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He was ignoring you again. You weren't sure what you did wrong this time. You'd played nicely with him like Sensei had asked, hadn't pushed him back when he got a little too rough with you.
You'd been good like Sensei had demanded you to be, allowing Tomura to push you around and bow to his every will like Sensei had seemed to want you to.
You sit watching him from underneath a tree outside as he sits, leaning against the garden wall, frowning at the empty space in front of him.

He woke up in a funny mood after his nap. You could understand that, you were often times a little ratty when you'd had to have a sleep after healing yourself or Tomura, the pain and sleepy haze sometimes mixing together in an unpleasant way.
Sensei would always encourage Tomura to be moody, angry with whoever he wanted whenever he wanted to be. But the second you started playing up, you'd get told off, given reminders on what it is to be respectful, to be polite, to be ladylike.
You hated that. You didn't want to be a lady. You wanted to be like Tomura.

You get up from underneath the tree, your eyes widening as your ankles crack with the movement. The loud sound doesn't pull Tomura out of his angry haze, though. He continues to stare at nothing like it had done something wrong to him.
Once satisfied that your ankles hadn't broken in the act of getting up, you begin to take slow steps towards him.
"Tomura?" You ask. "What's wrong?"
He remains as silent as ever, red eyes still avoiding your own.
You look down at him, cocking your head. The motion makes your short, choppy pink hair brush over your eyes.

"Sensei says it's not polite to ignore people." You say, matter-of-factly, despite knowing full well it was one rule for Tomura and another for you.
The mention of Sensei draws Tomuras attention to you, his narrowed crimson eyes locking onto your own for a second before they look away again.
Even as a child you understood he was being defiant. He looked at you, therefore acknowledging you, but not speaking to you like you'd wanted.
He was always like that. Defiant without consequence.
"Can we play again?" You ask, looking over at the window that Sensei usually looked out of.

Tomura remains silent and slumped. As always.
"Sensei's not watching." You inform him. "Lets play hero and villain."
He looks up at you again, with a little bit of a softer look.
"Sensei said we can't play that game anymore."
You look over at the window again before looking back to Tomura, a determined look on your face.
"I'll watch! And if I see him, I'll do this..." You swipe two fingers over the back of his hand, instantly getting the boy to pull his hand away from you in a panic. "And then you'll know to stop!"

He looks at the hand you touched as though no-one had ever touched it before.
"Like a secret sign?" He asks, his eyes sparkling as he looks back up at you.
You bounce your head up and down excitedly.
"Lets play, lets play!" You shout excitedly, and Tomura hums, pushing himself off the floor.

Your life seems to insist on going on quickly from that point, the only slowed parts being the times you and Tomura had used the 'secret sign'
You grumble at having to relive everything. Is this what they mean by "your life flashing before your eyes"?

You remember all the times that Tomura woke you up with the signal. Originally it had made you panic, thinking Sensei was on his way to the shared bedroom, and desperately trying to think of what you may have done wrong.
"What?" You always whispered, looking at the knelt boy beside you.
"I can't sleep." Tomura used to whisper back. "Let me in."
You'd sigh, but roll over and let him in. Every time. Sometimes you'd both talk, other times you fell back to sleep as Tomura played his gameboy next to you, generously turning his volume down so it didn't keep you up.

Until Sensei had walked in one night.
Then Tomura stopped doing it altogether.
 You'd talk across the room from each of your mattresses, sometimes play a game of I Spy in the darkened room, which Tomura would always end up ruining by freaking you out with 'sightings' of ghosts and ghouls. Some nights he insisted on telling ghost stories and some nights you participated yourself.

You remember the day Tomura had done it because he'd dislocated his arm training, but didn't want to ask and make it obvious to Sensei, knowing he would likely push him harder than his body would allow from the show of weakness.

You remember the private chats it brought about, low whispers to remain out of the attention of Sensei. Usually about Sensei.
You remember ignoring him when he'd attempted to use the secret signal the one day, getting him to huff and walk away from you as you ignored him. What had you argued about that day? You can't remember.
You even remember the time you'd done it while Tomura was mid tantrum with you because you'd won a game against him, which was really rare, just to shut him up. It had worked for a fraction of a second as he looked around before he started yelling and demanding a rematch again.

"Is this it?" You think to yourself. "This is what I remember?"
You want to laugh, but you can't.


The world is black. You can't see a thing. Are you dead? 
What a lame ending to your life. Survived trying to bring Mom back, survived trying to take on the burden of  Sensei's injuries from All Might all those years ago, survived stab wounds and bullet wounds, but you couldn't handle a measly punctured lung given to you by a pensioner?
Sensei would be so disappointed.

"She's so blue." You hear a familiar voice say amid the darkness. You can't place it though, the face a blurred haze, lost in the masses of faces you could remember.
 You go to ask what they're on about, but your body doesn't play ball, your chest hurts, your side hurts, you ache all over. You have a headache. Why do you have a headache?
You can feel your body being dragged even in the darkness. You want to cry out, but the most you can do is furrow your eyebrows, scowling at the darkness. You didn't want to be dragged about. You spent most of your life being dragged around by Sensei and Tomura. You just wanted to die in peace.

"Just wake her up." Tomura hisses. 
Two fingers lingering over the back of your hand was all it took for the darkness to lift, the world still a little hazy as you squint at the scene before you.
Sensei was taunting All Might. You could see that much. Tomura is crouched beside you, his red eyes the only clear thing within your injured haze. He's looking down at you angrily, his hands hanging over his thighs as he crouches. Spinner is stood at the end of your feet, in a defensive position, attempting to block you from the sight of the two men having a stand off.

"Hurry up and heal yourself." Tomura snaps. "We need to help Sensei." 

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now