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Things had been pretty peaceful, surprisingly.
Tomura's leg healed relatively quickly, and everyone was assigned their roles around the Paranormal Liberation Front, and actually seemed to be taking the jobs seriously.
They all seemed to be flourishing in this new environment, enjoying having their own spaces after nearly a year of living in squalor.
Toga and Jin spent a lot of time together still, as did Spinner and Tomura, but Dabi and Compress typically enjoyed spending their time alone.
Sometimes you'd catch the two in the others company, or Compress with Jin and Toga.
Dabi kept to himself for the first month being there, really. Asides from winding everyone up when he was around, he was even more stoic and quiet than usual.

He did start perking up a bit more though, after a month or so. He was more helpful with fetching you things to appease the cravings that your pregnancy demanded whenever Tomura was busy. They all were, in honesty. Toga in particular was always happy to help, whatever it meant doing, she just wanted to be involved.
As sweet as it was that she wanted to touch your belly, although you were still barely showing, and it was honestly delightful that she'd happily walk around doing simple tasks for you to keep you off your feet while your ankles were even worse than usual... You really wished you had another adult woman to discuss everything with.

Magne was gone, thanks to Overhaul, and you were feeling the grief and found yourself missing her even more now you were pregnant. She was so naturally caring, without being too overbearing with it unlike Toga.
You wanted someone you could discuss more personal things with, like how rapidly tour chest was growing and how tender your breasts were now.
Just the other week, you'd accidentally bumped chest first into something and nearly burst into tears.

Tears were something you were getting used to expressing, trying to rid the idea that All For One had drilled into your head that crying was weak.
After all, who knew what his intentions were by getting you both to bottle your emotions up like that?
You still weren't good with crying in front of people, even with your heightened emotional state, but you didn't beat yourself up about it if you needed to hide in the bathroom and cry a little to yourself.
Sometimes Tomura would find you, and come and sit by you, uncertain on how to soothe you, especially when you found yourself crying over things that had never bothered you before, but at least he was present.

You found yourself longing for your mother for the first time for a while. You hadn't had her in your life since being a small child, but you felt as though having a mom around, someone that had experienced all this before, and could soothe your worries, and tell you that you were doing okay would make all the difference for you.
As it stood, you were surrounded by men. And thanks to All For One's stunting of your knowledge of your own body, they still knew more than you, but you weren't exactly comfortable with discussing the changes you were going through mentally or physically with them.

Even talking to Tomura was a struggle. Although he was around more, and tried to be there when you were sick, tried to cater to your cravings, tried to make you feel better about how your body was changing (in his own Tomura way), and was doing a good job at keeping himself away from Garaki after your argument, it still wasn't great.
There were just things that he would never quite understand as a man.
You tried, but it was just hard to get anything worthwhile out of him sometimes.

Your body ached more than usual the further into your pregnancy you got. You were hungry all the time, needed to pee all the time and you were so horny.
You actually were so insatiable that Tomura had begun turning you down. You can't remember him ever doing that before, and at first, it had really hurt your feelings, especially with how your body was beginning to fill out for the first time in your life, thanks to your heightened appetite. It was hard to not take it a little personally.
But you'd quickly learned that Tomura didn't like you dealing with it yourself, apparently unable to deal with the sounds of your needy whines from the bathroom.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now