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Thank you all so much for the patience, love and support. 
I'm afraid this is only a shorter chapter to ease me back into writing. I'm a long way off being entirely stable, and from writing as often as I was, but I've gotten the motivation to start writing back again, which is so great! 
I really hope you like this chapter, and that it was worth the wait. 
Don't be like me, and take your meds guys! 

You weren't sure what you expected. You certainly weren't expecting the complete nonchalance that Tomura seemed to show towards your reunion. Instead of allowing the thoughts to become negative and inescapable, a stupid, small part of your brain seeming to be adamant on telling you that he hadn't needed, no, missed you, since you'd been gone, you try to focus on the possibility that Tomura still wasn't entirely confident in you being who you claimed to be. You definitely hadn't been expecting a heartfelt reunion, like in the movies you'd very occasionally watch in the bar, much to Tomura's disgust, where you'd give him a running hug, but had maybe hoped for something more than distrust and indifference.

Even your announcement of wanting to kill Kenji hadn't really received much of a reaction. Although you had been taught by Sensei the same as Tomura how to harm, maim and kill, you had never put the latter into practice, Tomura being a lot quicker and faster to resort to violence than you were. That was besides the point though, you hadn't said it to get a reaction. You'd said it to ensure that you would be the one to get your revenge, not Tomura doing it for you like he had repeatedly over the course of your time together.

"Y/N." Tomura's raspy voice breaks through your silence, and although he wouldn't have been able to see it, your body jolts slightly in response to the sudden tearing through your thoughts and bringing you roughly straight back to reality.
You hum dully in response, the excitement of your escape, impending freedom from Kenji and his cronies, and the joy of seeing the League again having very quickly worn off and turned into tiredness, your bones still complaining from earlier, with no painkillers to soothe the ache that felt like it was beginning to set into the depths of your bones themselves.
"What's your plan?" He asks, sharp red eyes peering through pale blue strands, that almost appeared to have gotten paler in the time you were away, although you couldn't be sure that was the case.
You shrug, forgetting yourself for a second, before sighing slightly, half listening to Dabi and Spinner talking quietly behind you both, half expecting them both to drop quiet the second you respond, and definitely preparing yourself for a comment from Dabi when you admit what you needed to admit.

"I don't have one." You admit quietly, and sure enough, all three men drop quiet, although none slow the pace at which you all scale the steps up towards Kenji's main office.
Suddenly, Tomura stops, almost sending you backwards as you still grip onto his wrist, as though if you let go you'd be taken again.
"Go home." He says firmly, shaking the wrist you were holding onto again, his brow furrowed in a look of frustration as he does it.
"No." You say simply, as curtly as possible as you tighten your hold on him with every attempt to shake you off. This simply results in his brow furrowing more and more, the scarred side of his upper lip beginning to twitch upward in irritation with every failed attempt to get you off him.

"Y/N." He snaps eventually, a dangerous glint flashing in his eyes that you hadn't seen directed towards you since Sensei had been taken to Tartarus. You still refuse to let up though, staring him dead in the eye fearlessly, not that he could see.
"You need a plan." Spinner says, his voice holding a tone that made it seem as though he was trying to be a mediator in the current situation.

"She's invisible." Dabi replies, his voice as bored as ever. "She doesn't need an intricate plan."
You're thankful for the invisibility Quirk when your lips pull upwards into a smirk that Tomura can't see as you keep your eyes trained on him. Had he seen the reaction to Dabi's words, his mood would have soured even more. Tomuras scarlet eyes bounce to the side momentarily, though.
"A stealth kill." He murmurs thoughtfully, before looking back at Dabi. "It's risky."
You tear your eyes away from Tomuras face to look at Spinner and Dabi, Dabi leaning on the bannister as though he didn't have a care in the world, and Spinners expression holding the concern that Tomuras lacked despite the verbal acknowledgement that it was risky.
"I agree with Shigaraki." Spinner nods. "She's not exactly the stealthiest person... No offense, Y/N."
Your lips pull into a thin line. He had a point. "None taken."
Dabi rolls his eyes. "There's a lot of sounds that will drown out Fireworks here."
The three men silently look between themselves, Tomura's hardened gaze staring down Dabi for a little longer than he'd looked at Spinner seconds before.

"Let's go then." Tomura says finally, not searching out your own eyes before continuing on his way, finally allowing you to carry on holding onto his wrist without complaint again.

You and Tomura walk ahead in silence as Spinner and Dabi continue talking again, as though the building wasn't burning down from the bottom floor, the heat inside the building definitely getting warmer and warmer.
Finally, you get to the floor where Kenji's main office is, your grip on Tomuras arm subconsciously getting tighter and tighter the closer you got to the door that would open up onto the final hallway.

Tomuras burning gaze draws your attention, and you turn your head to meet his eyes, the intensity of his look almost enough to convince you that the invisibility Quirk you'd been hit with had worn off somehow and he was finally seeing you for the first time since you'd been gone.
"What?" You ask, your voice coming out a little squeakier and weaker than you'd intended, your own anxiety becoming clear to yourself now, no matter how much you were trying to swallow it down.
Tomura's eyes dart to the side, checking that Dabi and Spinner were still a few steps behind as his hand moves towards the door handle, the metal rapidly turning into dust underneath his touch as he looks back at you.

"What did he do to you?" He asks, his voice lower than you'd ever heard before, before his face twists momentarily into a look of pure fury that even you'd never seen before. As quickly as it flashed over his face, it settles straight back  into a look of indifference within a matter of a split second. "Are you sure you can do this?"
You go to open your mouth, but Tomura holds his hand up to silence you the second it seemed as though Dabi and Spinner got too close to range for his liking, your arm raising with his as you refuse to let go of your hold of him, your shoulders dropping sadly the second your mouth closes.

His head snaps towards the door, his eyes widening as the door  before you all opens quickly, his other hand instinctively shooting out towards the intruder quicker than you have time to turn your head to see who had swung the door open. Dabi and Spinners voices quickly falling silence the second Tomura springs to action.
Before you're able to see the face of whoever it was that had appeared, you hear a familiar voice call out:

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now