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Baby boy is lactose intolerant like me. We figured out that during her pregnancy, that's why she kept getting nauseous and sick whenever she ate dairy. He wasn't doing too well with the dairy and it made her sick. She wanted to continue breastfeeding so she had to cut out dairy. She wasn't too happy about it, but of course, we'll do whatever for our baby.

I dropped them off at home and I went back to work. I got there and Clyde was looking at me mad ass hell.

"Look, I know. I was calling but didn't get a response. My son had to get a test done and I couldn't leave..." I said looking at him

"Is he okay??" Terry asked looking at me with a concerned look

"He's—..." I started but Mr. Clyde cut me off

"Zion you have a fucking job to do..." he said making me look at him crazy

"And I also have a fucking family that includes a 6-week-old. My family is very important to me. Now I apologize I was late, I didn't expect the doctor's visit to last that long. Like I said they had to do some test on him..." I said looking at him

"I'm just hearing excuses, Zion. You gotta be more responsible for your careless actions. One more strike Zion. ONE MORE!!" He yelled before walking away

I sighed before sitting down.

"I don't think I'm going to be here much longer..." I said

"Don't let that man run you up out of your
job..." Terry said

"I can't keep doing this with him, Terry. I don't care what he says, if my family needs me I'm gone. But my job is in his hands and I don't know what to do about him..." I said

"You don't do nothing Champ..." he said patting my shoulder
"I got it..."

I looked at him with squinted eyes.

"What you got planned??" I asked

He moved closer to me.

"Between me and you, they planning to fire him. He's in deep shit. You are looking at the future head chief..." he whispered

"Word??" I asked

He nodded.

"Hell yeah..." I said shaking his hand
"I'm so ready for this..."

"He gave no idea what is about to hit him. Board has been tryna get rid of him..." he said

"Damn..." I said shaking my head

"So, how is the baby??" He asked

"Nothing just when Milan breastfeeds him, he has blowouts, throws up a lot, and has stomach problems. Comes to find out he's lactose intolerant like me..." I explained

"Does that affect her breastfeeding??" He asked

"She has to cut out dairy. So she put the whole house on a dairy-free diet..." I said and he laughed

"Wonder how that'll turn out..." he said

"Going to be challenging cuz she loves ice cream. But because she wants to breastfeed and wants what's best for him, she'll do amazing..." I said smiling

"You know longest I've been knowing you I've never seen you talk and smile the way you do when you talk about Milan and Zaylin..." he said looking at me smiling

"What can I say, I'm in love with my family. I wouldn't wanna have a baby with anybody else. Or have my life any other way..." I said

"I'm happy for you Champ, really. You deserve all the happiness you're experiencing..." he said

"Thanks, Terry..." I said shaking his hand

"Alright Nigga, back to business..." he said making me laugh and nod

We continued where we left off with the case.


It was now around 8:30 and I was finally heading home. It was almost dark and I was ready to get home. I called Milan on my radio. She picked up instantly.

"Hello..." she answered and I heard Zay crying

"What's wrong with him??" I asked

"I don't know. I bathe him, put him on clothes, and feed him. He went to sleep, but he woke up like 15 minutes ago. Ever since he got up he's been crying..." she said

"Could it be the breast milk??" I asked

"Maybe, but normally when I feed him it's not this bad..." she said before sighing

"I'm on my way home..." I said

"Okay..." she said softly

I stayed on the phone with her as I drove home. She called her mom on her MacBook to see what she thought. She said maybe he had gas. She started doing the exercises her mom told her to do to loosen it so he could let it out. He started calming down, but he was still crying. It didn't take me long until I pulled in. I got out of the car and went in, locking the door behind me. I went upstairs to where they were. Her mom had to get back on the business call so Milan continued the massages. She pushed his legs against his stomach and he let out a hard and loud fart. She did it again and he farted again. She massaged his legs a bit before doing it again and he let out a lil poot. He let out a breath of relief as he started cooing.

I wrapped my arm around her as she picked him up.

"You did great baby..." I said kissing the back of her neck

I felt it in my spirit that she was crying. And it was confirmed when I heard her sniff. I was hugging her and kissing her telling her how good she did and how of a good mother she is.

I grabbed Zay out of her arms and laid him down. I put his pacifier in his mouth. I grabbed her face and made her look at me.

"You did an amazing job with him. You are an amazing mother. I know it maybe too much and overwhelming but you doing everything
right..." I said looking at her as tears fell down her face

She nodded while sniffing.

"Okay..." I said with my eyebrow raised

"Okay..." she said softly

"I love you..." I said pecking her lips

"I love you too..." she said

I pulled her to me and hugged her.

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