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At least you were kept busy while he was gone.
In his absence, Tomura had left you in charge of the PLF, alongside Re-Destro and making sure Dabi would be there if you needed help.
It was mostly just accounting, looking over the budgets, making sure Giran and other brokers were paid for their services, as well as making sure each faction hadn't gone over their allocated amount of money for the days, weeks and months.
You couldn't quite believe the amount of profit from the Detnerat business that was put into the Paranormal Liberation Front. Tomura really must have made an impact on Re-Destro during the fight you'd been absent for.

It was actually nice to be being useful for the first time since you'd discovered you were pregnant. You hadn't realised just how bored you'd been with everyone refusing to let you do anything to help. After all, that's all your purpose had been growing up, and to this point really. You were there to help and heal Tomura.
So it felt weird not being needed.
It wasn't the most fun doing the accounts, you weren't the biggest fan of number work, but it was better than nothing.

The others all kept themselves busy, luckily, not needing you to direct them.
Although you could lead the others, as you had before, you weren't necessarily a natural at it. Not like Tomura was.
They all went off recruiting, training their Quirks with lower members of the PLF, or with the civilians remaining from Deika city, or sometimes they'd hang around and keep an eye on you.
It was the most normal it had felt for a while.
Until Dabi disappeared into his room, not even being seen for a week by anyone, snapping at anyone who went to his room to check he was even still alive, and sitting in silence throughout meetings, with no snarky comments to be made.

It wasn't until then that you began struggling with the work load, and without Dabi to help you out, you found yourself stressing about everything.
You probably could have asked Dabi for help, and he probably would have done it. He was the most protective of you and Tomo out of all of them, and knowing you were struggling to sleep, having headaches, and not really eating, he would likely do anything to correct that.

Re-Destro, although not being your favourite person, was luckily extremely helpful in Dabi's absence, running through the accounts with you when he had time, and taking files off your hands whenever the stress got too much and you accidentally let a few tears fall.
He also kept offering you gifts for both you and Tomo, whether it were shoes or teddies for your unborn child or books and items for your comfort the bigger you were getting.
He ended up growing on you, just a little. You didn't trust him fully, he came across too much  like a slimy salesman. But you didn't avoid his company anymore.

It takes a month for Dabi to start resurfacing more, but he's still not right.
He's drowsier than usual, sometimes nodding off during meetings, sometimes being a little more genuinely irritable with you and the others than usual, his speech slow and a little slurred and his pupils were practically pin pricks, making his stare so much colder.
You weren't dumb. You knew the signs, knew he was using strong pain killers, if not something more nefarious, and so you did try to address it with him.
Only for him to swat your hand off his arm like you were some kind of annoying bug, and to tell you that you're not his mom, so to get off his back.

So you do, choosing to worry about him from a distance, the interaction solidifying that you probably ought to continue bothering Re-Destro for help rather than Dabi.
Which just makes you more stressed, the headaches and lack of sleep beginning to run you down even more, to the point poor Toga and Bubaigawara had to take time off to look after you for a couple days, both of them worrying over you and fussing over Tomo, their hands splaying over your stomach over and over again as if to soothe the baby from the outside world he hadn't met yet.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now