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You walk alongside Tomura in the pitch black alleyways, the only light leading your way was the dim moonlight that kept being covered by clouds.
He had been silent, brooding since Kurogiri's snarky comment. You wonder if that had been enough to dampen the good mood he was in beforehand.
It wasn't like Tomura to ever be openly soft with you. It was always fleeting, only shown in certain glances, brief touches and softly spoken words out of the earshot of others.
You weren't used to it, but you were trying to welcome it with open arms the best you could.

"So what did Toga do to piss you off?" You ask quietly as you both continue prowling in the dark, the occasional footstep from both of you landing in a puddle with the splashing sound echoing in the alleys.
"Kept asking questions." He grumbles, his hands fisted in his pockets as he walks.
You remain silent for a couple of moments, letting his answer sink in.
"Surely you should have explained everything to her to help her out with recruiting? Tomura, you have to be more patien-"
"Not about that." He hisses, his red eye wandering over to you.

You shut up, taking the hint, but still pursing your lips, raising your eyebrows and rolling your eyes as you do so.
Yep. Mood definitely ruined.
You continue walking beside him in silence, looking up at the starry sky overhead, a little disappointed that it was too cloudy to see them all clearly.
"What are we doing?" You ask after a while, not seeing much point to the little walk you were both currently taking.
Tomura ignores you, clearly feeling the answer was obvious. The sudden sound of voices at the end of the alleyway making both of you stop in your tracks.

Drunk men. You'd been around Spinner, Dabi and Twice enough at the bar to recognise the slurred, obnoxious chatter for what it actually was.
Tomura keeps his eyes trained on the entryway, his hand held up in front of your face, a continuous silent order to stay still. Like you needed to be told.
The talking passes, and Tomuras hand slowly drops, his eyes still remaining still on the other side of the alleyway.

"Hey do you remember-" You begin to say before Tomura spins around, fury in his one visible eye as he slams a man down onto his back in the middle of the alleyway, it not being long before the man screams agonisingly, his body beginning to crack like pottery would underneath Tomuras hand.
You move into a defensive position yourself, your fingers sliding against the pocketknife in your pocket- a present from Toga left on top of your hoodie when she had returned it.
"Ah, ah, ah." Another, bulkier man tuts at you, shaking his head patronisingly. "Hands where we can see them sweetheart."
Tomura stands slowly from the decayed body underneath him, slightly hunched, his hair covering his peeking eye and his hands loose at his side.

"Tomura Shigaraki." The bulky man, who you can only assume is the ring leader, drawls. "Got a bone to pick with you."
"Did you not hear Kenji?" The one other surviving member of what must have been a triad of people before asks, motioning at you with a blade. "Hands where we can see 'em."
You look to Tomura for a answer, but he doesnt seem to offer you any answer at all, his face and eye completely unreadable.
Reluctantly, and already regretting the decision, you slide your hands out of the pocket.
"There's a good bitch." The younger male snickers.

You can't help the grinding of your jaw from side to side, the noise of the bones crunching reverberating inside your own head.
"We let you have one of our men." The older man, Kenji says lazily. "And now he's stuck in Tartarus. You owe us."
You scowl at them both, barely able to make out the true extent of their features in the dark. You could see a mangled smile flashing white on the younger mans face. Just like his boss, he was incredibly well built, easily weighing more than you and Tomura combined. His eyes looked a little deranged, as though he wasn't there fully, instead looking around some fantasy world that you couldn't see yourself.

Kenji had a long, thick scar running down the entirety of one side of his face. His hair appeared to be grey, swept back, and unlike his counterpart, he appeared to be dressed a lot more smartly, wearing a button up shirt with some suit pants.
"You agreed to give him to us. I don't owe you anything." Tomura says simply, straightening his back slightly.
"Ah, but you do." Kenji replies, cocking his head slightly. "That girl will do."

You scoff, and immediately regret it the instant the younger one lurches towards you, swinging a baseball bat almost elegantly around in the air before it landed back in his hand and met your head with a loud 'thunk', immediately making you see stars as you fall weightlessly to the ground.
As expected, Tomura had attempted to grab the man before he had even got close to you, but the cheshire-grinned man had somehow managed to dodge his outstretched hand.
Tomura releases a hearty growl in frustration, lunging at the man again.

He narrowly avoids Tomuras grasp, almost carelessly landing one foot in the centre of your chest to avoid the attack.
Like you were nothing.
Like you weren't even there.
The feeling of disrespect and ignorance towards your existence sends hatred bubbling straight to your heart. All you had ever been your entire life was a punching bag. Something that would take, take and take pain and punishment solely for the sake of other people.
The years of feeling ignored and disregarded in favour of Tomura manifests itself in your blood, making it feel warmer inside your body as something inside you snaps.

Without thinking about the consequence that may arise from what you're about to do, you grab the mans ankle quickly, seeing Tomura ready himself for another lunge and wanting to see the creepy, toothy man be nothing but a pile of ashes on the wet floor beside you.
You're a little surprised when you see the faint glow of pink emit from your hand, glowing on the material of his pants leg. Had he had a injury on his ankle that you were about to take?
What shoddy luck you had.
You're almost about to let go, not wanting to have a reminder of this night, when his head swings to the side like he'd been hit by a invisible force, and his body falls heavily to the floor, the cracking sound of his skull as it made impact with the asphalt even making you cringe.

Before you or Tomura even have time to react, you're being yanked up by your hair, a sharp blade digging into your throat.
"Stay there. Or else your little bitch here gets it." Kenji warns, pressing the blade harder into your neck as he moves you away from his fallen companion.
Tomura remains still, his fingers flexing by his sides, clearly debating whether to run and risk it, or to be obedient and stay where he was.
"You know..." Kenji mutters lowly. "You look an awful lot like this whore I used to fuck years ago."
The words make your skin crawl and you can't help the snarl that escapes you as you try to strain in his hands.
"Almost as prudish as her too." He titters, yanking your head back further.
"Shigaraki." He calls, moving the knife towards him, tightening his other hand in your hair to ensure you won't bolt. "Next time I see you... I'll have more men. You owe us for Muscular. Don't forget it."

Tomura remains silent, both of his hands flexing even harder as the man takes a couple more steps back with you before practically throwing you forward and entirely disappearing, not even an outline of his body visible in the dark.
You let yourself fall limply to the floor, your arms just barely managing to stop you from hitting your head again.
Your head is spinning, your vision beginning to blacken as you clutch at your head, stabbing pains shooting through the side of your head into your brain it felt like.

You see Tomuras red, tattered shoes slowly halt to a step in front of you, his body moving to a crouch.
"How did you do that?" He asks, genuine awe in his raspy voice.
You don't even have a chance to respond as the blackness enveloped you entirely, introducing you to your favourite place again.
A place where you didn't feel pain.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ