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This weekends is the party and I didn't wanna go. Mom begged me to come cuz this annually party is important to her and she would like me there. Also, she wanted Zion to be security. She better be glad I love her cuz I'll be somewhere with Zion deep in me.

Zion and I we're currently at mall to find some to put on. I really didn't wanna be here. My cycle was on and I wanted to be in my bed deep under the cover.

"What type of dress you looking for??" She asked

"I don't know, it's a all black party this year. So I guess a black dress..." I said softly

"What's wrong??" She asked looking at me

"I'm cramping and I wanna go home..." I said honestly

"Well we'll make it quick. If you see a dress you really like then we'll get it..." she said and I nodded

We walked around for like and hour as I looked for a dress. We finally went into a boutique. This boutique was expensive. I seen this black glitter dress and it was a beautiful, but it was over $110.

"You like that dress??" Zion asked

"I do, but I'm not buying this high ass dress for only one night..." I said looking at the tag

"If you like it, get it..." she said

"I'm not paying that..." I said walking off

"I'll pay, just get your size..." she said

"Zion I can't ask you to buy this high ass
dress..." I said looking at her

"You didn't ask me..." she said

"Zion..." I said

"Milan get your size, I got it..." she said

I looked at her and she pointed to the dress.
The woman that worked there walked up to us.

"Can I help you guys with anything today??" She asked

"Hey, this dress. How does it run??" I asked looking at her

"It's true to size..." she said

I looked through them and grabbed a medium.

"Zion are you sure??" I asked

"Yes, give it here. You need heels??" She asked

"No, I have new heels at home..." I said looking at her

I passed her the dress and we walked to the counter. It got run up, she paid, and we left out.

"You didn't have to buy this dress..." I said looking at her

The cramps started to multiply.

"Well I did. What you want to eat??" She asked

"I don't know..." I said softly cuz I was in pain

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom. She pulled me into the big stall. She hung up my dress and pulled me into her. I buried my face in her neck and moved closer to her.

"You hurting??" She asked

I nodded. She rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.

"You wanna go home and order food to the house??" She asked

I nodded again. She gently grabbed my face and pecked my lips.

"Come on, let's get home..." she said

She grabbed my dress. We went to the car and she drove home. I got out and we went upstairs. I got in the house, stripped outta my clothes, and got in bed.

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