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"My fault?" You repeat with a little scoff.
"If you hadn't distracted me this morning this never would have happened!" Tomura seethes, a literal hiss in his voice.
You blink at him, before shaking your head and getting up slowly. The others were beginning to come around now, groans coming from them all as they begin to wake up. Spinner, Toga and Dabi simply stare at you both as you glare at each other.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Tomura. We're in the evening now, in case you hadn't noticed." You say, a little snappily. Kurogiri was still out cold and Sensei wasn't around so you could get away with being more sassy now.

"Bakugo clearly did something. He called them somehow."  Tomura mutters, scratching his neck slowly. 
"They said that they-" Compress begins, only to be cut off by you holding your hand up, silently telling him to be quiet. 
In a rare bid of freedom, of bravery, you decide to cut back at him with the one thing you know will get a reaction out of him, something that he'd genuinely apologised for, highlighting how important it had been for him. It was a dick move, and you knew it, but it slipped out anyway.

"And you think a measly couple of minutes this morning was enough for him to do that?" You ask.
Tomuras hand pauses, the scratching coming to a abrupt halt as his eyes harden, slowly narrowing as his glare intensifies. You see him bolting for you long before he does, and successfully manage to dodge his outstretched hand, making sure to kick the back of his leg as he steps past you.
"Hey, hey, hey." Dabi warns, still holding his nose, making his voice come out nasally.
"Fight! Fight!" Toga exclaims, jumping up and down with glee.

Tomura quickly spins and swipes at you again, only for you to just about manage to move yourself out of the way.
Usually when Tomura did this, it was only to spook you, and it was usually only the one swing of his hand, never twice. So what you had said likely really had gotten under his skin, enough for him to genuinely want to hurt you. 
"Guys!" Magne shouts, a little exasperatedly. "We need a plan. Stop!"
Tomura's still looking at you with pure rage in his eyes, though, there was no way he was going to let up until he touched you at least once.

He lunges for you again, his hand seeming to outstretch for your hair instead of your arm or face this time, and you curse yourself for not tying your hair up before getting caught up in all this mess, knowing the length of it was going to be a major problem. 
"Stop!" Twice yells. "Make her hurt!"
You fool yourself into thinking you'd managed to evade him again until you move your head again, and feel his grip at the end of your hair, his fist yanking at your hair and forcing your head back.

Toga squeals excitedly. "Can I play? I want to play!"
"Shut up, Toga." Dabi hisses.
Tomura lowers his lips to your ear. "You're going to regret that." 
He seals off his promise by wrapping his hand around your exposed throat, making everyone look on in horror as a searing hot pain racks through your neck. He pushes you away from him, and you immediately fly your hand to your throat, keeping your eyes on the floor as you heal the decaying before it spreads. 
"We all need somewhere to stay..." He mutters as he turns his attention back to the others. "Hey... number two." 

Your eyes meet his from the side. Classic subtle power play. Typical Tomura. He's number one, and you're just number two. That's how it is, how it always has been, and how it'll stay.

"We need money." He says simply. 
"I'm not begging." You reply, your voice hoarse, indicating you weren't fully healed yet.


You ended up begging. Naturally.
People weren't being very generous, too caught up in their own concern about All Might after his fight with Sensei. You could see the aftermath from where you sat in the city streets, your pink eyes watching the overhead TVs coldly as Sensei is taken in some kind of iron maiden to what you can only imagine will be Tartarus.
So you'd resorted to blatant theft. Pickpocketing. Thankful that these two skills had been implanted in you from a young age, your fingers nimble as they reached into peoples bags and pockets, taking whatever you laid your fingers on. Sometimes you'd find things worth money, sometimes you'd get a entire wallet, sometimes you'd get a receipt instead of a note.

You'd bumped into Dabi a couple of times in the alleys, him giving you a nod of acknowledgement at first, and then when you passed him the second and third times, you'd gotten a smirk from him as he lifted a wallet in the air, the victim of the mugging limping away, a burnt hand mark scarring their skin. The other victim however had lit the alleyway blue, the stench of burning flesh enough to make you not want to hang around to chat for long.
You were thankful that at least one member was helping you out with getting money while the others looked for hotels that wouldn't ask questions, Compress walking around in the shadows to try and find abandoned houses nearby.

You all meet in the abandoned warehouse you'd landed in. Kurogiri had welcomed you in, seemingly unbothered by the fact he'd suffered several stab wounds thanks to Sensei. The others were all spread around the room, Toga sitting upon one of the crates and swinging her legs as she talks excitedly to Twice and Magne, Spinner hanging back slightly from Tomura, Compress and Dabi as they spoke lowly to each other.
"How much?" Tomura asks, and you empty the jacket pockets that Compress had given you, several wallets, silver chains, loose change and scrap receipts falling to the floor with small thunks and clatters.

His lips tug up slightly. "Nice job." 
"Yeah well I was always the better pickpocket out of the two of us." You mutter. "Dabi helped." 
His smile soon fades, giving Dabi a glare. Dabi remains unphased, his face reading as bored as ever with half lidded eyes and hands delved deep into his pockets.
"Whatever." Tomura spits. "Kurogiri."
Kurogiri opens up a portal, and you eye it momentarily before looking over at Tomura again as Compress slides all the stolen goods back into your pockets again. 
"Everyone." Tomura calls simply, before jumping lazily from the crate he sat on, walking straight through the mist.


"Well this is awful." Spinner mutters as you all look at the cramped room, the two double beds practically touching. 
"Yeah well I'm not exactly over the moon about having to share with you, either, Lizard." Dabi drawls.
"My name is Spinner!" He snaps, angrily watching as Dabi slides himself against the wall, claiming the bed closest to the window, opening it instantly.
You sigh, sitting on the edge of the bed and wiping your face with your hands. This was going to be an eventful night. You were used to sharing a space with Tomura, sure. But with Spinner and Dabi thrown into the mix, you were feeling a little shy, nervous.

You almost wish that you were in the room with Toga, Magne, Twice, Kurogiri and Compress instead, knowing Toga was around may have given you a little more confidence in being surrounded by men, but in typical Tomura fashion, he had demanded you stay close by. 
"Shut up, both of you." Tomura hisses as he slides his top off carefully. " Y/N's tired." 
He wasn't wrong. You were tired. Exhausted, even.
That was potentially the most healing you'd ever had to do in a day. First, you'd had to heal yourself in the morning as per Tomuras request, then you'd had to heal wrist, your ribs, heal Dabi, and then heal yourself again after Tomura attacked you.

The men bicker, albeit quietly with each other as they fight about having the window open or closed, who has more of the sheets, and who's taking up the most room in the bed.
You were too tired for it to affect you though, wiped out from the heftiness of the day. You were dozing off the second your head hit the pillow, and for as much as the room was cramped, the bed felt the softest you'd ever felt a mattress be before.

Fingers sliding over your clit rouses you immediately though, your breath hitching in your throat.
"What are you doing?!" You hiss, your entire body seeming to lock.
"I told you you'd regret what you said earlier."  Tomura reminds you, and your eyes widen instantly, thinking of Dabi and Spinner in the bed pretty much against your own.
"Are you insane?" You ask breathlessly. "Dabi and Spinner-"
"They're asleep." Tomura whispers back, rubbing his scratchy, broken lips over the back of your shoulder, his fingers pressing into the bump again. 
"Actually, I'm awake." Dabi says lowly, a smirk evident in his voice.

Tomura growls, moving away from you again.
"It just had to be you." 

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ