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You were feeling a little overwhelmed. You knew the list of things Tomura wanted done wasn't expected to be done in the time he was away, that would be ridiculous, but it still felt like you were expected to get a good chunk of it done. Although it was clear you were the second to lead the League, you weren't really used to being left to your own devices and you were beginning to feel strained about the sheer trust that had been left in you to sort things out for him while he dealt with Overhaul.
You mentally count the list in your head again, making sure you could remember everything as if your memory was suddenly lacking.

"Alright guys." You say finally, addressing everyone that sat around you. Luckily your voice carries well and doesn't reveal the nervousness you were feeling. "We have a few things we need to do, so I'm gonna give you the options."
Surprisingly to you, they're all paying attention. Compress was still out of action, despite being noticeably chattier whenever you went to see him, but Spinner, Toga, Twice and Dabi all sat looking patiently at you.
"We need to get Compress that prosthetic arm from Giran." You say, holding one slender finger up before resting your pink gaze on Twice. "I'm guessing you want to go and do that?"

Twice nods eagerly before his head immediately begins to shake side to side, earning a frustrated groan from himself in the simple change of action, one of his hands moving to thump himself in the side of the head with a closed fist.
Toga catches his hand before it makes impact for a third time, looking up at you with piercing yellow eyes and a toothy grin. "I'll go with Jin!" 
"Sure." You hum. " I think he might need that." 
Toga pats Twices shoulder reassuringly, continuing to beam at you, her sharp canines exposed.

You look over at Dabi and Spinner, Dabi lazily rolling a cigarette between his fingers and Spinner looking at you with his full attention.
"You guys have a choice. Either we all go and look for a new meeting place and leave Kurogiri here for Compress, or one of us can stay and look after Compress."
You weren't sure if you were giving the men the choice in an attempt to show trust in their decisions, or if it was a lack of trust in your own decision making skills now you were finally allowed to do something more than just healing.
Dabi just shrugs, making his nonchalance clear. You hadn't expected much more. Dabi, for the most part, seemed to do whatever he wanted whenever he felt like it, so you weren't expecting him to be leaping for joy at the fact he'd been given an option, but you had expected at least a sharp refusal to stay and look after Compress.

Spinner shoots him a look before looking back at you. "Is it easier if one of us stays?"
You crack your neck to the side, musing a little bit. "It depends if you guys are up to walking or driving or not." 
"I'm not carrying you again, Fireworks." Dabi drawls, his blue eyes sparkling playfully as he finally makes eye contact with you. 
You ignore his comment, too stressed about doing well tonight, somehow having convinced yourself you have a goal to meet, expectations to exceed, to come up with a sharp quip back. "I won't need it."
Dabi raises an eyebrow in judgement, the sparkle in his eyes quickly fading as he stares at you, Spinner leaning forward onto his own lap. 
"Lets all go." He says, making the decision for both you and Dabi. "Strength in numbers."

You nod, reaching to retrieve the hoodie you'd taken off a short while earlier after Dabis body temperature had warmed the room up a little too much after seeing Endeavor grace the TV screen. 
"Alright. Lets go then." You say, throwing the hood over your head. "Spinner, you good to drive?"
"Sure." Spinner agrees, pulling himself off the sofa and pulling cloth from his pocket, tying it around his face and knotting it at the back.
"You coming, Dabi?" You ask as he makes no effort to move, just looking lazily up at you.
Silently, he stands, crouching a little as his hands delve deep into his pockets, his gaze still locked onto you even as the other members moved around you both, Spinner looking for the car keys and Twice and Toga being... well, Twice and Toga.

Spinner does finally find the keys, holding them up like a trophy with a grin and shaking them between his taloned fingers before beginning to leave the house.
You start to follow behind, eager to just get the jobs done as soon as possible, but a hand around your wrist stops you mid-step. You stop, and turn your head to catch Dabis eyes.
"Yes?" You ask as Dabis hand releases your wrist.
"Relax, doll." He says simply, beginning to walk past you despite his hand moving to connect with your head, yanking your hood down to ruffle your hair roughly in the way only Dabi ever would do. 
You roll your eyes at his turned back as you lift your hood back over your now messy pink hair, following behind the two men quietly, hoping this job would be quick and easy. You didn't really want to be walking for too long, not trusting your ankles or knees to carry you for too long. 

Spinner parked a little ways out of the main town closest to the newest hideout, making sure that it was far enough away from any abandoned buildings that no heroes would be able to figure out where your new base would be if they managed to tie the car to you all.
"Your legs okay, Y/N?" Spinner asks before you start walking.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." You say, waving him off. "Lets just get this done."
He nods, and there's a brief flash of blue as Dabi lights a cigarette beside Spinner, the flame lighting up his scarred face briefly. 
"Sure thing, boss." Dabi drawls once his cigarette is lit, and for once, there was no sign of sarcasm or mocking behind them. You almost forgot for a second that Tomura wasn't with you, immediately tying the word to his presence out of his habit.
"Are we going separately or together?" Spinner asks as you all begin to walk towards the town, darkness enveloping you all apart from the red of the end of Dabis cigarette.
"Lets stick together for now." You answer. "We'll get a good grasp of the heroes in the area before splitting up. We don't need to lose any more members."

You take the silence from them both as a willingness to comply as you walk in almost a v formation together.
"What kind of place are we looking for here?" Spinner asks.
"Somewhere abandoned. Somewhere people won't go." You mutter, thinking of the options from those two things alone that may be acceptable for Tomura. "Maybe a building site. Or an abandoned hospital. People would avoid those, right?"
Spinner nods in agreement, and Dabi just remains silent, his eyes seeming to glow in the night, enough to make you aware there was almost an appraising look to them as he stared at you.
"Either of those will do then." You say firmly, turning back towards the town, peering around the alleyways wall for any heroes.

"We should stick to the alleyways." Dabi says finally. "Safer. Less eyes."
You take his word for it, and nod, moving your head back into the safety of the alleyway. After all, him and Spinner had been out more than you had in your entire adult life.
"You know any good spots?" You ask him.
"A few." He shrugs. 
"What about you, Spinner?" You ask, looking over at him, his scales seeming to reflect the moonlight.
"I guess there's a few abandoned places on my usual route..." He mutters, a lot less self assured than Dabi appeared to be.

"Great." You say. There were already potential places that the two had already noticed. That was better than none and having to go in blind. "Lets go, guys." 

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now