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I've been here a whole week and I can truly say it's not bad. She don't bother me and I don't bother her. She don't really go anywhere but when she does I follow her without her knowing cuz it's part of my job. Today she said she was going to the grocery store. She got in her car and left. Of course, I followed to make sure nothing was going to happen. She was walking around with her AirPods in just grocery shopping. While walking around I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I opened it and seen it was an text from a unknown number. I opened it and seen it was Milan.

Milan: Heyyy It's Milan. I'm at the grocery store, do you want or need anything??

Me: Fruit and water please

Milan: What kind of fruit??

Me: Grapes and strawberries

Milan: Okay, I'm cooking chicken wraps tonight. Is that fine??

Me: Why you ask so many questions!?

Milan: Because if I cook something and you don't eat it that's your ass cuz I'm not cooking nothing else. Sooo do you eat it or not??

Me: Yeah

She left me on read. She got a few more items before she checked out. While she was checking out, I headed to my car, and waited until she was in her car before I pulled off. I headed back to apartments and I seen Cameron getting out of her car. I got outta mines and walked to her.

"Nigga where you going??" I asked scaring her

"Damn bitch you scared me..." she said running to me and pushing me

"What you doing here??" I asked her

"Lalani just got an apartment here, she wanted me to come help set some stuff up..." she said
"What you doing here??" She asked

"This is where the girl stay..." I said

As we continued talking Milan pulled up and got out the car. She looked at us and waved. Cameron waved back and I just looked at her.

"Why you ain't wave back??" Kash asked

"I talked to her already..." I said looking at her and she shook her head

"She's bad bro..." Cameron said

We heard the elevator ding and Lalani got off. She turned to look at Milan and Milan looked at her, they smiled at each other. Milan walked up to Lalani and they hugged each other.

"They know each other..." Cameron said as we walked over to them

"Hey baby, Hey Zion..." Lalani said hugging Cameron

"Wassup..." I said to her

"Girl I finally got my apartment..." Lalani said and Milan smiled

"I knew you was going to get it cuz I kept bugging her about it..." Milan said

"You didn't..." Lalani said shocked

"And did..." Milan said

"Well Thanks..." Lalani said before they hugged again

"You're welcome..." Milan said

"This is Cam and Zion..." Lalani said introducing us

"I know who she is..." she said pointing at me
"But nice to meet you..." she said shaking Cameron's hand

"You too..." Cam said

"How y'all know each other??" Lalani said pointing between us

"Mom got her as my security guard..." Milan said

"I thought you said you was securing a
kid..." Lalani said looking at me

Cameron let out a chuckle.

"I'm not a kid..." she said looking at me

I didn't say anything and she rolled her eyes.

"I'll text you later girl, I need to get these groceries in the house..." Milan said

Cameron and Lalani went onto the elevator then I turned to look at Milan. She grabbed some bags then turned to look at me.

"Are you going to help or just look at me??" She asked

I looked at her for a second then helped her with the bags. Once we finished she locked the door, we got on the elevator, and headed to her apartment. We got there and sat the bags on the counter. We started taking the stuff out the bags then she put the stuff up. I took my water in the room I be in and stayed in there. I heard music playing so I knew she was bout to cook. Every time she cook or clean she needs music.

After a while, she called me in the kitchen cause she was done. I walked in and she looked at me.

"I was trying to see what all you wanted on your wrap. Or you wanna fix it on your
own..." she said

"You can fix it..." I said sitting at the island

She started to fix it and I took this as a chance to finally look at her. Her skin was so clear, I didn't see a pimple or a dark spot. Her skin look smooth and soft. She had very thick eyebrows that has a perfect arch. Pumped and full lips. She was beautiful, no lie.

I guess she felt me looking cuz she looked up at me. She gave me a small smile and I looked down at my phone. After a few she passed me my plate and sat hers beside me.

"You want tea??" She asked going into the fridge

"Sure..." I said

She grabbed 2 glass cups out the cabinet, put ice in them then poured tea in them. She passed me one and she sat the other one beside her plate. She sat down, reached her hand out for mine. I put my hands in hers and they were so soft. She closed her eyes and so did I. She said a short prayer then we started eating.

"So, tell me about yourself..." she said biting off her wrap

"There's nothing to know..." I said

"I'm sure there is..." she said but I didn't say thing back

She was quiet for a few seconds before she started back.

"Why are you so hostile??" She said looking at me

I frowned my eyebrow then looked at her.

"I'm not hostile..." I said

"Yeah you are. You rarely smile, I barely heard you laugh and you don't talk to me. You've been here a week and I can count on my 2 hands how many words you've said to me..." she said

She look like she was waiting on me to say something but I didn't.

"You are going to be here for the next 3 weeks. At least we can do is to get to know something about each other or at least communicate..." she said still looking at me

I still didn't say anything instead I started eating. I heard her let out a sigh.

"Fine..." I said

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