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You plod down the stairs exhausted, Toga still chewing your ear off about how you should wear nicer clothes to impress Tomura.
"He doesn't need to be impressed." You sigh, opening the living room door.
Toga hums knowingly again. "But if you want him to really really like you, you'll have to."
You roll your eyes. Tomura didn't like anyone. He simply tolerated some better than others. After multiple accusations of you 'making him feel sick' simply from existing alone, you were fairly certain you didn't need pompous dresses for him to 'like you better', he barely recognised that he liked you in that way in the first place.

Dabi, surprisingly keeps his mouth shut as you and Toga walk in, his blue eyes rolling towards you both momentarily as he drinks from a water bottle. There's no sign of Twice anymore, but you assume he'd probably gone outside to chain smoke. He was obviously upset, just in a more downtrodden way than Toga was. Spinner's simply sat on the floor by the table, his face resting on his hand as he stares at one of the walls.
It was quiet, almost painfully so.
You peer over the back of the chair Tomura claimed as his own, surprised to see lines of text as well as what looked like diagrams rather than some kind of game.

"What are you reading?" You ask quietly, enthralled by the fact he was clearly trying to learn how to do something.
His body noticeably stiffens, and his phone screen goes black, his crimson eyes rolling over his shoulders to glare at you.
You raise an eyebrow, but take the hint, going to sit beside Dabi rather than pestering Tomura while he was in a ratty, sleepy mood. Toga was now filling the void in the room by pestering Kurogiri to take her to some shopping mall.
Naturally he was refusing, only getting her to whine louder and louder.

"Just take her." Tomura snaps finally.
Togas face lights up for a second before she looks over at Kurogiri with a look of accomplishment.
"Tomura Shigaraki, need I remind you-" Kurogiri begins.
"Toga can handle herself." Tomura responds, cutting Kurogiri off before the end of his sentence. "Just take her, she's pissing me off."
The comment doesn't seem to bother Toga as she beams at Kurogiri, Tomura glaring at the mist-man behind her, his nails raking against his neck.
A Warp Gate opens, eliciting a excited squeal from Toga as she practically darts through.

Like magic, the second Toga disappeared through the portal, Tomuras relentless itching stopped, his hand instead moving to hold his face up as he continued doing whatever it was he was doing on his phone.
The atmosphere was awkward to say the least. No-one was uttering a word. Not even Dabi. No sly comment about how shit and tired you looked. No digs at Tomura. Just silence.
It was even beginning to make you feel uncomfortable, and you liked peace and quiet.
"A crush huh?" You ask Dabi. 

His eyes roll over to you, his face remaining bored. No tell-tale signs showing on his face that what Toga had said was true. 
"Apparently so."  He responds, even more blunt than usual.
You take the hint, your shoulders dropping as you settle back against the sofa, nestling yourself up, grabbing a throw from the back of the sofa and laying it over yourself with a sigh.
Clearly the bad mood Tomura was in had taken affect on everyone. That or they were all feeling bad about Magne and not verbalising it. Dabi you could understand, and you knew Tomura wasn't overly bothered about it, but Spinner was usually pretty vocal if something was bothering him.

You think about asking after Twice, but the men all seemed perfectly content doing their own thing, happy with the silence in the room, so you just sink further and further down the sofa, your eyes getting heavier and heavier.
You're practically half asleep when you hear a voice rumbling, finally filling the empty space in the room, but you're too far gone to focus on what was being said. A lighter voice replies, one that even in your sleepy state you knew was Tomura, and you do try to bring yourself back around to listen, but your eyes shut far quicker than they open, and you find yourself lulling to sleep.


Sensei was having another secret talk with Tomura again. You'd grown used to hearing the rumbling of Sensei's deep voice through the walls of your shared bedroom, and over the years, you'd grown to hate whenever it happened.
You never had secret talks with Sensei. The only private talks you'd had with him were when you were a little unruly, and usually it was threats, or harsh words about your behaviour, despite Tomura getting away with so much worse on a daily basis.
You grip the tattered book you'd been carrying around with you tighter to your chest as you stand directly outside of the door.

It was the usual thing he always spoke to Tomura about. 
He was encouraging violence, encouraging Tomuras anger. Telling him to destroy something if it displeased him. 
Everything displeased him lately. If Tomura took whatever he was telling him literally, you weren't sure that there would be a world anymore. 
You sigh slightly at the sounds of Sensei praising Tomura. You never got that kind of attention, and if you did, it was for educating Tomura on something he should have already known about, or fixing Tomura whenever he was broken.

You walk away from the wooden door, heading to the garden and sitting underneath the tree that faced yours and Tomuras bedroom window, trying to sneakily see what was going on inside the room.
They seem to just be talking for a while still, Tomura speaking a lot less than Sensei was, his eyes fixed to the floor, as though he'd done something wrong. You'd not seen him do that for months now. Lately he'd been wearing his angst as armor, nothing seeming to pierce through it. Not even Sensei.

You return your attention to the book you'd been cradling. It wasn't your usual thing. For some reason Sensei had retrieved you some kind of young adult romance novel. You'd felt your cheeks burn red at certain points in the book, especially when the characters kissed, feeling a little awkward that Sensei had picked this out for you.
He'd said that girls your age apparently really liked this book, that it was one of the most popular books for teenagers at the moment. But you felt nothing but embarrassment reading through it.
Your nose scrunches as another heated moment happens between the main character and the male lead, closing the book and placing it onto the ground.

You return your attention back to the window, only to see the two men looking straight back at you. You aren't really sure what to do, feeling caught out despite the fact you'd been reading mere seconds ago. It just so happened that you all locked eyes.
Sensei turns his head to Tomura, his lips moving again. You wonder what he's saying. If you'd done something wrong. Something that had irked Tomura enough for him to hate you, too.
Tomuras face slowly creeps over pink, his head turning instantly to snap something back at Sensei. A brave move on his part. You'd never dare to speak to Sensei like he did sometimes.

Your lip curls as Senseis hand places itself atop of Tomuras head, ruffling his hair a little awkwardly, a smirk on his face as Tomuras face grows even redder.
Sensei stands, saying one last thing to Tomura before leaving the room, leaving Tomura to stare at the floor like he had been before you'd returned back to the world of your book.
You can only look on in anger, wondering why you never got the fatherly love Tomura seemed to get from Sensei. It wasn't fair. You didn't have your Mom either. And you'd never known your dad.
You wanted the hair ruffles that he got more often than you did. You wanted the praise he got more than you did. You wanted the advice, the secret talks...

Your lips fall as somewhere in your young teenage brain, you start to begin to believe that it was because Tomura was better. Stronger.
All you could do was build.
Sensei, and now Tomura, sought only to destroy.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now