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The first week trying to get things in order was tough. You and Tomura were struggling to keep everything and every one in order without Kurogiri around. In ways that you hadn't even realised would be an issue, like meal times. None of you necessarily knew how to cook, and you didn't have the money to get take out every day, three times a day.
You all ended up living off cup noodles, mostly. Sometimes Toga would use a little blood to go shopping, to bring back fresh ingredients to put in the noodles after Compress complained of the diet you were all subjected to.
In the mornings, Tomura would either wake you up with his head between your legs, or working you through an orgasm as he penetrated you from behind. Finally allowing him to sleep with you while the others had been away had set him off again, always needing you, no matter how inappropriate the timing.
In the afternoons and evenings you'd either join him, or one of the others trying to find homes that looked relatively wealthy as well as easy to break into. Sometimes you'd accompany Compress in pick-pocketing. Sometimes you'd watch over Toga as she robbed stores. Dabi never wanted you to join him with recruiting, saying you slowed him down. You didn't mind too much. He had a point.

The second week, you start feeling a little sick. You wonder if it's the stress from having nobody to rely on. You were moving more than you had for a while, too. You felt tired all the time. Tomura struggled to wake you in the mornings, and you found yourself taking naps even more, regardless of whether or not you'd needed to use your Quirk.
You wonder if maybe the lack of nutrition you were getting was to blame, too. Your body had become more sluggish, and you were bloated all the time. You just felt... gross.
You try encouraging Toga to get actual ingredients to make meals from. You could at least try to make something of a bit more substance than cup noodles. Dabi would probably make a snarky comment, Twice may accidentally let something slip too, but as long as it's edible, surely it's better than continuing what you all had been doing.

The third week, things were a little smoother. Everyone seemed in higher spirits now you were attempting to cook better, more substantial meals for everyone. They were more energised and eager to try to move forward. Everyone was getting more brazen with their plans. Toga broke into a blood bank, with no-ones help. Tomura, Spinner, Compress and Twice began breaking into museums, searching for expensive goods. Dabi continued to come and go in his own usual way, sometimes helping the others, and sometimes doing his own thing. Sometimes he would just disappear for days.
Everyone seemed to be safe, too. There were no injuries for you to heal, and because the cold that Kenji had kept you in had damaged your joints, you found yourself unable to join them in bigger plans, sat bored around the base.
You had been napping on Tomuras seat downstairs, defeated by yet another wave of fatigue when you were woken up with a gentle shake.
You wake up groggily to see Spinner looking down at you.
"Hey... Sorry for waking you." He greets quietly, as though he was waking a baby.
You blink your sleepiness away, stretching your arms out, listening to every joint in them crack as you do so.
"Are you okay?" You ask, your voice thick with sleep.

Spinner was a very timid person. He got on well with Dabi, Compress and Twice. He got on really well with Tomura. But he seemed to struggle with you and Toga.
You weren't used to him approaching you first.
"I'm fine." He says, smiling a little. "We found a new base. It's way better than here!"
You're suddenly awake, your body bolting upright.
"You did?!" You ask, your pink eyes wide.
"We did. It's... a little bloody and dusty at the moment. But we'll get it cleaned up in no time."
You don't even bother thinking too much about the implications of that, too excited to see the new base. The floors of this building had begun rotting through, Twice accidentally putting his foot through one of the floorboards  just the other day. It was becoming inhabitable.
"That... that's great, Spinner." You say, relieved. "So, I need to help you grab our stuff?"
Spinner nods, a taloned thumb pointing in the direction of the door.
"I did most of it, but I didn't want to go through yours and Shigaraki's room."
"Oh, he'd have gotten over it." You say, rubbing your eyes and stretching your legs out, your knees and ankles cracking loudly as you yawn.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now