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You hadn't been able to get it out of your head.
Tomura had made sure you all grouped together before the 'reveal', and you discover he'd even ordered sushi after a off-hand comment Compress had made weeks prior.
The smell of the rice and raw fish did not help the nausea you were feeling since Tomura had half-told you about what he'd experienced growing up, so you didn't partake, luckily Dabi hadn't either so you didn't feel too guilty about it.

And after that, you'd been sat next to Tomura while he gave some kind of speech, being shown off like some kind of trophy wife, with Re-Destro cooing over your pregnancy and everyone who supported him cheering you both on. 
You couldn't even focus on what they were all saying for long enough to really listen to what was being said.
All you could think about were all the signs that had been there the entire time.
You'd blankly stood by as people you didn't know, and didn't care to know, congratulated you, rubbing your back and thumping Tomura's back and nearly knocking him off his crutches as though he wasn't their leader.
He hated it, you could tell, whenever he was angled just right you could see through the gap that his lip would curl up on the scarred side in the way it always did when something displeased him.

So you started snapping at people for it, until Tomura dragged you away.
"What? What is it?" He hisses, sounding angry, but his one visible eye noticeably dropping down to your stomach.
"They're acting all pally with us. We're not friends. I hate it." You spit, a scowl on your face. "I don't want to be here."
He looks at you for a second.
"You're tired." He says simply.
"I'm not a fucking toddler!" You snap, trying to keep your voice hushed.

He seems unbothered by your small outburst, if that's what you'd call it, from what you could see with that stupid charred, beaten up hand covering his face.
"You're tired." He repeats. "Go to bed."
This does nothing to quell your anger, you scowling at him, admittedly a little childishly. After all, it wasn't him you were mad at, it was anger at what Sensei had done to him, anger at yourself for being a stupid child who hadn't noticed anything untoward going on, anger at every single person in the room for making him uncomfortable by touching him.
"No." You reply stubbornly, crossing your arms over your chest.

You weren't going to leave him alone with all these touchy feely strangers after what he'd shared with you earlier.
He stares at you with a hardened gaze.
"Then stop acting up."
"Excuse me?" You ask in disbelief.
"You're meant to be the one keeping me in line." Tomura replies, and you can't tell whether it's his attempt at being playful with how blandly his voice comes across sometimes.
"Are you guys fightin'?" Togas perky voice asks from directly behind you, making you jump out of your skin.
When you turn around, the scowl practically engraved onto your face, you see she's pouting, looking genuinely upset by the idea you and Tomura could be fighting.

"We're not fighting." You say with a small sigh, shifting on your feet. Your ankles were beginning to really hurt from all the standing you'd been doing while remaining faithfully beside Tomura for the evening.
"She's tired." Tomura informs Toga. "Take her to sit down."
Toga's expression changes instantly, her eyes beginning to glitter with excitement once more, and she grabs onto your arm enthusiastically, grinning up at you with those sharp teeth of hers.
You don't even have time to refuse to go with her as she begins tugging you in completely the opposite direction of where Tomura's going.

"This party sucks!" Toga exclaims, likely loud enough for the other members of the newly formed Paranormal Liberation Front to hear. "No-one's cute!"
"They're all too old for you anyway, Toga." You sigh, giving into her pulling you around.
She huffs, pulling you towards a seating area, with only Dabi sitting there, slumped in the seat.
"You stay there! Me and Jin are making friends!" Toga says, gently urging you into a chair opposite Dabi.
"Yeah, whatever." You murmur, keeping half an eye on Tomura across the room. He appeared to be talking to Re-Destro, Spinner stood beside him.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now