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He was gone for three days.,
Three fucking days.
You'd cycled through all of your emotions by the time he reappeared again.
The first morning, you'd been emotionless, lying there in a bed that wasn't shared with Tomura, instead you had Toga curled up against you, smiling even in her sleep.
Your hand had been placed on your stomach for most of the morning, cycling through the decision you knew you needed to make.
The afternoon, you were sick. So sick. It was almost as though the baby knew you'd been considering terminating it earlier on that morning and was punishing you for it.

Poor Spinner got lumped with that one. But it was nice having the smooth coldness of his scales cool you down a little as he rubbed your back gently.
For the most part, you were left alone. Everyone would check in on you, but seemed to have the sense not to fuss you too much, giving you the space you needed to wallow in your own pity throughout the afternoon.
You'd tried sleeping in your and Tomura's room, but it was too empty, too cold with only you in the room. So you'd snuck into Togas room again, her immediately attaching herself to you like a limpet the second you got into her bed.
The next morning, you'd woken up sick. Poor Toga had been sleeping soundly until you'd  done a poor job of managing to make it to the bathroom in time, instead barely managing to throw your head over the side of the bed to throw up on the floor.

Bless her soul, she didn't kick up stink about it. She gave you a small hug, mindful not to disrupt your stomach again, before running off to either get help, or get you some kind of bucket.
She came back a little while later with cleaning products, and Compress holding two cups of tea, completely maskless and casual, actually wearing a shirt and sweats instead of his usual more elegant attire.
You'd weakly swatted the cup of tea Compress offers you away, trying to demand that you clean up your mess, not Toga.
Neither of them were having it though, Compress using a handkerchief he seemed to pull out of seemingly nowhere to dab at your damp forehead, and Toga humming as she cleaned up the mess on the floor without complaint.

You'd gathered pretty quickly that there was no way they were gonna let you do anything that involved moving in your state, so you reluctantly leant against the headboard of Togas bed, holding the cup of tea Compress made between your hands, staring into the liquid wordlessly.
He chattered to you in his usual enthusiastic way, informing you that it was ginger tea, which was meant to be good for this exact scenario, and that Re-Destro's men had been ordered to go pick things up specifically for you upon learning you were pregnant with Tomura's child.
Apparently this included vitamins, which Compress had marbleised, popping a couple into your hands before marbleising them again.

Toga began chiming in, cooing about some kind of expensive moisturiser that they'd gotten you, and pouted about how comfortable the body pillow they had gotten you looked.
You were unsure where all this stuff they claimed had been bought for you actually was, but you were a little touched that they seemingly went all out of their own accord to make sure your pregnancy could be a little easier, even if it meant being forced gross teas.
After all, it really did help with the nausea.

When you did eventually speak, you asked where Tomura was.
They both exchanged a little look, before Compress had taken your empty cup from you, and marbleised it, likely to deal with it later.
"Why don't you and Toga go shopping for some comfier clothes, dear?" He asked softly, his thumb swiping softly over your cheek once before his hand moved away from you. His skin was softer than you were used to.
"Shopping! Shopping!" Toga exclaims excitedly.
And so you'd been forced out, with aching joints and still feeling ever-so-slightly nauseous, to go shopping for baggier maternity clothes instead of wearing Tomuras clothes like you were so used to.
You weren't even that big yet, but you welcomed the distraction.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now