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Tomura looks at you with a sheepish expression, not one that you were used to seeing him wear.
"What. Did. You. Mean. By. That?" You repeat, slowly.
His hands tighten and loosen on your thighs, the cold of the new metal addition of his hand doing a pretty decent job of grounding you before you lose your temper completely at his blatant avoidance.
"Garaki said we could work on some enhancements." He says after a short silence.
"Enhancements." You repeat, slowly.
You're waiting for him to expand on whatever he means by that, but he doesn't, not really.
"He said depending on how my body takes it, it could take up to a year of experiments." Tomura continues.

You stare at him for a second of silence as he continues talking about whatever it was that Doc had promised him, your face flickering between looking shocked, disappointed and angry.
He's still talking, although you're not paying attention to what he's saying, when you interrupt him.
"You're leaving me for a year."
You meant for it to be a question, to double check what you were hearing was right, but clearly your subconscious already knew the answer, because it left you as a statement.
God, you never hated Garaki as much as you did right now.

"It's important for me to max out my stats." Tomura begins to argue.
"You're leaving us for a year." You repeat, anger beginning to seep into your voice.
Your comment had been regarding the entire League. The fight had landed you a whole city full of supporters and fighters, sure, but you needed him to lead. At least for long enough to know that there wasn't going to be any issues with betrayals, or any heads butting over who the true leader is.
Clearly that's not what Tomura takes from what you say.

"I don't know anything about kids anyway."
The way it leaves him sounds so much like a sneer that your body reacts before your brain does, and before you know it a loud crack rings out around the room as your hand makes contact with his face, knocking his head to the side.
Your eyes widen at your own reaction, but you're not about to grace him with an apology when he's being so selfish. Instead, you finally slide off his lap, his hands finally loose enough for you to move. His face stays still where it had turned, covered by his long white hair, so you don't have to see his expression. 
You angrily begin moving towards the door with the full intention of ditching him here and going to try and find the others. You were hurt. More than hurt.

You didn't even know how to deal with pregnancy, never mind how your own body worked, and he's planning on leaving you during the whole process of learning simply because he doesn't know anything about kids?
You were stupid to think that you could seriously make your own decision regarding this. 
He was going to allow you to do so, but he wasn't going to support you.
Typical. Just typical.

Your hands are shaking with either anger, anxiety or sadness, you can't quite tell, as you begin pulling your shirt down, making sure it covered your panties before you leave.
"You're not leaving like that." He says simply, making you prickle again.
"Give me your pants then." You snap, spinning around to face him, tears beginning to roll down your face as much as you hate the fact they do.
After all, crying was weak.
Crying was shameful.
Tomura's face is painfully stoic, not a single look of emotion on his features whatsoever. He's cold-gazed as he regards you. You wish you didn't care about the fact you'd hurt him when you spot the red mark on his face, wishing you'd find it satisfactory instead.

"No." He replies simply.
"I hate you." You spit instantly.
You don't know why such a horrible, venomous sentence leaves you when it isn't even true, but it does. You secretly wish you could physically grab the words from the air and swallow them back down.
Tomura doesn't even flinch. Which is almost even more infuriating.
"I don't know anything about any of this either! Your stupid 'Sensei' tore out all the pages of the books about my own body!" You begin yelling, your hands beginning to shake more. "I'm scared. I want to run away."

You probably look ridiculous, standing in the middle of this huge room that you'd been relatively excited about earlier in nothing but a baggy shirt of Tomura's, your hands violently trembling and curled up into fists by your sides.
You're too angry to care.
Tomura doesn't say anything. He doesn't even jump to his beloved Sensei's defence like he usually would. His face remains dead and expressionless as he stares at you, his hands gripping the edge of the bed, only one finger raised to stop the bed from crumbling to dust. 
He can't move, on account of his leg, and he doesn't have his crutches to hand either. 
"I was fucking stupid to think you genuinely wanted me to make my own decision." You continue, your voice annoyingly more weepy than angry now.

"I didn't say you couldn't keep it." 
You want to lunge for him again, but you don't, you just glare at him, wishing you were blessed with some kind of laser vision Quirk instead of a stupid healing Quirk that did nothing but get you exploited your entire life.
"So I can keep it, but in exchange, you fuck off for a year, leaving me, who doesn't even know the bare minimum, to deal with the baby. Alone!" You fume. "I wasn't even talking about the baby! I was talking about the others! Our family!"

Finally, a look of confusion seems to pass over his face, but it's gone just as quickly as it came.
"They're not-" 
"Wrong!" You interrupt before he can even finish the sentence. "They are. They absolutely are!"
You begin to get even angrier, annoyed that he had been doing better with them, communicating more with them all, snapping less at them, listening to them. He'd been being more like the Tomura he used to be when it was just the two of you, before the rest joined. Before Sensei left. The Tomura you had in private, kind of abrasive, but nice to spend time with when you caught him in the right mood.
In fact, you actually felt as though he'd been being relatively friendly as far as Tomura went.
Clearly it was all just some kind of act, maybe just behaviour manifested by the fact he was beyond tired.

"What more enhancements do you even want, Tomura?" You ask, your voice not lowering it's volume. "You're already completely different than how you were a couple months ago! You're like a different person!"
Tomura doesn't answer that one, his eyes moving away thoughtfully, as though he has to really think about whether he should even open his mouth to give you any kind of response to that question.
"Don't you care about anyone but yourself?" You ask, your voice finally suddenly dead, emotionless. It's practically whispered, too.
He actually seems to look annoyed at this question, his brows moving together as he looks at you again, his crimson eyes narrowed.
He doesn't respond, though. Which tells you everything you need to know. 
You scoff, turning to leave again.
"I said, you're not leaving like that." He spits, his own voice getting louder.
"Give me your fucking pants then!" You all but scream back at him, your face furious as you spin to face him once more.

You've never lost your temper at him quite like this, but despite how angry you feel, the tears haven't stopped streaming down your face. 
It was all just so unfair. Tomura always got to walk away from things. He walked away from every injury you took for him, and now he was ready to walk away from you, from everyone. And he didn't even think he was wrong for that. 
He even thought he was justified in leaving you to deal with something you had no clue about, simply for the fact he didn't know how to deal with it either. And he wasn't even the one that would have to deal with the body changes, the sickness and the childbirth. All he had to do was be there. 
He had no idea how embarrassing it was to know the bare minimum about everything regarding the subject of sex, pregnancy, and even how periods worked. Even Dabi knew more about it all than you from what you'd learned since having to rely on him to talk to.
All because Sensei had ripped that knowledge away from you for some weird, and likely twisted reason.

"Guys...?" A voice asks through the door.
Tomura doesn't say anything, he just stares at you.
"What?" You can't help but snap at the door in response.

"Is everything okay? Uh, we heard yelling?" 
The awkwardness of the voice travelling through the door tells you it's Spinner. 
You open the door, immediately angering Tomura to the point you see him move to push himself up from the bed in your peripheral vision before he seems to remember he can't currently go anywhere.
"Y/N!" He snaps, but you pay him no more mind as you storm past Spinner, who's scales had immediately turned a little muddied the second he'd seen your bare legs, and was clearly desperately trying to look anywhere that wasn't at you.

You ignore all the stares from all these new people as you pass them in the hallway, making a beeline for Dabi and Toga who were both wide-eyed at the sight of you half-bare and crying. Dabi immediately shrugs off his jacket, throwing it over your shoulders to cover your bottom half the second you're close enough for him to do so as you sob. Toga envelops you in a tight hug, and you move your face so that it's buried into her shoulder.
You'd never hugged anyone outside of Dabi and Tomura before, and neither of them were really too well versed in it. Tomura had gotten better, but it was still a little awkward and clumsy at times.
But Toga felt warm, safe, and comfortable.

"What the fuck happened?" Dabi asks, his warm hand rubbing your back soothingly.
Toga nuzzles her face into your hair back, humming happily, as if you weren't in a complete state right now in front of everyone.
You were really going to regret this later when you calmed down. 
You can't really respond properly to his question, you're too busy blubbering incoherently into Togas shoulder, your arms desperately wrapping around her.
'How embarrassing.' You hear Sensei's mocking voice in your head.
Dabi's presence seems to disappear from behind you, taking the warmth his hand had provided away, and Toga begins trying to lead you away somewhere.
"Come on Y/N! We'll have a sleepover!" She says happily. "You're not too big yet! I bet I can find you some comfy pants."

Her chirpiness is what you need. You need emotion, even if it's something that's a stark contrast to your own feelings right now.
In that moment, you're severely thankful for Toga. You'd never been close to her, in fact, you'd been a little avoidant of her. 
But the promise of a sleepover, something so childish, something so simple that you never really got to indulge in as a child, and the mere presence of another female, soothes something deep inside of you.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now