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I went to my room and put all the new clothes on my clothing rack then put those bags in my cabinet in my room. I straightened up my room a bit, took of those clothes and got in bed. After a few minutes I hear a knock on my door. I got out the bed and went to open the door. Once I opened the door I saw her eyes roaming my body. I decided to mess with her.

"Are you checking me out??" I asked making her look at me

"N-no..." she said stuttering
So cute 🥰

"I'm just fucking with you. What can I do for you??" I asked smiling

"I was trying to see if you had an extra charger. I left mines at my house..." she said

"Yeah, hold on..." I said cuz I had plenty of extra chargers

I went back into my room and went into my drawer. I grabbed a charger and a block to give to her. Once I got it I closed my drawer back and she was still looking.

"Here you go..." I said handing her the charger

"Thanks..." she said softly

"You can keep it while you are here..." I said and she nodded

Before I closed her door, I turned back around, and caught her looking. She looked up at me and I smirked at her before closing my door back. I laid back on the bed when I got a FaceTime call from Red and Crystal in the group chat. Soon as I answered the question started flowing in.

"What's going??" Red asked

"What your mom wanted??" Crystal asked

"Y'all hoes are nosy..." I said laughing
"Anyways Mom has this idea that I need someone to secure over me so I have a security guard staying with me for a month and after that will be watching over me each and everyday. So Great..." I said with a fake smile

"So you got a whole man living in your house..." Red said

"It's a woman..." I said
"A fine woman at that..." I said truthfully

"Oh okay..." Red said wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh

"Did your mom say why she got a security guard??" Crystal asked

"I don't know. She said some about me not pay attention to my surrounds and not being careful. I am a woman and I should be protected. Y'all know I don't argue with her so I just said whatever..." I said and they nodded

It's true I don't argue with her anymore cuz it's no used. Once her mind is set on something, it's set and its no changing it.

"Well, I hope it goes well..." Crystal and Red nodded her head agreeing

"Thanks..." I said smiling

We stayed on the phone just talking and laughing. We have the best conversation. We be on the phone while texting in the group chat. We be sending each other funny shit. We just be doing everything. While talking we heard Crystal kids coming into the house. Red and I clicked back on so we could see the kids.

"Hey mommy..." we heard Cookie say running to Crystal with her beads clicking together

Her real name is Claire but her nickname is Cookie because she have this cute little beauty mark on side of face and a dimple in the inside of it. It's soooo cute ☺️

"Hey baby..." Crystal said smiling at her

"Ma Ma..." we heard Mason coming up to her

She turned the camera so we could see them.

"Hey TT Mi and TT Red..." Cookie said waving at us with a toothy smile but her two fronts was missing

Red and I waved back.

"Wassup Miles..." Red said and I waved

"Hey..." he said waving at us

We talked for a while before Crystal had to tend to her family and Red girlfriend came home. We said bye to each other and got off the phone. I was sitting in my room for bout another hour then I got hungry again. I put my robe on and went to kitchen. I pulled out my gumbo. I wonder have she ate??

I went to the room door and knocked. She opened the door and down looked at me. Her hair was down, her shirt was unbuttoned and I could see tattoos that was on her chest. My eyes traveled down and I seen a bulge in her pants.
What's that?

"Wassup??" She asked knocking me outta my trance

I looked up and cleared my throat.

"I came to ask, have you eaten anything??" I asked looking at her

"I haven't..." she said

"Well I was bout to warm up my gumbo. Do you want some??" I asked

"Sure..." she said and I nodded

I turned around and went back into the kitchen. I could feel her eyes on me but when I turned around she shut the door. I cut on the stove then I reheated the gumbo and rice. Once I was done, I split it between us and put it in bowls. I grabbed a spoon and grabbed her plate to take it to her. I knocked on her door again. She opened it, I handed her the bowl and was bout to walked off.

"Drinks are in the fridge..." I said

"Shouldn't you be bringing me a drink. I'm your guest..." she said looking at me

"You're right. You are a guest TODAY, but after today you'll be getting your own stuff, capeesh??" I asked looking at her

"Si..." she said

I walked up to the fridge and looked to see what I had.

"I have juices, water and pops..." I said looking back at her

"You mean sodas..." she said with an eyebrow raised

"I'm not bout to argue with you..." I said and she laughed a lil
"Oh, she can crack a smile and laugh..." I said making her look up at me

Her whole smile dropped.

"I want a water..." she said

I grabbed a water handed to her and she closed the door lowkey in my face.

"Oookay..." I said turning on my heel

I grabbed my gumbo, a drink and went in my room. I ate my gumbo while watching tv. Once I was done, I took my bowl to the kitchen, I seen she bought her bowl back so I cleaned them and put them in the dishwasher to dry. I went in my room, took a shower and got back in bed. I didn't go to sleep until like 3 A.M.

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