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I've been at work all day. I'm extremely exhausted and ready to get home to my baby. We were just sitting here looking through files not doing shit.

"I'm bout to go. I'll see y'all in the morning..." I said

"We aren't done reviewing the files..." Mr. Clyde said

"We are sitting looking at files, I can do that at home. I have a girlfriend who's at home waiting on me. I'm sure you have a wife and kids who are waiting for you to come through the door..." I said

"Exactly, I have a wife, not a girlfriend..." he said

I looked at him with the most dirtiest look.

"Just cuz I have a girlfriend doesn't mean she doesn't mean more than your wife to you. That woman is the love of my life. Don't you ever disrespect my love for her again..." I said looking at him

I grabbed the files and was about to walk out.

"If you leave out that door, you might as well turn in your badge..." he said

I stopped in my track and turned to him. I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind but Terry stepped in.

"Hold on Clyde. Don't be like that, let me talk to her..." Terry said

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

"Come on Zion..." he said

"Terry we've been in this station from sun up to sun down for a whole month. It's killing her Terry. I don't get to spend time with her anymore. She cries herself to sleep cuz I'm never home. When she wakes up I'm gone and when she goes to sleep I'm not home..." I said looking at him

"Zion I know, okay. But we all have families that we haven't been able to be with at this time. We have to sacrifice things when it comes to this job. I know how it feels, I do. I'm not home with my family, Zion that bothers me but I have a job to do..." he said

"We've been trying to conceive. She could be pregnant right now and I don't know a thing. My child Terry and I'm not there when she finds out if she's pregnant. I'm going to or already missed that. That's not a good feeling for her or me..." I said looking at him with tears in my eyes

"I understand Zion..." he said rubbing my shoulder

I pushed his hand off me.

"You don't understand. Our first child together, I denied it, and she had an abortion. This was my chance to make it right..." I said looking at him
"I just don't wanna fuck this up..."

Tears have made their way down my face.

"Let me talk to him and see what I can do..." he said

"Thank you..." I said softly

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket as Terry walked back in. It was Milan. I cleared my throat, wiped my face, and answered.

"Hey, baby..." I answered

"Hey..." she said softly

"You okay?!" I asked

"No, I want you to come home..." she said

"I know baby, but we still working on this case..." I said

"How much longer is it going to be like this??" She asked

"I don't know..." I said

"But I want you home..." she said and her voice cracked

"Don't cry, baby. I know it's rough right now but it'll be ova soon..." I said

"How soon??" She asked softly and I could tell she was crying

"I don't know..." I said honestly

"I'm coming down there..." she said

"No Milan. It's too late for you to be out by yourself. I'll be home late..." I said

"Well tell them to speed up the FUCKING process and let you come HOME to your PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND!!" I yelled into the phone

"Listen bab-. Wait what??" I asked
"You're pregnant??"

"I am so you bring your ass home NOW or take the damn COUCH!!" She yelled before hanging up

I was stuck and didn't even take the phone from my ear. I sat there for a while before putting my hand up against the wall. Tears filled my eyes and rolled down my face. These were happy and sad tears. Happy cuz we are finally going to start a family and sad cuz I wasn't there when she found out.

I was having a moment when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You alright??" Terry asked

I sniffed and turned to him.

"She's pregnant..." I said

A smile spread across his face.

"Congratulations Champ..." I said grabbing me and pulling me into a hug

I chuckled as I hugged him back. I pulled back and sat down.

"She just called me and told me. Also, she threatened me that if I don't come home I gotta sleep on the couch at my own house..." I said making him laugh

"A pregnant woman is not to be played with..." he said

"I gotta get home. I care and love this job, but I gotta do right about this baby. I ruined it the first time and I can't do it again..." I said looking up at him

"You can go home..." he said

"I can??" I asked

He nodded.

"I got you 2 days off. Go spend time with
her..." he said smiling

"What would I do without you??" I asked

"Let these people drive you crazy. If it's a problem don't argue come get me, I got your back..." he said before winking

I dabbed him up and got up to grab my things.

"See ya later Champ..." he said waving

"Later..." I said as we went our separate ways

I left out and got in the truck. Soon as I cut it on my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and it was Milan.

"Hey, baby..." I said after hooking it to my Bluetooth

"I'm sorry..." she said softly

"For what??" I asked

"For yelling at you. I didn't mean to be that mean. I just miss you so much and I need you home..." she said

"Baby it's okay, I promise. You're right I do need to be home with you. And I'm on my way now..." I said

"Really??" She asked excitedly

"Yes, baby..." I said

I heard her squeal into the phone making me smile.

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