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Tomura's clone had come back partway through your nap, huffing as it sat in the bed next to you. You'd rubbed your eyes, confused for a second, thinking you were dreaming of Tomura how he used to be, until you remembered what you were faced with and what you had done, a ache of guilt settling in your stomach.
"What's wrong?" You asked, turning to face the scowling clone as it sat with its palms facing upward towards the ceiling, much like it's face.
"They wouldn't tell me anything." It hissed. "And then they tried to catch me so they could destroy me."
"And you got away." You said quietly.
"Of course I got away." It replied with a smug laugh.

The feeling of anger it had seemed to harbour towards the others waned after a little while, eventually settling into bed beside you, resting its head against yours as you had nestled into it's side while you had napped.
The clone ended up staying for a lot longer than the others really seemed to care for. They didn't say anything to you directly, but they made it obvious that it freaked them out having it around for as long as you did.
It wasn't your fault Tomura decided to leave you for a week without telling you.

When he reappeared, it was sudden, you not really prepared to see him after a week of complete silence. You'd been sat with the clone in silence, eating lunch as it glowered at Dabi from across the room, who wasn't exactly giving it a friendly stare back.
The true Tomura's face seems surprised, before one of his wrinkled brows quirks and he begins slinking across the room silently.
He knew that a clone of him wasn't going to go down without a fight, either.
You continue eating your food in silence, making an effort not to distract the clone from it's weird staring contest with Dabi, even though you'd seen the scarred mans eyes flicker with recognition when Tomura had walked in.

Either in an attempt to keep the clone distracted or as a genuine gesture that he wants to give to the real Tomura, Dabi grins at it and sticks his middle finger up, causing the clone to growl lowly, it's hand shoots up to its neck, clawing angrily at scarred skin.
"Tomura." You sigh out of habit.
It grumbles at you, but it's hand lowers, beads of blood appearing on the side of its neck.
The second the real Tomura gets near enough, towering over the clone, he lays his hand entirely on its head, the clone immediately becoming a pool of clay.
He watches with a look of pure disinterest until the last bit of clay drops and joins the rest of the mess on the cafeteria floor.

Tomura looks up at you, dead-eyed, and reaches for a hug.

You stare at him in complete shock before scoffing.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You ask sourly, trying to keep your voice hushed in the busy cafeteria, in mind of not arguing in front of Tomura's underlings.
Tomuras lips set in a tight line, looking down at you. He doesn't say anything in response, just stares at you with empty, crimson eyes.
Usually, even if he wasn't talking, his eyes would express everything he needed to say, but not today. It was a little unsettling how wordless and expressionless he was. You'd never really seen him like this before.
You glance over at Dabi, who was eyeing you both cautiously from where he was leaning across the room. You don't really know what you expected him to do, it's not like he could hear you, or like he knew Tomura as well as you, or even knew him enough to know that Tomura was acting strangely.

Reluctantly, you return your gaze back to Tomura, who hadn't moved nor stopped staring at you.
"...What?" You ask.
He knew. He knew what you did. He must, because why else would he be staring at you like you'd sucked out what was left of the little life he had in him? Someone had heard. Someone had told on you. Maybe Jin mentioned the clone and he just assumed. Maybe he assumed the second he saw the clone.
But then why reach for a hug? Another out of character move for Tomura, especially in a room full of people.
Unless he wanted to kill you, and the hug was just a trick.

No. He wouldn't do that.

...Would he?

He ends up flopping onto the seat next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his firm chest, burying his face into the top of your head.
You flinch, expecting to feel the searing pain of his Quirk tearing through the atoms of your body, but it doesn't happen. You're only met with the rising and falling of his chest as he takes heavier breaths than usual, and the feeling of his breath on your hair.
"I missed you." You swear you hear him say.
You huff in annoyance, trying to push him subtly, but not getting very far with it, as he only tightens his grip on your shoulders, nuzzling his face even further into your hair.
"Why are you being so weird?" You ask quietly. Tomura wasn't one for public affection, sharing bumped foreheads and very quick pecks to your lips only in front of the others.
You also wanted to be annoyed at him. Desperately you wanted to be furious with him, but he was making it so hard by being like this.

Tomura doesn't answer you.
"It hurt. That's all." He admits reluctantly, his voice barely above a whisper.

That must have been a hard admission for him. Even without you there to fix the wounds he took on, they never truly seemed to hurt him, they were just more of a nuisance for him, a hindrance.
You wonder what on earth Garaki must have done to him for him to actually be hurt.
"Good." You reply anyway, trying to swallow the genuine concern you have for him down. "I hope it really hurt."

You only half mean it.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now