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I grabbed my things and we headed out. Like 34 minutes, Zion pulled up at the restaurant and parked. I seen my mom car on the other side.

"Call me when you're ready..." she said

"Okay..." I said before pecking her lips

I got out.

"Knock 'em dead baby..." she said making me laugh

I went in and started walking to the table. I took a deep breath before sitting down.

"Hey sweetie..." she said

"Hey mom..." I said

"I'm glad you joined me tonight..." she said

"I'm glad you kept your word tonight..." I said

She let out a sigh.

"Milan I'm sorry. I've been so busy working and try a fix things that I put you off to the side. I shouldn't have done that..." she said

"You shouldn't have..." I said

"I didn't know how bad I was hurting you until I saw and heard you break down..." she said

"How did you not know you hurt me. Not only did I lost dad, but I lost you in the next few months. You put me off and Melody raised me. Mom I bet you can't even tell me when I started my period, what kind of ice cream I love, my favorite color, favorite food, or even know me. You wasn't there when I accomplished a great milestone. Dad passed away and you stop caring..." I said looking at her as tears filled my eyes

"Do you know how many times I've cried, because I thought I did something to make you not love me. Do you how many years I spent mad at myself cuz I thought you didn't love me. But I finally realize it wasn't me, it was you. Do you know how bad it hurt to only not have dad there for me cuz he physically couldn't but to not also have my mom and she's able. Do you? Or you just didn't care..." I said

She opened her mouth to say something, but the waiter came. I ordered a drink cuz imma need it to keep me leveled.

"Milan I know I've done things and been a bad mother. I know I wasn't there and I'm sorry. I can't take it back but all I can do is grow from it. I want to be more present in your life cuz I don't wanna hurt you anymore. I want you to wanna come to talk to me, to wanna spend time with me, and for me not to work when you need me. Milan I want to do better..." she said

"I hear you mom..." I said looking at the menu

"Milan please..." she said looking at me

"Mom I don't know what to do. I'm torn in between believing what your saying because I want the same thing. But the half is scared because I don't want to get my hopes up and you do the same thing you been doing. I'm just not up for keep getting my hopes up and you not fulfilling that hope..." I said

"I wanna make things right between us..." she said

I let out a sigh.

"Milan please..." she said

"Okay mom, but if you fuck it up this time I'm done. And sorry for cursing..." I said looking at her

"I'm sorry sweetie and I understand..." she said nodding

"Let's eat..." I said picking the menu back up

The waiter brung out our drinks and we ordered our food.

"Are you and Zion getting alone??" She asked

"We're good. She gets in my nerve sometimes but she's okay..." I said and she nodded
"How you been??"

"Good, been taking time off work. I wanna start focusing on myself and things that are important to me..." she said

"That's good..." I said nodding

"Have to talked to Melody??" She asked

"Yeah, last week and she told me she was 2 months pregnant. She had just found out..." I said

"Awww, I know she always wanted a baby..." she said smiling
"I'm happy for her..."

I was looking at mom as I was talking about Melody. Her face was rosy, she was smiling, and she had this spark in her eye. It was nothing like I've seen before.

I guess she felt me looking cuz she looked up.

"You okay??" She asked

"You have a spark in your eye..." I said

"I'm tipsy sweetie. I was drinking before I came..." she said

"Mmmm..." I said nodding

We were talking a while before our food was brought out. Good delicious. Mom ordered fried calamari and I got salmon. Not gone lie mom and I smashed. After eating, I text Zion to tell her I was almost ready and did she want some to eat. She told me she was already outside and she didn't. Zion don't like food from fancy restaurants, she love a hood spot. Anyways, Mom and I talked for a lil more before she paid and we walked out.

"I'm glad we could do this. And I'm so sorry..." she said looking at me

"It's alright Mom, just keep your word and we'll be aye okay..." I said smiling

She opened her arms and I walked into her. We hugged each other tightly.

"I love you sweetie..." she said before kissing my forehead

"I love you too Mom..." I said smiling

She hugged the bit more before we went our separate ways. I went to the car and got in.

"Sooo, how did it go??" She asked as she started the car

"It went so good. We talked about fixing our relationship. If she's willing I'm willing. She said she's been working on herself to make time for her and for the things that are important to her..." I said smiling

"That's good..." she said pulling off
"You look happy..."

"I am I've always wanted to have a good relationship with my mom, and to see that she's trying bring me so much happiness. I just hope she sticks to her word..." I said

"I got a feeling she will..." she said rubbing my thigh

I put my hand on top of hers, smiled, and looked out the window. The city is always lit up and pretty at night, you can't help but to admire the view.

We were just riding around listening to the music that was playing.

"Wanna take a walk by the water??" She asked

"Awww, look at you tryna be romantic..." I said pinching her cheeks

She smacked my hand away smiling.

"Yes, I would love to..." I said

She parked.

"Do you have any other shoes I could put on. I don't wanna wear these heels anymore..." I said

She reached to the back.

"I got these you left last time you was in here..." She said pulling out my slides

"How I not notice these were missing..." I said taking off those heels

"Cuz you already got hella shoes so you wouldn't notice..." she said before she got out

She came to my side, opened the door, I put my shoes on, and got out.

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