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Despite never really having given her the time of day before, Toga really was making a fuss of you.
You were huddled up in her blanket while she did some makeup on you, claiming that it was a fun sleepover activity to perform a makeover on someone.
She'd tried getting you to talk to her about what had happened with Tomura, but you'd clammed up, already a bit humiliated that you'd walked out half naked and crying in front of everyone.
She'd eventually just wrapped you up in her blanket like a human burrito, and taken to applying makeup to your face while you were 'switched off'.
She kept cooing over you. She was calling you pretty, fussing over your hair and how lovely the colour was, complimenting your eyes, your body...

It was all words that should have been coming from Tomura.

Eventually, Dabi joins.
Toga tries shooing him out, saying it's a girls only sleepover, but he ignores her because of course he does.
You couldn't care less. You were checked out, completely emotionally unavailable right now, and likely sat looking like a clown because you had zero energy left to fight off Toga.
When he sees you, he blinks a couple times, a slight pink hue dusting his cheeks before he sighs and plops himself down on the floor, not joining you and Toga on the bed.
"How're you feelin', Fireworks?" He asks, his voice coming across careful, a little wary.
"Empty." You reply instantly, your voice lacking any semblance of emotion to it.

Toga hushes you, gently tapping your face with the palm of her hand before continuing on with her one-sided makeover.
Dabi grimaces a little. He seems uncomfortable sat where he is.
"What did Tomura-kun say?" Toga asks, patting some kind of powder over your face.
Dabi sighs a little, leaning back onto his hands.
"Lets just say I totally get why she's pissed."
They were discussing your business like you weren't even sat there. And to be honest, it kind of felt like you weren't sat there.
Toga hums knowingly, smudging something over your lips.
"Isn't she pretty?" She praises, moving away from you finally, and holding her arms out towards you, as if she was presenting you as some kind of masterpiece.

You give him a dead stare. You didn't hate the attention Toga was lavishing you with, but you physically couldn't bring yourself to show any kind of emotion, or throw any enthusiasm into any kind of conversation.
Dabi clears his throat, looking away.
"Anyway. Y'know what he's like. He went an' stormed off to think about things again. Yaknow... Like when we first met?"
That was a throwback. Tomura really had tried to kill the two of them when they first arrived at Senseis bar, and then stormed off to go and think about how he wanted to proceed.  Alone.
You'd actually been the one to try and talk him into doing what he needed to do for the good of his own movement.

Things sure had changed since then.

"Was kinda funny watchin' him 'storm off' with those crutches though. Lacked the effect he wanted." Dabi snorts.
You can't help but crack a small smile at what he said, but it's short lived. You can imagine that the fact it's hard to look any kind of pissed-off or threatening when you're hobbling around on crutches, and how annoyed that likely would have made Tomura.
Toga gives you another once over, cocking her head and pouting.
"I wish I had the rest of my stuff, I wanna curl your hair! It's getting longer again."

You absentmindedly lift your hand to twiddle your hair. She wasn't wrong, it was getting a little longer again.
"Wanna cut it again?" You ask, tucking your arm back into the blanket cocoon she wrapped you up in.
Her face lights up, her wide grin exposing her sharp canines.
"Really?!" She asks, immediately pulling a knife seemingly out of nowhere.
You shrug, which probably isn't quite the enthusiastic response she wants, but it seems to be enough for her anyway as she instantly begins leaning closer towards you, making quick work of chopping away skilfully at your hair with a knife.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now