(Tomura) A Talk.

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"You should let us take care of him for a night."
Tomura snorts, ignoring Dabi as he continues flicking through the paperwork in front of him.
"I'm being serious. Y/N is overwhelmed." Dabi says, a little more sourly in response to Tomura's dismissal.
Tomura lays the papers back on the desk, staring at Dabi with a collected gaze.
"Tomo needs Y/N." He says simply. "She's the only one that can feed him."
"She can express." Dabi shrugs. "Tellin' ya, boss. If you don't have some time to yourselves, he ain't gonna have Y/N anymore."

Tomura's brows knit together. "What's that meant to mean?"
"I think you know." Dabi retorts, his expression as stoic as ever despite the weight of this conversation.
"She says she doesn't need to see the doctor." Tomura says, choosing to trust the person he's known for longer, and is now connected to for life now instead of Dabi.
"You think she wants to see that old hack when he drugged her during birth?" Dabi scoffs. "She said she doesn't think you'd understand. Can see why."
"Watch it, Dabi." Tomura warns.

Dabi shrugs, unphased by the warning.
He knows Tomura won't do anything. He was his strongest member, as well as the person closest to Y/N, whether Tomura liked it or not.
"Doctors aligned with our cause are hard to find. Therapists even more so." Tomura states.
"Have you tried?" Dabi retorts.
Tomura's cracked lips pull into a thin line. He hadn't, but he himself had been trying to pick up where Y/N was lacking with Tomo, as well as running an army with numbers he wasn't used to while trying to get all of the work done on himself with Garaki, too.
"So let us take care of him. One night." Dabi says, kicking his feet up on the desk like he knows Tomura hates.

"I'll think about it." Tomura mutters, yanking the papers from Dabi's feet and continuing to work, hoping that Tomo wasn't stressing Y/N out while he was away again like last time.


When Tomura returns back to their shared room, he's surprised to hear utter silence.
Tomo was usually cooing, or gargling, generally making baby sounds if he was awake, and Y/N had been leaving the television on even while napping, so there was always some kind of noise in the room.
Tomura closes the door carefully, his crimson eyes scanning the sight before him carefully.

Y/N had fallen asleep while breastfeeding, that much was obvious. Tomo's face was pressed against her breast as he slept, his little hand curled up against her skin.
He wonders if she even burped him before falling asleep, but decides to trust in the fact he seems peaceful enough to sleep against her that he wasn't uncomfortable at least.
Carefully, he brushes her pink hair out of her face, looking at the details of her face.

She looked tired a lot of the time anyway, but the bags under her eyes were visibly darker than they usually would be.
Her cheeks are a little gaunt, as though she hasn't been eating properly, and she doesn't even stir at the touch, highlighting how tired she really must be.
He stares down at her for a moment or two before giving a small exhale from his nose and pulling his phone out to text a brief 'fine' to Dabi.
Carefully, he peels Tomo out of Y/N's arms and places him in his cot, luckily not waking the babe in doing so.

He then gently peels Y/N's shirt off, and her sweatpants to put her in a baggy shirt of his and pulling some panties on her instead.
Somehow, during the whole process, she doesn't even wake during that either.
Tomura can't help but feel a little frustrated at the sight of her bare, but knows its for the best he doesn't approach her sexually until she's ready. He could be patient for a while longer.
He pulls his own clothes off, climbing into bed beside her and pulling her close to him.
She was so distant lately. So he had to make the most of soft touches like this while he had it.
Was this how he behaved towards her all of those years?

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