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I watched Milan walk away from me. She got on the elevator. I stood there for a while before going to my car. Soon as I started the car my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and seen it was Treasure. She was FaceTiming me. I answered and she popped up smiling.

"Heyyyy..." she said smiling Bigger

"Wassup..." I said

I looked at her and she had her hair done.

"Who you looking good for??" I asked looking at her before I started backing up

"I'm looking good for you..." she said

"Mmmmm..." I said

"I wanna take you out tonight..." she said

"Take me out??" I asked

"Yeah. To dinner..." she said

"Okay, we can do that..." I said

"Really??" she asked excitedly

"Yes..." I said

"Okay, be ready by 9..." she said

"Okay I gotcha..." I said

We talked for a bit before I hung up. I went to get me some food cuz I haven't ate nun today.

"What do I want??" I asked myself while thinking

I ended up getting wings. You can never go wrong with getting wings. I was eating them on my way home. Bout time I made it home they were damn near gone. I ate my last 2 before getting out the car, throwing away my trash, and going in the house. I didn't even go to my room, I grabbed my blanket, and laid on the couch. I was watching tv but ended up going to sleep.


I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Treasure.

"Hello..." I said

"Are you getting ready??" She asked

"Yeah I'm getting ready, why??" I asked putting on my woke voice

"Oh okay, I just making sure you wasn't
sleep..." she said

"Nah, I'm not sleep..." I said sitting up

"Oh okay, I'll see you in a minute..." she said

"Alright..." I said

I stretched and headed to my room. I look through my drawers for something to wear. I decided what I was going to wear and laid it out. I put my locs up and got in the shower. I let the water run over me and I started bathing. After I was done, I moisturized and put my clothes on. I moisturized my locs and decided to leave them down cuz they were slightly crinkled. I cleaned my nose rings and put on some lip chap. I was putting up my dirty clothes when the doorbell  rung. I looked at my phone and seen it was 8:20. I went to the door and seen Treasure car. I opened the door and she was standing their smiling. My eyes traveled down her body and I can't lie, she looked sexy as hell.

"You like??" She asked

"I do..." I said licking my lips

"I knew you would, I wore it just for you..." she said smiling

"Well I like it on you..." I said making her smile harder

"We should get going because I had to reserve a table for us cuz it's going to busy tonight..." she said

"Okay let me grab my stuff..." I told her

She came in while I grabbed all my stuff and we headed out. She drove and I was the passenger tonight. Within 30 minutes, we had made it and it was packed.

"Damn..." I said looking around

"Yeah, it's a popular place..." she said parking

"Come on, let's go..." I said

We walked in and the place was lit up and people were enjoying themselves.

"How can I help you??" The man said coming to the front

"Reservations for Treasure Ross..." she said and he started looking at the paper

"Mmm, right this way..." she said grabbing menus

We went around the counter and we were sat at a booth.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly..." the man said

"Thank you..." I said giving him a small smile

He smiled back and went back to the front. I turned to see Treasure looking at the menu. I grabbed mine and look at it. They have this fancy shit that I rather not have. I like hood shit, but I guess I'll try.

"You see something you like??" She asked looking at me smiling

"I'm looking, I think I might get shrimp..." I said and she nodded

"So Zion I wanted to get to know you
more..." she said

"What is it that you wanna know??" I asked looking at her

"Just anything you want..." She said smiling

"I think you're really pretty..." I said looking at her making her smile

"And I really like you..." she said looking at me

"Oh you like me??" I asked

"Yes, I do. You're very cool and you just so cute to me..." she said making me smile

"How about we get know each other more then we can talk about other things..." I said cuz I wasn't really tryna get into anything

"That's okay with me..." she said

"That's good..." I said

The waiter brung our drinks and she ordered a appetizer of mozzarella sticks. She kept offering them to me, but I was telling her I didn't want any right now. I actually didn't wanna get the bubble guts at dinner.

"So what made you start dreads??" She asked

"Locs..." I corrected her

"Huh??" She asked chewing

"I refer to my hair as locs..." I said

"I'm sorry. I—..." she started but I cut her off

"It's okay..." I said tapping her hand that was on top of the table

I was drinking my drink when she spoke.

"Hey Milan..." I heard Treasure said waving

I looked up and Milan was about walk past the table. She stopped and looked at us. She looked at me then looked at Treasure. She gave a very small smile and she waved.

"What you doing here??" Treasure asked

"Dinner and drinks..." she said

"Baby eat the mozzarella sticks,
they're good..." Treasure said

Milan looked at the mozzarella sticks on the table.

"You bout to eat those??" Milan asked pointing to the mozzarella sticks and looking at me

I shook my head.

"Why??" Treasured asked making me look at her

"I'm lactose..." I said

"Why you didn't tell me that??" She asked

"I have twice..." I said cuz I have

"Well I'll see y'all later..." Milan said walking away from the table

"I've never heard you say that..." she said to me

"I told that day you ordered pizza to your house and I went to get wings. Also, that day you took me to the ice cream pallor and I asked for dairy-free ice cream..." I said

"Ohhhhh, I Do remember you telling me. I forgot, I'm so sorry..." she said and I nodded

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