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- CW: Physical Abuse -

"You're full of shit." You hiss, despite knowing it was true that he was definitely the man that ran the establishment you grew up in, the faceless man in your memories and dreams having regained the facial expressions that he lacked before.
"It's true." Kenji shrugs. "I couldn't care less if you believe me or not. You'll see eventually. When we work on the true power of your Quirk."
"What happened to your face?" You ask, hoping the question will provoke him enough for him to shut up about the entire subject. You were sick of hearing about your Quirk, and how it was going to benefit yet another person that wasn't yourself. Kenji, almost comically, raises the eyebrow on the scarred side of his face.
"Excuse me?" He asks, his voice dropping low.
"What happened to your face?" You reply clearly, slowly, as if you were talking to a child instead of a grown man. "That scar wasn't there when I last saw you. Piss the wrong woman off?"
He lets out a small exhale from his nose as he looks away and shakes his head slightly, slowly raising himself so he's standing at his full height again.

Your eyes follow him upwards as he does so, your eyebrows still knitted together. You were beginning to feel a lot better sat by the fire underneath the almost smothering blanket, the heat beginning to seep into the areas of your body the cold from the night had frozen.
"I take it you've been busy using your Quirk to heal the League after all those failures of yours." Your supposed father quips back, a lot more spite in his voice than he previously allowed through. You smirk slightly, clearly having hit a nerve with his avoidance of the subject and poor attempt at insulting you back.
"Failures?" You parrot, cocking your head to the side with a crack of your neck. "All Might has been forced into retirement. The people's faith in UA is cracking. There has been no failure."
Kenji pauses, stopping himself mid-step before turning to look at you with a smirk that rivaled your own.
"Yeah?" Kenji asks. "What about the loss of 70 men in one attack? The failed kidnapping? Having to go into hiding instead of ruling over everyone?"
You don't respond to him, just stare at him with your face frozen. You weren't about to be lectured by a man who made his money through other people's work and not his own.

"You'll achieve so much more with me." He promises, the sincerity clear in his voice. "There won't be any danger. No more pain. Just easy money. Doesn't that sound nice, little Y/N?"
You just glower at him in response.
"If we put your power into proper use, we could expand in so many ways..." He muses, pacing around his own office as you, and the few guards that remained in the room watched. "I doubt you've had much of a chance to meet anyone, so you won't understand."
Your face pulls itself into a look of disgust. "I'm not doing what Mom did for you."
There's a moment of silence as he pauses again, his entire body going stiff before he falls into a fit of laughter, the sound almost maniacal, the laughs doubling up as they echo around the room. His hand faintly rests upon the scarred side of his face, the laughter dying down from him as his guards nervously laugh along, all looking between themselves and him as they do so.
Your frown just deepens, not finding what you said funny in the slightest.

Kenji lifts his hand eventually, motioning for his cronies to fall silent.
"And what did she do for me, dear little Y/N?" He asks, slowly turning around to face you again, his hand still resting slightly over half of his face, the other exposed half of his face twisted into a deranged grin, his smile almost reaching from ear to ear, his eyes wild. "Tell me, what did Mommy dearest do?"
You roll your lips together, not wanting to verbalize what you knew and could barely remember, only knowing enough for it to be clear to you as an adult what you had overlooked as a child. Back then, you were just happy to play with the other children during the day, and happy to be allowed back into your room with Mom at night. You were absolutely not going to use the words in front of a man that you couldn't trust not to be degrading about what she did, despite it only ever seeming to benefit him.
His eyes scan over your face momentarily before he scoffs, the smile quickly replacing itself with a look of anger as his hand drops away from his face again. "That's what I thought."
You just watch as he sits closer to you, perching himself on the edge of his desk again, a stance probably meant to make him look a lot calmer than his face would have you believe.
"You're too important for that." He says simply, his voice dropping calm again.

You raise an eyebrow at him, a sarcastic flash of 'really?' dashing over your features before he continues on talking.
"With a power like yours, Y/N, we could earn so much more money." He states again, making you sigh, your eyes rolling. This doesn't really seem to get much of a reaction out of him, him instead deciding to carry on with his monologue. "We could have a forever virgin. You know how much virgins go for these days? It's insane."
You scoff, turning your face towards the heat of the fire again, trying to hide the heat crawling over your cheeks from your embarrassment at the topic. You were not expecting to have to have this conversation, especially not with someone that claimed to be your father.
"There are some men that like to break the girls." Kenji continues, throwing a look at one of the guards standing by the door, the sudden flash of anger clearly enough to make the man shift awkwardly on his feet. "With you around, we could fix them. No loss of revenue."
You shake your head angrily, taking a sharp deep breath before you look back over at him, your eyes meeting with his own cold, serious gaze.

"I'm more important than them?" You ask, trying to keep your voice calm, your face inexpressive. Kenji goes to open his mouth to respond, but you cut him off before the words can leave him. "I'm more important than the woman that made you who you are today? The only reason you can afford this building? The ones that earned the money that allowed you to buy that tacky fucking suit?"
His mouth snaps shut, anger glimmering in his eyes as he stares down at you from above.
"You're nothing without them." You spit.
It happens quickly, but you're met with a sharp impact to the side of your face that flings your head to its side, the taste of copper soon filling your mouth. You give a small sarcastic scoff in response, turning to face him again with your own spite and anger flaring in your eyes.
He slaps you again, the force enough to elicit a loud snap in your neck as your head swings around again.
By some miracle, as a knee jerk reaction, you manage to lift your leg up high enough underneath the blanket to slam your foot into his shin, not really doing much more than getting his eyes to widen momentarily.

You grunt as your back is slammed into the floor, the back of your skull making contact with the floor painfully as you're pushed down by the collarbone, Kenji's body straddling over yours.
"Overkill, isn't it, Dad?" You ask sneeringly, only to be met with the cracking of a fist into your face, your nose crunching loudly, alerting you to the fact that it was now broken, along with the searing pain and blood filling your sense of smell that came with it.
"You will do as I say, Y/N." He warns firmly, his hand still forcing your body to stay still against the ground via your collarbone.
You turn your face away from him, spitting a mouthful of blood into the fire before turning your face back to look him dead in the eye again.
"Fuck. You." You growl.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now