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Tomuras mood was sour. That was the politest way to put it.
Dabi really had rubbed him up the wrong way by not following through with the plan, and you had a feeling that him touching you had pissed Tomura off, too. You'd never seen such venom in his eyes before.
He had forgotten about his earlier promise, sitting with his fingers drumming on the desk, his eyebrows furrowed, glaring at the wall where the monitor he'd once owned had been.
You were a little nervous to approach him about it. Disturbing Tomura while he was thinking, sleeping or angry was a recipe for disaster.

Instead, you sat on your mattress, back against the wall and your knees brought to your chest. Watching him as he sits at his desk, waiting for his anger to bubble over and explode.
You had wanted to call his name, to grab his attention, but his name had gotten stuck in your throat. He was clearly bothered about something, judging by the new scratch marks on his throat, but there was nothing you could do to soothe him without him talking.
After a few more minutes of silence, you sigh, standing up slowly, your knees popping with the movement.

You approach him slowly, your ankles making your presence known. You gently run two fingers over the back of his hand.
"Tomura." You say, softly.
His eyes snap to you, his head moving out of the palm of his hand enough for his cracked lips to be revealed. He offers no verbal response, just looks at you, an eyebrow raised as he waits for you to tell him why you'd pulled him out of his bubble.
You swallow back the nerves that had settled at the back of your throat and press your lips against his, your hand moving to the back of his head, making sure to avoid his hand as it held his head up entirely.

You wonder to yourself how he managed to hold himself together when he first kissed you, because you were absolutely terrified until you felt his lips part against your own, his tongue managing to find its way into your mouth and flick against your teeth.
He begins to stand slowly, making you have to tiptoe slightly to stop the kiss from being broken. He manages to get both of your wrists grasped in his hand, a pinky finger lifted, his body pushing yours backwards, your feet moving unsteadily backwards until your foot hits a mattress on the floor awkwardly, making your ankle almost fold into itself and your body fall pathetically onto the mattress with a squeak. 

Tomura looks down at you with a cocked head, his eyes undressing you as you lay, a little stunned, on the mattress.
"You said we'd learn something new together." You remind him quietly, wondering if maybe he was staring at you because he hadn't understood where the kiss came from. Usually everything had always been initiated by him. 

"I know." He says, crouching and looking down at you like you were nothing but prey to him. The look makes that lump form in the back of your throat again. 
"What...?" You ask, with a small, nervous laugh.
"You were good, right?" He asks, a smirk tugging at one side of his mouth. "So you need a reward."
You blink at him. Was he going to do the thing with his fingers again? That was good. But he said learn something new... Maybe there was something else you needed to try?
He reaches out for you, his palm connecting with your shoulder and forcing you down onto the mattress as his body hovers over your own.

Suddenly, your shirt is gone entirely, a thin layer of ash barely covering you instead. Your hands immediately fly up to your now bare chest,  your face turning red.
"Tomura!" You yell, embarrassed. 
"Oops." He says with a smirk, making it clear it was not an accident at all, and that he'd meant to do it. You'd already known, he was in plenty of control over his Quirk, it wasn't very often that he 'accidentally' destroyed anything anymore.
"You did that on purpose." You pout, your hands grasping your chest still.

"Shut up." He mutters, swiping your hands away from your chest, pinning your wrists down much like he had the night he'd sucked and nipped at your neck. His lips latching to one of your nipples, tugging at it gently with his teeth and making your eyes widen.
Neither of you had been completely naked in front of each other. You'd seen Tomura topless hundreds of times, him completely unphased about changing in front of you, only ever giving you glares when he needed to change his bottoms. But he'd never seen you bare. And you were feeling a little exposed, vulnerable.

As his drool-soaked tongue runs down the center of your chest to just above your pants line, you begin to writhe underneath him, trying to get free. Too much, too soon. You did not want him to see you that bare. Not yet.
"Stop. Wiggling." He hisses, his hands tightening around your waist, his index fingers lifted. The grip he had on you was bound to leave finger-print shaped bruises either side of you. His eyes look irritated as he looks up at you, his pale blue eyebrows knitting together.
"It's your turn." You offer, a weak excuse to not be naked just yet, to buy more time. If he had less clothes on, you may feel a little more comfortable.

He looks at you with those same angry eyes for a moment before they shoot to the left. He meets your gaze again, an excited shine in his eyes as he smirks slightly.
"You're right." He says, removing his hands from your waist, one of them finding its way to the back of your head, tugging your ponytail back. You hear his belt buckle clink as he flicks his wrist to open it. 
He pulls your head to his crotch, and your eyes widen as he pulls his dick out of his pants, the only ever one you'd seen before being the one that had been in the movie he'd been watching a little while ago, which had appeared to be a darn sight smaller than the one you were faced with now.
He rags your head around slightly by your hair, some of the stray pink strands sometimes appearing within your peripheral, his fist closed tightly around it with his pinky raised.
"Open your mouth." He orders, looking down at you hungrily.
You look up at him, and then back down at the large, erect muscle that was practically brushing against your face.

"My jaw-" You begin to say, earning a growl from Tomura, his hair immediately yanking your head back again, your eyes being forced to meet his own as he lowers his head to yours, his nose practically pressed against your own. 
"Open. Your. Mouth." He orders again, tugging your hair with each word. 
You hate how wet you could feel yourself getting with every order, every harsh tug of your hair, and even the expectant and angry look in his eyes. He'd clearly gravely misunderstood what you'd said by 'it's your turn.' 
You had meant that it was his turn to take his top off, but after seeing the excitement in his eyes, such a rare emotion from Tomura, you were not about to tell him he was wrong.

"Alright. Just, ease up a little." You say, eyeing his cock nervously. "What do I do?"
"Open your mouth." He grumbles with a roll of his eyes, gently pulling your head to his tip. 
You reluctantly open your mouth as wide as possible, unsure of whether it'll even fit in there. A loud crack fills the room as your jaw reaches its full potential, and Tomura uses his spare hand to line it up into your mouth. 

Your cheeks flush as you realise the situation you're in, closing your eyes in embarrassment as Tomura groans, sliding his tip against your tongue before tugging your head, filling your mouth entirely with him. The tip hits the back of your throat and you gag, making Tomura groan loudly as your eyes brim with reflexive tears.
"Fuuuck." You hear him practically whimper, and he tugs your head forward again, making you gag yet again. 
You ignore the complaining cracks and creaks of your jaw as he continues to jab the back of your throat, his hips thrusting into your face crudely.

"Look at me." He orders, his raspy voice the lowest you'd heard it. You open your eyes and look up at him, your eyes widening as you take in the fact Tomura is literally drooling as he looks down at you, his eyes half lidded and dull as he looks down at you. 
"Suck." He says simply, continuing to move his hips for you, his hand pressed against the back of your skull firmly still.

You do as he says, sucking as he thrusts into your face, your hands gripping either side of his waist in an attempt to try and slow him down, your jaw beginning to ache uncomfortably now.
You keep your eyes on him the entire time as he'd ordered, allowing him to move his dick as and how he wants to, occasionally swirling your tongue over the tip whenever he pulled out far enough for you to. It always succeeded to get a moan out of him, the sound like music to your ears.
A series of curses you'd never heard him use before spill out of his lips as you begin feeling a hot liquid begin spurting inconsistently in your mouth, some of it hitting the back of your throat and sliding down without you wanting it to.

The taste of it is enough to make you frown, but you swallow it anyway, the action making Tomura almost howl, his body seeming to fold into itself. 
"So good." He practically whispers, his now soft member flopping out of your mouth. 
His body folds up more, his lips pressing against the top of your head for a split second before he bolts upright again, pulling his pants back up.
He looks down at you for a second, his eyes the softest you'd ever seen them.
"Thanks." He grunts, looking away as his cheeks begin to glow a soft pink.

You can't help the fluttering of your heart at the first thanks you'd ever gotten.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now