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The hideout was ridiculously quiet when you got back. There appeared to be no sign of Twice or Toga anywhere in the house, along with Kurogiri, and you wonder if Kurogiri had been ordered to take the young girl somewhere again to stop her from annoying Tomura. Tomuras shoes were still by the door, and there was no way Compress would be up and about so soon, so you assume at least those two would be around along with you and Spinner.
When you go to check the upstairs, you hear Tomura and Compress' voices travelling through the wooden door, the walls and door muffling their voices to the extent you can't quite make out what they're saying to each other, but it sounds calm, even.

Naturally, Tomura's speaking far less than Compress, and you almost want to commend the man for being able to talk so much despite how much pain he must be in.
The sound of the muffled voices almost throws you back to your entire childhood, the talks that Tomura would have with Sensei without you. How jealous and lonely you used to feel whenever it happened. How angry you got when you'd see Sensei smiling and petting Tomuras head.
Your fingers lay over the door handle, wanting to feign ignorance of Tomuras presence in there, claim you just wanted to check up on Compress, because you did. But you never had the confidence to do that with Sensei. And you couldn't even muster it up now.

You still continue to look at the door handle even as your hand moves away from it, your brain telling you that Compress was obviously fine. He appeared to be holding a lucid conversation from what you could hear, and there was no raised voices, growls, or silences that made you feel concerned. Tomura was handling it.
You turn your back to the door, instead going downstairs. You wonder if anyone's eaten. There didn't seem to be any plates on the kitchen side when you'd peered in. You wonder how long Kurogiri had been gone with the other two, and where they even got to anyway. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing today, and you weren't overly used to it. Usually everyone was gone doing the same thing, and you knew what it was. But Dabi had gone to some girls place for an unknown reason, and Toga and Twice had disappeared along with Kurogiri with no explanation of what they were doing and where.

Spinner looks up at you as you slowly step down the stairs.
"Shall I try to cook?" You ask. "Are you hungry?"
"Have you ever cooked before?" He asks, his eyes following you as you make your way down the stairs.
You hum. "Instant noodles."
Spinner looks at you dumbfounded for a couple of seconds before shaking his head, heading up the stairs you just came down. "Hell no. Get Dabi to bring something back."
"He won't agree to that." You scoff.
"You have a better chance than any of us." Spinner says, stopping to face you midway up the stairs, his hand resting on the cracking banister. "Say he owes you for driving him there."

He turns again, heading towards his room, leaving you alone downstairs.
You sigh, pulling your phone out of your pocket and anxiously pulling up Dabi's name.
Y/N: Can u bring back Food?
You stare at your phone screen as you walk to the living room, settling on Tomuras chair with your legs curled up under you. Honestly, you weren't expecting a text back from him straight away. You'd heard the others whine about him going completely off the grid for hours on end. So you were pleasantly surprised when you got a response fairly quickly.

Dabi: Get Twice to do it.
Y/N: He's gone, Please?
You stare at the text screen for a couple of minutes, absentmindedly pulling a blanket over yourself, only to squeak in surprise when the blanket shows resistance, your eyes suddenly picking up a fist on it in your peripherals.
You snap your head to meet red eyes.
"You're in my seat" Tomura says, not letting go of the blanket, his pinky finger dangerously close to touching the material he clasped.
"Sorry." You mumble, letting go of the blanket and standing up with cracks of your knees. "Is Compress okay?"

Tomura sits down, the most properly you'd ever seen him sit before, his legs spread as he faces you, his face seeming a lot softer than it usually sat, his red eyes seeming thoughtful.
"Fine. He's sleeping now." Tomura says, leaning forwards to plant a hand on each side of your waist, dragging you onto his lap, your legs awkwardly folding on each side of him.
"Are you okay?" You ask, a little surprised by the action. It wasn't often he was so carefree about having you this close when others could walk in and see him.

"Yeah." He mumbles, his lithe fingers running underneath the strap on your top, his eyes settled on the bare skin of your chest.
Your shoulders start raising slightly, and you begin to wonder what it was that he was staring at before his eyes roll up to your own, the scarring around them only making the look he was giving you appear even sharper, and you notice a small smirk on one side of his upper lip.
"Toga dropped off some stuff for you." He informs you, the smirk travelling through his voice.
You groan, literally grimacing down at him as he smirks up at you.

"How bad?" You ask.
"I like them." He replies, leaning up a little more to press a dry kiss to your mouth, his cracked bottom lip brushing against yours gently.
You sigh slightly in response to his answer, praying she hadn't somehow found and stolen one of those short, pastel dresses she'd found online the other day. You lay a small, gentle kiss on the scar on his upper lip, immediately getting him to kiss you a little harder in return, his fingers digging into your skin.

You can't help the shudder that runs up your entire body as his hands carefully run under your shirt, his pinky fingers raised as his fingers run over the scar on your torso. You can feel him getting harder and harder against your core, the sensation making you grind subconsciously against him, little whimpers leaving you as his lips make their way down your neck, his teeth occasionally tugging at the skin there, sometimes rolling your skin between teeth, it always eliciting a low moan from you, your hips rolling into his.

His fingers dig into your hips even tighter, a low groan leaving him as you lower your head to pant against his own scarred neck, your hands bunching his shirt up.
"I can't wait for you-" He begins to say, his own breath heavy, only to be interrupted by the sound of whooshing air, Tomuras arm immediately going to grab the blanket he'd stopped you from getting before, hastily throwing it over your body, his other hand moving to push your head into his shoulder, refusing to let you move or even look at whoever enters.

Luckily for you, you don't need to turn your head to hear Togas excitable babbling as she walks through the portal.
"She sleepin'?" Dabi asks, his voice sounding close. "Brought back dumb and dumber too."
"Go away." Tomura replies, his hand pressing against your head even harder.
"Hey. Fireworks." Dabi says loudly in your ear, making you jump. "Foods here your highness."
"Leave her alone!" Twice's voice chirps up from behind you. "Rise and shine!"
"Twice..." Tomura warns, but his hand finally loosens against your head enough for you to move away from his shoulder.

An almost perfectly timed yawn escapes you as you move away from Tomura, the action making your jaw and spine click.
"Looks like you had a good nap." Dabi quips, flicking you directly on one of the bite marks left by Tomura, making you yelp.
"Gross." Twice whines before clearing his throat.
"I think it's cute!" Toga chimes, practically skipping behind Dabi as he carries several bags through the room to the kitchen.

"Hurry up. I'm not warming it up for any of you once it goes cold."  Dabi shouts, the volume of his voice the loudest you'd heard it.

Rough Hands - A T.ShigarakixReader StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora