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You plod down the stairs eventually, having taken a bit more time to get over the irritation of being interrupted, and to have some time to wake up a little more properly.
Considering you were still tired and getting dressed these days felt like a battle itself, you threw a different shirt, as well as a hoodie of Tomuras on and tugging on a pair of sports leggings that seemed to have randomly appeared in the room. You were hoping that whatever it is you were all doing, it wouldn't require too much effort on your part.

Your legs still aren't over the damage done by being kept in the freezing cold, your joints somehow even more loud than usual. They also ached. You'd been taking painkillers like they were candy since getting back.
So with each step, you almost wince a little as your joints crack loudly.
Spinner stands at the bottom of the staircase, and offers you a small apologetic smile, a clawed hand reaching towards you.

"Are you alright?" He asks, just the feel of his weight under your own hand enough to help you feel a little less uneasy on your feet.
You hum, offering a small smile in return.
You can hear Tomura's voice lowly travelling through the walls, and Dabi's rasp occasionally replying lowly.
"What's going on?" You ask Spinner as you finally reach the bottom of the staircase, letting go of him and allowing him to cross his arms over his chest in his usual stance.
"Toga called. Said the heroes have busted Shie Hassaikai, we're getting ready to go collect the goods."

"The goods?" You parrot a little uselessly. Your brain still wasn't up to it's usual standard of processing things, or making any kind of plan currently.
You see Spinners scaly brow furrow a little, and he opens his mouth to reply, but the feeling of a warm hand ruffling your hair distracts you, and you reflexively grab the wrist, spinning around with your nostrils flaring before you remember yourself, and loosen your grip on the ribbed skin on Dabis wrist, trying to ignore his usual smug expression as you offer an apologetic smile.

"Mornin'." Dabi greets, his hand returning to your head to ruffle your hair even harder than he originally had.
You grunt, giving him a small shove. The push frees up your vision of the space behind him, where two bright, piercing yellow eyes stare straight through you.
You pause immediately, your whole body going stiff.
The girl opposite shifts awkwardly on her feet, her sharp gaze moving down towards them. She was pretty, with silver hair and tattoos littering her body where you were able to see.

Before you can open your mouth, Tomura appears.
"This is Nezumi." Tomura says bluntly, walking past her to give Spinner some keys carefully being held between his thumb and forefinger.
You're met again with her probing gaze as soon as her name is spoken. She looks extremely uncomfortable, as though she wasn't meant to be there, and was terrified at the fact she was.
"Hello." You offer quietly.

Your social skills weren't exactly up to scratch. Before Sensei had gotten you both to take on more people, it had been solely you and Tomura for years. And then the majority of the new recruits had been captured during the first and second attempt at attacking UA, so even then you couldn't really practice any kind of conversational skills.
"Hi." She replies, giving a small smile.
"So she's joining us?" Spinner asks, exercising even less social awareness than yourself.

She shakes her head furiously, her silver hair flying around her face almost like a halo.
"Nah. She just owes me a couple favours." Dabi shrugs, placing a cigarette between his mismatched lips.
"Favours?" You parrot again, your eyebrows furrowing.
Nezumi looks down again as Dabi lights his cigarette with his finger.
"Her Quirk will be useful." Tomura speaks up, appearing beside you again. "You'll go with her and Nakamura."
"Nakamura...?" You mumble. You hadn't seen him since he aided your escape from Kenji. "But-"

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now