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"I don't get why I have to drive you there." You mutter, hesitantly pulling down the handbrake.
"Quit your whining and drive." Dabi groans, rolling down the window as you start choking on the polluted air from his cigarette.
"Put it in reverse." Spinner leads, his voice a lot more patient than Dabis as he points a taloned finger towards where you needed to pull the stick towards.
You follow his directions, grinning to yourself as the car begins to roll backwards. It'd been a while since you last drove, and as much as you were excited to try again, Dabis warning of motion sickness was making you more nervous than you had been with Spinner alone.

"That was smooth." Dabi praises, and you grin, not noticing the twisted smirk contorting on his face. "But I betcha had a lot of practice pulling things last night huh?"
Spinner practically chokes and you throw Dabi a glare from the sides of your eyes before spinning the steering wheel violently as it rolled backwards, sending him roughly into the car door.
"Oops." You say with an innocent smile, Spinner immediately beginning to laugh as Dabi straightens himself back out, a hint of genuine anger behind his cold stare.

"Yeah, yeah." He grumbles, flicking the ash inside the car, it landing near to your lap. "You won't be laughing when I throw up on you both."
You ignore the comment, still pretty proud of yourself for catching him off guard as you straighten the car out.
"First." Spinner says, his claw grazing past the skin on the back of your hand. You hum, remembering the basics of how to drive forwards.
You begin a slow pace towards wherever it was that Dabi wanted to go, him and Spinner giving you directions, and occasionally bickering between themselves about which directions were correct.

"Left here." Dabi says, leaning forward to grab a face mask out of his back pocket, sliding it over his face as he somehow manages to cover his unruly hair with the hoodie he wore. "Pull over."
You pull onto a street, it looked like a nice estate, small houses littered everywhere with big front yards.
"Wait, Dabi." Spinner says, grabbing Dabis shoulder from the back seat. "What's the plan here? Who even is she?"
You peer over at Dabi again, curiosity in your eyes. Spinner had asked the questions you hadn't been brave enough to.

"Go home. I'll call you if I need a lift." Dabi says, shaking off Spinners claws effortlessly as he opens the car door. "Nice driving."
You stare as his heated hand appears on the top of your head, ruffling your hair roughly before leaning back out of the car and slamming the door shut, loud thumps coming from the roof before he walks away.
You and Spinner both watch as he walks the street with an almost prowl, his hands deep in his pockets to hide the scarring on the backs of his hands.
"He's so secretive." You murmur. "I wonder why."

"Who knows?" Spinner sighs. "Want me to drive back?"
You hum, unclipping yourself from the seat and opening the door to switch seats.
"What do you think she looks like?" You ask Spinner, clicking the seatbelt back over yourself.
Spinners quiet for a moment as he begins slowly pulling away from the curb again.
"I guess... like him?" He says, a little unconvinced of his own answer. "Black hair. Black clothes. Piercings."
You slide back in the seat slowly. "Yeah I can imagine that."
"I don't know why it was so urgent to see her now though." Spinner grumbles, his claws tightening on the steering wheel.

You muse silently, your neck cracking as you tilt your head to one side, your eyes lazily following Dabi as Spinner drives past him.
"I think he likes pretty girls." You mumble. "Not that what you described isn't. But I always think... you know those blonde girls in that video game you and Tomura used to play back at the bar?"
Spinner looks over at you for a second. "Grand Theft Auto?"
Your eyes roll up as though you're physically searching your brain for the answer.
"Maybe?" You question back.

Spinner chuckles to himself. "I doubt he could ever get someone like that."
"What about you, Spinner?" You ask, rolling your head to face him. "Do you like anyone?"
"Wha- no!" He spits, despite the heat crawling across his cheeks, turning his scales a muddy colour.
"Sure." You simper. "What about that cat hero I've heard so much about? The one from the-"
"Put some music on." Spinner interrupts suddenly, his scales getting muddier and muddier, even at the tips of his ears.
Your smirk even wider, but oblige, taking his phone from his hand.
"The password is just the shape of a Y. You can do that, right?" He asks, his eyes glancing at his phone from the corners.

"I'm not totally inept." You mutter, only to immediately go a little white when you somehow do it wrong.
"Start from the right first." Spinner says, and you don't even have to look up to know he's smirking at you.
You manage to get in the second time, looking to him for further instructions, not wanting another repeat of what happened with Tomuras phone.
"Black one with the green circle." He describes, not bothering to look at you as he stops at a stoplight.

You click on the app he described, your eyes tracing over all the pictures and words.
"Just hit that sideways triangle and put that lead in the bottom." Spinner says, one of his hands moving to retrieve a lead from the centre console of his car.
You hum, pushing the lead in and hitting the play button. You don't even mind that he just over explained something you knew, him doing it in such a patient way that you'd never experienced before made you feel like less of a child for not knowing how technology works.

You stare at the centre console as it lights up, exposing the name of the song as the music starts up, starting off slow and then immediately picking up pace.
You listen to the lyrics intently, your head bobbing along even without you meaning for it to.
Spinner peers over at you, his lips perking up at one side before he looks away.
"You like it?" He asks, a hint of disbelief in his voice.
You hum enthusiastically. "It reminds me of some of the music I used to listen to. Except its a bit cheerier."
"Like what?" He asks. "If you remember, type it in."

You stare at the phone in your hands, clicking on the search bar at the top and typing in the name you vaguely remembered.
Clicking on a random song title, the music starts up, although a lot quieter than the one that was playing before.
"Can't hear it, turn it up?" He says, using his index finger to point upwards.
You turn it up, instantly recognising the song from when you were younger, and almost immediately recognising the lyrics.
Spinners eyes almost start to squint as he listens to the music in silence.

You begin singing along quietly, understanding the political lyrics a bit more now you were older and had the education Sensei and your books had given you about the state of the world and the hero society.
You start bouncing your head slightly again as the chorus starts to pick up.
"You listened to this as a kid?" Spinner asks, his eyebrow raised. "Old punk music?"
"Mm, yeah." You reply, the raised eyebrow quieting you down a bit.
"It's very political." He mumbles.
You blink at him, waiting for him to catch your eye before raising your own eyebrow, immediately getting a half smile from him, remembering where you came from with that look alone.

"I prefer what we had on before though." You admit. "Can we-"
"Go for it." Spinner nods, spinning the steering wheel. "Maybe I'll join you."
"How do I...?" You ask, your eyes scanning over the page.
"Click on the symbol that looks like books. Then go to liked songs." You find the symbol and click on the liked songs options, scrolling through looking for the song title Spinner gave you.
You can feel the glitter in your own eyes as the music starts up again, not even registering the look Spinner gave you, the soft smile on his face as you begin to bounce in your seat to the beat as it picks up.

You hadn't listened to music for so long. You and Tomura could never agree on what to listen to, so you gave up.
"Dabi was wrong." You yell over the music, your smile still wide on your face. "You're not the fun police."
Spinners eyes slowly roll towards you, his soft smile slowly turning into a wide grin, his teeth fully exposed.

That seemed to be the catalyst to get him to join in, belting the lyrics along with you, both of you grinning and bobbing your heads enthusiastically, purple and pink hair thrashing in the car.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now