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It was in the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. I tried but I couldn't go.

I turned over to turn the tv back on when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and it was Mona.

"Hello..." I answered quickly

"Hey, Is now a bad time??" She asked

"No, I can't sleep..." I said

"Can you come sit with Milan. The Smiths called, Titus being in a plane crash..." she said

"Yeah, of course. I'm on the way..." I said getting up

I slid on my shoes, text Cameron told I was gone to the hospital, and I left. It didn't take long for me to get there. I locked my car up and went in. I went straight to her room. I walked in and they were sitting by her bed.

"Hey..." I said standing at the door

"Hey, I hope it wasn't any trouble..." Mona said

"Of course not..." I said with a smile

"Baby you staying or going with me??" She asked her wife

"I think imma stay. I don't know them like that..." she answered

"Okay, be good..." Mona said before kissing her

She grabbed her stuff and left out. I went to sit on the couch that was behind Melody. We sat in silence for a while. That was before she turned her chair around to face me. She was just staring at me.

"Can I help you??" I asked looking at her

"So Zion, why choose now to be around??" She asked

I cleared my throat.

"Milan and I was going through something. And we still have things to talk about. But as of right now I'm going to be here for her..." I said

"I heard what happened and how immaturely you handle the situation..." she said

"I can definitely admit my actions were very immature but I have my reasons. Even tho I have my reasons, it wasn't right for me to act the way I did..." I said

"Which is??" She asked

"Trust issues, many heartbreaks, and being backstabbed. When you've been through those things you tend to fuck up everything good that comes to you..." I said looking at her

"I know exactly what you mean. After going through so much, you just block yourself off. Then, when you finally find somebody you are on edge cuz you're expecting some to happen. The first inconvenience and you're out..." she said saying everything that I felt

"That's exactly what I felt..." I said

"I know that feeling all too well..." she said

"How did you get outta that mindset??" I asked

"I had to work on myself. I did that because Mona was all I could ask for. She also had flaws but we worked on them together..." she said

We sat there as the conversation got deeper.

"How do you truly feel about Milan??" She asked

"Milan is a very good person. When we first met, she told me about myself. I've never gotten that from a girl. She pulled me outta my phase of not trying to mix business with pleasure. She stubborn and spoiled but I love every bit of it. Despite us getting in bed together first, she's someone I enjoyed being around a lot. We had a very good connection and I tried to fight it off but I couldn't. I care for Milan a lot, I do. I think I might even love her but I fucked up..." I said and she nodded

"Do you want to fix it??" She asked

"Yes, I do..."
"Do you think she'll forgive me??" I asked

She let out a sigh.

"Because Milan is who she is. She has a big heart and she's very understanding. I think she will. You just have to show her that you are here for her. That you want this. She going to also need time. Let her get herself together then she can move to other things..." she said

I nodded.

"Milan loves you. I've never seen her so hurt ova somebody. What hurt her the most is that you didn't call or show up to even check on her. She was in a shitty place, she wanted you for comfort and so she could feel secure. She wanted to know that she was cared for. She wanted that, "it's okay, I gotchu". She wanted that from you. And because you didn't give her that. It hurt her..." she said

I let out a sigh and rubbed my face.

"Zion..." she called me

"Yeah??" I asked looking at her

"Just be here for her. Show her that you
care..." she said and I nodded

We sat there in silence when I got a phone call. I picked up my phone and seen it was Cameron. I got up while answering.

"Wassup Cameron..." I said walking out the door but leaving it open

"Is everything okay??" She asked

"Yes, Mona wanted me to come sit with her while she went somewhere..."  I said

"Oh okay. When you come back, the key is under the light stand..." she said

"Okay, I'll talk to you later..." I said before we hung up

I walked back in the room and sat back down.

"So, did they say how he got into the plane crash??" I asked

"It was his family private jet. They told him the jet wasn't ready yet cuz it need fixing. But he was impatient and in a rush. Now he's in the crash..." she said

"Seem like he was running from some. Tryna rush and leave..." I said

"I don't know but I hope he's okay..." she said

I don't.

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