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Toga did not lie when she said that they were strong. Everything in your vision had doubled, and the world felt like it was spinning. Your body felt like it was nonexistent, like you were simply floating on clouds.
You swipe a hand over your face in the dark, giggling slightly when you see it move in slow motion in front of you. It almost reminded you of when Tomuras computer used to lag because of all the programmes he had open.

You didn't mind the double vision, it was funny, and the lack of pain and almost entire lack of feeling in your body was a welcome change.
You just really, really wished the room would stop swaying. You were beginning to feel motion sick and you didn't want to stir too much and wake Tomura up.
You even try to ignore it when the motion sickness seems to form in your mouth, your saliva seeming to overproduce and make you swallow ten times more than you usually would within a minute.
You knew it was inevitable, but you still tried to prolong the fact you were going to be sick.
"Fucks sake." You whine to yourself as you try to move as fluidly and as quietly as possible out of the bed.

Which was incredibly hard when the pills they got you seemed to dull all of your senses.

You manage to get up without waking the sound asleep Tomura, but don't hang around to check properly, knowing you were dangerously close to losing the control you had over yourself.
You even brace yourself in the darkness of the hallway as you stumble heavy-footed into the bathroom.
You manage to spring the light on before having to throw yourself at the toilet.

You lie limply on the floor with your forehead pressed on the cool porcelain at the base of the toilet. Your body felt like it was on fire now that you'd allowed yourself to throw up.
"I was about to fry you, doll. What're you doing?" Dabi asks, his voice seeming distant in your fuzzy head.
"Those painkillers sure are strong." You manage to reply weakly.
Theres a short silence before you hear a small nasal exhale, as though he was sighing.
"Don't waste them then. I'll get Shigar-"
"Don't." You say, trying to keep a firm tone. "He doesn't sleep well."

Another silence before another sigh, louder this time.
"You really need to care less." Dabi suggests before you see his knees appear opposite you. "How many did you take?"
"Two." You manage to say before gagging and having to lurch over the toilet again.
Dabi mutters something to himself about 'why it's always him' before asking: "Where are the bottles?"
"What's going on?" Magne asks sleepily.
"Puke party." You reply weakly with a small giggle.
"Gross." Toga's voice chirps up and you can practically hear her nose scrunching up. "I'm going back to bed."
"Bottles." Dabi says, his hand moving to wobble you.

"Bedroom." You groan, gagging again as soon as Dabi's hand left your arm, his knees disappearing out of sight as he stands again.
"Nice." Dabi says sarcastically before gagging himself.
"Get out!" Magne urges before you feel two hands in your hair, gently pulling your sweaty hair out of your face.
"There's two of you." You giggle as you look up at Magnes face(s).
"Come on, it's probably best you get it all out of your system." She sighs.
You grumble, but lean yourself up again, your elbows snapping under the shaky pressure of your entire body. Magne remains faithful by your side as she holds your hair back.

"Shigaraki." She breathes out in relief.
"Who woke him up?" You grumble, leaning your forehead in your palm.
"Here." He says simply, pressing a hot water bottle into your stomach and laying a glass of water and some toast on the floor in front of you.
You drop your eyes to look at it all, the room still spinning slightly.
"This is for periods." You say, moving the hot water bottle away. "Not sick. I'm too hot already."
"How am I supposed to know? Thats what Kurogiri always gives you." He spits.
"I'm just explaining. Don't get so fucking defensive." You snap back, your voice a lot weaker than his own, too sick and too tired to be overly venomous or put up with his shit.

"You didn't eat, that's why you're sick." Tomura grumbles, moving the toast even closer to you with two fingers. "Eat."
"I can't even think about eating right now." You whine.
"He's right, you should at least have one half." Magne tries to coax, slicking your hair back so she can move away.
"Don't take his side!" You exclaim weakly. "He's the reason I'm sick."
"You're the reason you're sick." Tomura corrects, crouching to your level so he's eye to eye with you.

You hold his crimson gaze, a little thankful that at least the double vision had gone.
"Next time..." He drawls, rattling the bottle lazily. "Read the label. One. With food."
"Yeah yeah." You mutter. "The one time you read."
Reluctantly you begin eating the toast Tomura laid in front of you as he and Magne watch.
"I'm gonna go back to bed." Magne says, rubbing your back gently. "I hope you feel better."
"Yeah, thanks Magne. Sorry for waking you up." You mutter, leaning your head into the crook of your elbow as she walks off. The world had stopped spinning but you were still so uncomfortably hot. There was only one way you knew to avoid discomfort, and it was coming to you rapidly the longer your eyes were shut.

"Don't fall asleep here."  Tomura says, his voice cutting through your half-asleep state.
"I'm not falling asleep." You murmur, a little deliriously.
"Drink some water." He orders, his hand falling to the back of your neck, easily moving your head backwards.
"Since when did you care so much? Leave me alone." You mutter, sleepily moving your head from side to side as if a pathetic attempt to shake him off.

"Just drink the water." Tomura hisses. "Then you can sleep."
"Make me." You grumble, still trying to wiggle out of his grasp, only succeeding in getting his fingers to press in harder at the back of your neck.
"Y/N." He says sternly.
"Fine!" You snap, reaching for the water angrily, and managing to somehow knock the glass over, your eyesight still not clearly fully restored. Causing the water to spill all over the floor.
You stare at the puddle on the floor before you slide yourself down, somehow managing to position yourself so the back of your head is against Tomura's chest.

It wasn't particularly comfortable, what with neither of you really having much meat to your bones after living in a hotel room with barely any money to your names, but it was better than the solid porcelain of the toilet.
"I just wanna sleep."  You whimper. "I hate being sick."
Theres a silence in the room for a moment, and if you'd have been compos mentis you'd have heard Tomuras heart begin beating irregularly.
"I know you do." He grumbles.
"I can't heal sick." You say sadly.
"I know."
"Just let me sleep." You half-plead, half-order.

Another silence. You begin nodding off against him again, your head literally nodding as you fought off sleep, half expecting him to force you off him so he could get more water.
You're too tired to react to the surprise of one of his arms sliding underneath your knees, his other arm snaking under your arms. With a small huff, he manages to heave your body upwards, your entire body lulling like some kind of ragdoll, your joints creaking and groaning in complaint in the action.
Your eyes barely remain open for the short journey from the bathroom to the bedroom.

You feel yourself being settled down on top of the sheets, Tomuras tightly bunched up fists sliding under you as he lets go completely.
You don't even register the usual feeling of him climbing into bed next to you in your half daze, only hearing ever-so-faint light footsteps, the sound of a tap running in the distance and then the creaking of the door as your consciousness drops off entirely.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now