, seeing if that would manage to get your body to comply with your will.
It doesn't, remaining still and knotted at the top of your back. You're about to sigh and slam your head back against the wall in a small temper before you have a lightbulb moment.

"Hey, Dabi." You say, glancing over at him.
"Yeah?" He asks, flicking some ash onto the grass patch beside him.
"Can you do that thing with my back again?"
He looks over at you with stony blue eyes, his gaze almost reading as judgemental with how expressionless his face always seemed to be.
"Get Shigaraki to do it." He replies simply.
"The only way I see that ending is with me being a pile of dust on the floor." You sigh. "He's way too careful for that."
Dabi raises an eyebrow, a smirk lifting on his patchwork face. "Didn't sound like he was being careful last night."

You ignore the comment, not wanting to feed into his smugness by giving him a response.
"Please. I'm in a lot of pain." You say a little shyly, hating how desperate you sounded.
His eyes roll away, as if he was thinking about something.
"Alright. Lets cut a deal." He says, flicking his cigarette carelessly again. "I'll crack your back if you give me one of those painkillers Shigaraki and Toga got you."
You narrow your eyes at him dubiously.
"Why?" You query.
He looks over at you, condescension clear in his eyes.

You hold your hand out as you shake your head, silently asking 'well?'
"You're not the only one in pain, dollface." Dabi murmurs. "That's one of the things we have in common."  
You blink at him. If he was always in pain, he never showed it. Not like you, always fighting with fatigue, your bones creaking and complaining with any small movement.
"What is it?" You ask, looking over his entire body. Due to the scarring you couldn't see any obvious signs of what may be causing chronic pain, but you supposed people couldn't see yours, either. "I might be able to heal it."

His eyes flash over to you, his facial features seeming to soften, his face becoming rounder, as though he'd finally let go of the tension he usually kept in his jaw.
"You reckon you could heal these?" He asks quietly, gesturing to his arm.
You shake your head. "Not scars, no."
He scoffs to himself, looking away again. "Yeah. Figures."
There's a small awkward silence between you both.
"I wouldn't want you to that anyway." He mutters, throwing the butt of his cigarette onto the floor and stamping it in with his boot. "Was just curious."

"I'd do it if it benefitted the League." You shrug.
"That's the fuckin' problem." He snarls.
The tone of his voice almost knocks you back, not expecting the venom from him.
"You never think of yourself." He spits accusingly.
"Watch your tone." You warn, not liking this side of Dabi that you'd never seen before.
He scoffs, offering a mocking smirk. "Or what? Gonna call for Shigaraki?"
You stare him down, unmoving from his icy gaze.
"All I'm saying is to have a little pride. Look out for yourself." He grunts, motioning for you to stand with his fingers. "C'mon, I'll do your back."

You allow him to position you how you'd been before without wiggling this time, sighing in relief as he tugs you up in the air, his staples catching on your hoodie when he moves his arms away once you're settled back down on the ground.
"Go get those pills." He orders, stepping through the door, looking over his shoulder nonchalantly at you. "I don't get why you haven't sooner if you're hurting that bad."
"I don't wanna be ill again." You mumble.
"You eaten?" He asks.
You nod slightly.
He rolls his head away from you, continuing to walk through the kitchen. "I'll talk to Shigaraki about your back."

"Yeah, good luck with that." You mutter as you step through the patio doors yourself, your arms wrapping around yourself as you suddenly feel the cool night air through your clothes now Dabi was gone.
You wander upstairs, listening to the muffled conversations the majority of the League were having, your ankles popping with every step you took.
It was a good job Tomura never seemed to expect you to do burglary work, otherwise you would have given yourself away the second you set foot in strangers houses.

You retrieve the painkiller bottle from the table on Tomura's side of the bed, sliding it into the pocket of the hoodie. You think about putting the entire bottle in his room. After all, they had gotten two. But his words were still spinning in your head.
"You never think of yourself."
You needed them too, and they were retrieved for you specifically. You settle on the idea of just giving some on his bad days if needed as you walk quietly down the stairs.
Hearing Tomura and Dabis muffled voices halfway down the stairs made you stop on the step you were on, your ankles cracking obnoxiously and making you cringe.

"No, like this." You hear Dabi say, his raspy voice muffled through the walls. "Use the heel of your hand."
"That hurts jackass." You hear Tomura hiss.
You lower your head, looking over the bannister as slyly as possible. Dabi had the heel of his hand pressed firmly into Tomuras back, Tomuras head turned to look at him furiously.
Dabi clocks you hanging over the stairs, lazily regarding you before crunching his hand into Tomuras back and getting a array of pops that even you could hear to come from his spine.

Tomura growls from the feeling, the low noise seeming to reverberate through the walls.
"Get off me." He grumbles, and Dabi obliges, literally stepping away from him.
"Got it now?" Dabi drawls, leaning against the fridge.
"Yeah, yeah." Tomura spits. "I could do it anyway."
"Sure." Dabi responds with a roll of his eyes.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now