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I'm now 4 months pregnant and my belly is showing showing. Last time, I wasn't showing too much until the end of my pregnancy. But this time, you can tell I'm pregnant. We haven't told anyone else yet. Only the people who were at the house know. I haven't told Mom yet or Melody. Whenever they come around I'm in big clothes so.

Anyways, last month was the month Zion's parents passed away. So she went to visit her family again. She said it went fine, but I got the feeling it hadn't. She's been down lately and really hasn't been to herself. She still plays and sees about Zaylin. But when it comes to me it's different. She's not that affectionate. She doesn't give me full hugs or long hugs. She pecks my lips instead of giving me a full kiss. She doesn't rub on me, don't cuddle with me or anything. Also, she hasn't called me BABY in so long. I have been giving her time and not being a bitch about it even tho it hurts me and make me feel some type of way. I tryna understand and give her time. But it's been going on for a month now and I'm deprived of everything. So, I wanted to do something for her. Something to cheer her up and just put her back in the mood to be her.

The first thing I wanted was to get her lunch. I know she's working long hours today. Long hours are usually busy and she forgets to eat sometimes. So Zaylin and I brought her food. I parked out back and then called her. It rang for a bit before she picked up.

"Hello..." she answered

"Hey, I'm out back. Zaylin and I were bored so we wanted to come see you on your lunch break. Also, I brought you some lunch..." I said

"I'll be out in a bit..." she said before hanging up

I let out a sigh as I waited on her. Zaylin was in the back whining. I got out and went to the back to get him out.

"Why are you fussing Bubba??" I asked getting him out of his seat

I picked him up and he whined a bit before stopping. He laid his head on my shoulder. I checked his temperature to make sure he was okay. He was lying down as I swayed back and forth with him. I heard shoes walk up and I turned around.

"Hey..." I said

"Hey..." she said with a small smile

Zaylin lifted his head up and looked at her.

"Heyyyy..." she said grabbing Zaylin out of my arms

She was playing with him as I watched them. They did their thing for about 5-8 minutes. She put him on her hip and looked at me. I was staring at her and into her eyes to get some type of answer.

"Is there something wrong??" I asked softly

"Can you stop asking that, I told you no the first 100 times. Can you just let it go..." she said

I bit my lip to control the tears and control what I was going to say next.

"Heyyy Milan..." I heard

I looked to see Terry. I waved with a small smile.

I leaned against the car as she stood in silence for a bit. Then she and Zaylin were playing and I was just watching in silence. The more I stood there the more I thought about us. My throat started burning.

I opened the car door and grabbed her food.

"I bought you wings and chicken quesadillas just in case you haven't eaten..." I said sitting it on the hood of the car

"Thanks..." she said and I hummed in response

"When you're done buckle him back in. I'm getting in the car no use for me taking up space out here with y'all..." I said before getting in and closing the door

I leaned against the seat and sighed. I don't know what to do. I don't know what's wrong. I don't know how to make it better. I just don't know.

Like 3 minutes later, she put him in his seat.

"Bye..." she said

"Yeah..." I said before she closed the door

She grabbed her food then I pulled off. I was driving when I got a phone call from Mom.

"Hello..." I answered

"Hey Sweetie..." she said

"Hi, Mom..." I said

"What you doing??" She asked

"Just took Zion lunch..."

"Is it better now??" She asked

"Not at all..." I said
"I just don't know what to do. I want to help her feel better. I want to understand what she's feeling so I can at least get why she's acting this way towards me..."

"Just give it time Sweetie..." Mom said

"How much time Mom??" I asked
"It's been a whole month of the same thing. I miss her..."

"Maybe try to talk to her tonight when she gets off work, see where her mind is at..." Mom said

I sighed.

"I guess..." I said

"Where's my grandbaby??" Mom asked

"On the back. I'm bout to go wash him off. He puked on himself..." I said

"How's the other baby??" She asked

"What??" I asked

"Melody and I know. You tried to hide it but we peeped it..." she said
"Why you didn't tell us??"

"I was going to. I was just scared how you guys would react about me having another baby so soon..." I said

"We don't care about that. Long as that's what you and Zion want then we happy for y'all..." she said making me smile

"Thanks, Mom..." I said

"Of course Sweetie..." she said

"Tonight baby, King and I are going to dinner. You, Zay, and Zion should come..." she said

"Okay, I'll ask Zion. But Zaylin and I will for sure come..." I said

We talked until I got home. I hung up and then got Zaylin and his things.

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