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It remained eerily silent for a while, not a single noise ruminating from inside the room. Both you and Dabi stand in silence, listening out for a sign of Tomuras anger. What little sound decay would make, the sound of Tomuras disgruntled 'hmph's, the sound of things being thrown, even a creak of a floorboard.
But nothing.
"Well that's creepy." Dabi quips quietly, his gravelly voice barely carrying with how quietly he spoke.
You shush him, not wanting to risk the chance of Tomura hearing him and end up in the middle of a fight between the two.
Dabi blows a short raspberry at you in return, a childish show of displeasure at being hushed.

Clearly being told to be quiet took away Dabi's interest in the situation at hand, likely uninterested if he couldn't poke fun at something or someone, and he passes you in the hallway, heading down the stairs.
"Wait, what are you doing?" You ask. "Today, I mean."
Dabis head lazily turns to meet your gaze, stopping midway down the steps.
"You're not coming." He says, a little more bluntly than usual.
You stare at him, a little taken aback. Dabi was abrasive, sure, but he was usually pretty willing to be in your company. You think he preferred you to the excitable Toga, who would often press his buttons a little too much and result in genuine irritation.

"What?" You ask, dumbfounded.
"We've gotta walk everywhere now." Dabi reminds you. "Boss'll kill me if you wear yourself out again. Just stay here. No doubt he'll want you once he's done anyway."
You don't miss the slight eye-roll he gives at the end of his sentence before heading back down the stairs.
That... didn't feel good. And it seemed like a dig. But you didn't want to be alone, and judging from the silence in the shack, Dabi was your only option for company.
"We could take the van?" You offer, following him down the stairs, and creaking more than the wooden planks did. "I can drive."
"Spinners taken it." Dabi replies dryly, jumping off the last step with a surprisingly light thump on the floor.

Your lips tug downwards as you follow Dabi around like a toddler, watching from the kitchen doorway as he picks up a bottle of water and tucks it into his pocket.
You follow him back out into the landing, watching him retrieve his boots, and follow him towards the couch, too.
"Quit following me, Fireworks." He snaps slightly, much like a older sibling would to their younger sister.
"I don't want to be alone." You answer honestly, trying to ebb the panic that was beginning to form in your chest. "You never leave this early usually anyway."
He shoots you a sharp look, and begins to pull one of his shoes on.

He was actually going to do it the bastard. He was going to up and leave you while Tomura was holed up in your shared room after a pretty strict order not to follow him.
None of them had left you fully alone for ages, either from Tomura's secret orders, or from their own worries about you getting taken again.
You struggled being alone anyway, and after being taken, and stuck in the cold and dark by yourself for what had felt like weeks, your fear of loneliness was worse.
There was no telling what Kenji's men would do to you now if they came across you, too. Especially after he met such a grisly end at your hands.
You're a little surprised when you're suddenly pulled from your own headspace by the sound of your own weak and wobbly voice.

You hadn't realised you'd silently begun to cry until you feel a warm streak run down your cheek.
Humiliated that you were crying in front of Dabi, humiliated that you were being weak, you frustratedly wipe your cheek harshly with the heel of your hand, but it's too late, he'd already turned his head and seen you.
"Alright! Alright." He relents, shaking his head and untying his shoelaces a little angrily. "Just don't start that shit."
You sniff harshly, rubbing both your eyes angrily.
"I didn't mean to." You reply, your voice thick with tears.
You stand, avoiding looking at him directly and sniffing as he silently yanks on his laces.
"You fuckin' owe me." He mutters under his breath. "God dammit."
"What are you in such a rush for anyway?" You sniffle, looking at him finally with watery eyes.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now