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You let Nezumi sit in the silence she seemed fairly comfortable in after everything had been addressed. It didn't seem long before you pulled into an abandoned buildings parking lot, Nakamura suddenly appearing beside the car.
The sudden appearance of such a bulky person, dressed in a black hoodie and grey jogger pants makes both of you jolt, both of you jumping away from the sight.
"Jesus!" Nezumi practically squeaks, living up to her alias.

You raise your hand to the centre of your chest, but relax when Nakamura huddles into the car.
"Nakamura." You greet.
"Hey kid." He greets in return, lowering his hood and giving the rear view mirror a small smile. "How ya been? You look better."
You remain poker faced. You appreciated that he had helped you in your escape. But he also hadn't helped you escape any quicker.
"Yeah." You pretty much mumble, averting your eyes so you're looking out of the window again.

The silence in the car seems to change from relatively comfortable to awkward within no time at all.
"So!" Nezumi exclaims, her voice piercing through the quiet like a knife.
"Sorry. I'm Nakamura, Nakamura Aoki." Nakamura bows slightly, the seatbelt preventing him from being able to do it properly.
"Great." She mutters a little sarcastically.
You ignore Nezumis comment as she quickly checks the mirrors before the car suddenly jolts forwards far faster than it'd been moving previously, making your whole body lurch forwards uncomfortably.

Even Nakamura seems to move unwillingly, his head hitting the headrest you were leaning on with a dull 'thud' and he lets out a small grunt from behind you.
"Gotta hurry up if we wanna catch them in time." Nezumi explains a little grouchily, clearly having heard both your and Nakamura's disgruntled thoughts.
You hum in response, turning your pink eyes to the rearview mirror to stare at Nakamura, who's face was flushed a pink hue itself. Clearly embarrassed that he'd bumped his head in front of two people.
"Why are you here?" You ask bluntly, catching him off guard as he sheepishly meets your own gaze through the mirror.
He flashes a weak smile.
"I wanna join, but apparently they won't just let anyone in these days." He explains, scratching the back of his neck.

Didn't take much to imagine that being true after the loss of Magne, the memory making your heart throb painfully. And you assumed that his involvement with Kenji and what he did didn't help, either.
"They wanna make use of Nezumis Quirk." He informs you, his eyes quickly shifting to look at her blank expression through the mirror before returning to maintaining eye contact with you. "But Nezumi doesn't wanna be involved."
Nezumis face contorts slightly, and you hear her mutter something lowly to herself.
"So I'm here to make it so no-one would know she's here." He shrugs.
You're still relatively clueless about what the endgame of this specific operation of Tomuras is, so you just give a 'mhm' in response, and rest your head against the cars window.

You were still tired from this morning, before Tomura had begun touching you, you could have easily slept for longer. You'd been plagued by the same nightmares over and over, just like every other night since getting back from Kenji's.
So the second your eyes fall shut, you feel your body begin to shut down, the sound of the cars passing and the silence within your own space helping you lull yourself to sleep.

You're unsure how long you're out for, but you'd managed to find yourself in an unsettling dream anyway, the sound of Nezumi's voice breaking the silence doing nothing to help, making you gasp, your body jolting upright, and making the other two in the car physically jolt as well.
"Jesus!" Nezumi hisses for a second time.
Nakamura, however, leans forward, his face appearing by the side of your seat, his brow crinkled slightly as he looks at you with worry evident in his eyes.
"You good?" He asks, his hand reaching for your shoulder.
You move away from him, narrowing your eyes slightly to try and make your displeasure clear.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now