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I'm currently 7 months pregnant and I'm completely ova it at this point. For the past month, I've been miserable. I'm very congested, and because I'm pregnant, I can't take the proper medication I need. And the medication they recommend doesn't do shit. So I just have to deal with it.

Zion's birthday is literally in 3 days. Everything that I've been planning has been going to shit. I wanted to take her out of town, but I got a refund. Something going on down there and they aren't accepting anything dealing with trips. So, I picked a venue for us to have a little get together for her, but somehow the building caught on fire so fuck that. I tried to book more venues, but they are all booked. So I don't know what I'm going to do.

I called Melody cuz I needed to vent.

"Hey Honey..." she instantly

"Hey, can I vent??" I asked

"Yeah..." she said

I started venting about everything and ended up crying. Crying so bad, I couldn't stop. She helped me with my breathing to calm me down and talked to me. She said all these inconveniences may be for a reason. She said she and Mom would get Zaylin for the weekend so we could spend time together alone.

While Zaylin was with Cam and Lani, I decided to go do a lil shopping to see what I could do. I was just going to do something intimate with her.

The first place I went to was Victoria's Secret to find lingerie that was going to fit. I know she likes the color green so that's what I was looking for. After being there for an hour, I finally found the perfect one. I also got a green silk robe to go with it. After that, I went into stores to get her gifts.

I got her a new watch cuz she's been saying she'll get one but doesn't have the time really. I got her a robe cuz I'm sick of fighting her ova mine. I got her 2 more of her favorite colognes cuz she's running out. Then, I got her another cologne cuz I loved the smell. Also, I booked her a hair appointment to get her a retwist cuz it's been a minute.

I know she's been wanting to try that seafood baked potato so I was going to cook that. And I was going to get her a small birthday cake. She doesn't like cake that much so Zaylin and I would eat the rest. After all that, I headed to the nail stop. I needed a manicure and pedicure. While I was getting my toes done Zion called.

"Hey, baby..." I said answer the phone

"Heyy, what you doing??" She asked

"I'm getting my nails and toes done..." I said

"Why you didn't tell me, I would've sent you money..." she said going off the camera and putting me on pause

I smiled.

"I just got here and you don't have to I'll pay..." I said

"Too late, I sent it..." she said coming back on camera smiling

She sent me $500 on Apple Pay.

"Babyyy, it's not that much..." I said

"Well with the rest buy yourself something nice..." she said making me laugh

"You excited for your birthday??" I asked

She shrugged her shoulder.

"Ehhh, it's just another day..." she said before speaking to somebody at the station

"You don't wanna do anything??" I asked

"Chilling with you and my babies is good enough..." she said and I nodded

We talked for a while longer before she had to go. They finished I paid them left. I put the bags in the car and called Lani. She answered with Zaylin lying on her chest asleep.

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