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I stayed in the hospital for 2 days. I finally had a bowel movement and they released me. We got our things together, I changed my clothes with Zion's help. We put him into his lil outfit. Zion pushed me into a wheelchair as I held him. She pushed me to the truck, she put him into his seat, then she and the nurse helped me in. She put everything in the car and gave the wheelchair to the nurse. She got in and we headed off.

"You want or need anything before we go home??" She asked turning around

"I want some food, but we can get that delivered. I wanna get him home and out this outside
air..." I said and she nodded before kissing the back of my hand

My phone started ringing. It was Mom so answered it.

"Hey Sweetie..." she said

"Hey, Mom..." I said smiling

"You on the way home??" She asked

"Yeah, I finally used it so they released me..." I said

"How's the baby??" She asked

"He's okay. I fed him before we left so he's good and full. He's in the back sleep..." I said showing her him

"He's so handsome..." she said

"Thank you..." I said

"Where's Zion??" She asked

I turned the camera on Zion and she waved.

"Hey Hun, how you doing??" Mom asked

"I'm okay, excited to show Zaylin his room..." he said making me smile

"I'm sure he's going to love it..." Mom said smiling and we laughed

We talked to her until we made it home. Zion helped me out of the truck and grabbed his car seat. She let us in and we were sitting on the couch as she got everything out of the car. Once she did, she came into the front where we were.

"Baby cut the air on a bit, but not too much. It's a lil hot and stuffy..." I said

She got up and did it. She sat back down beside me but not before kissing my forehand.

"What do you want to eat baby??" She asked pulling out her phone

"Whatever you picking. I just want food..." I said before a yawn

"Still tired??" She asked rubbing my thigh

"A lil..." I said

"You want some Chipotle??" She asked

"Hell yeah..." I said making her smile

She ordered that then she went on to order other stuff. She got the crib we were talm bout. Also, she got some groceries for us. We were chilling and he was up. His eyes were wide open.

"Let's go show his room..." I said tapping her leg

She grabbed him and held her hand out for me. I took it and got up. We held hands as we went upstairs. We went to the room and I opened the door. I walked in and they were behind me. I turned to them. She was holding him up as his little eyes looked around. We were showing him stuff and baby-talking. We knew he didn't know what we were talm bout, but we were just living in the moment.

While we were up there the doorbell rang. We went back downstairs and it was our food. Zion grabbed it and tipped the driver. After doing all that, he was back to sleep. We put him in this lil cushion bed Crystal bought. I put his pacifier in his mouth and he was beside Zion. We started eating and it was so good. During us fucking the food up, the doorbell rang again. I told her I'd get it, but she wouldn't let me. She got all the stuff, this time I tipped, and we finished eating.

"Oooo shit..." I said laying back on the couch

"Yeen lying..." Zion said making me laugh

She put up the groceries and then started putting together his lil crib for our room. Zion's phone starts vibrating. She picked it up, it was Cam.

"Come open the door, I didn't wanna ring it just in case he was sleeping..." she said lowly

I smiled with a chuckle. I got up and opened the door. She and Lani came in with smiles.

"Oh, my goodness. Look at him..." Lani said looking with pure adoration

"He's everything..." Cam said smiling

As you can see, he has everyone wrapped around his little finger.

"What y'all doing??" Lani asked

"Just ate Chipotle, now I'm watching Bob the Builder build the crib..." I said making her look at me

She gave me a middle finger and I blew her a kiss. We talked as she finished building the crib. It was finally finished and she pushed down on it to make sure it was safe for him to be placed in it.

"It's ready..." she said smiling at me

"I see..." I said moving closer to her and kissing her
"I love you..."

"I love you too baby..." she said before kissing me again

"Nigga I would've never thought you outta all people would be settled down with a kid..." Cam said looking at Zion

"I meannnnn, what can I say I'm whipped..." she said making me laugh

"Of course you are..." I said rubbing her shoulder

"Oh hush, you dicknotizes..." she said looking at me

I shrugged my shoulders smiling.

"I'm not ashamed to admit that..." I said looking at her

"Just wait until these 6 weeks up..." she said making me laugh

"Y'all do got company..." Cam said

"Nigga shut up..." Zion said looking at her

"Don't traumatize this child like y'all did
us..." Lani said

"Locked door and it's soundproof, we good..." I said

"The door was locked when y'all we came in on y'all..." Cam said

"Cuz you decided to use your key on that day. Normally you don't even use it, I have to open the door for you. Just so happens that the day we on the front room on the couch, you wanna use you
key..." Zion said

"Y'all didn't hear me stick the key in the
door??" Cam asked

"How??" I asked

"You right..." Cam said making us all laugh

After like an hour, it was time for him to eat. He woke up right on cue too. Zion gave me him, I pulled it out, and he latched on.

"Does that hurt??" Lani asked

"It was uncomfortable when I wasn't holding him right when I first started. But as of right now, it doesn't..." I said and she nodded

"He seems so chill. Does he cry??" Cam asked

"He does more whining than anything. He only cries when he's wet or sometimes hungry. We're still learning him tho..." Zion said

"What have y'all learned about him so far??" Lani asked

"He loves skin to skin. He loves to eat already. I can tell he takes after Zion in the way he's going to act, he's too cool for me already..." I said smiling

"I've learned that he got a certain whine he does when he wants to be held. He's very alert when he's awake. In my chest, it's only a certain spot he likes to lay, and he'll whine until I put him there..." Zion said looking at him

"Y'all are great parents already..." Lani said

We thanked her as we continued talking.

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