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Disclaimer: this chapter will be mentioning abortions. I know it's a touchy topic since the overturn!!


It's been 3 days since I've been here and I decided that I was going to have an abortion. I'm not ready to be a mom. Not only that but the person I made the baby with could care less.

I was getting ready to go to the clinic. Mom and Melody were both going with me. I really appreciate them, because they've been here anytime I wanna talk, I need cuddles or when I need anything.

After like 10 minutes, we left. They were driving me to the clinic. It was like at 25 minute drive away. We finally made it, we got out, and checked in. Mom booked me a appointment this morning. They set me appointment right away. I walked in holding Mom's hand. We sat in the waiting room until they called me back. Mom went with me while Melody waited. I went to the back, they asked questions, then I was asked to removed my clothes before the doctor came in. I removed my clothes and sat on the bed with a cloth over me. I laid back and was still holding mom's hand.

"You scared??" She asked looking at me

I turned to look at her and nodded.

"It's going to be okay..." she said smiling at me

"Have you had one before??" I asked her

"No, but I know you're going to be fine..." she says before kissing my forehead

The doctor finally came in. She talked to me for a while, telling me what she was going to do, what to do after I leave, and what to expect after. She told me everything then started.

"If you feel any pain just squeeze my
hand..." Mom told me and I nodded

I felt something enter me. Things started to get painful and I squeezed Mom hands. My eyes started watering. She was doing what she was doing for like 15 minutes. She was finally through and gave me pain medicine. I put my clothes on and was told to lay for a while. Melody came in. Her and Mom stay in there with me until I was released. We went to get food, stop to get pads, me a heating pad, and pain medicine. Mom also got me fruit, water, and food for them to cook. We finally made it home and I was spotting. I took a shower and got out. Once I got out, I put on a pad, some short pants, and a big shirt. I started to have cramps. I seen that Mom had put the heating pad in the bed and cut it on. I took my shirt off and laid on my belly over the heating pad. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. It was a knock on the door.

"Come in..." I said turning towards the door

The door opened and in came Mom and Melody.

"Hey, how you feeling??"Mom asked coming up to me

"Fine, the cramps has started. And I'm bleeding..." I said

"You want any pain pills??" Melody asked

"No, the pain is bearable right now. If it gets too much then I'll take some..." I said

We continued talking and the cramps started to become unbearable. I was ready for the pain meds and they gave them to me.

"Can I massage your back cuz that'll help??" Melody asked

I nodded with my eyes closed.

"How you know what to do in this type situation??" I asked Melody

"She's been in this type of situation..." I heard mom say

"When??" I asked looking at Melody

"When I was 16, I was raped by my mom's boyfriend. She made me have a abortion..." she said as she started massaging my back

"Did you want to??" I asked

She shook her head.

"As bad as it sounds, I didn't. My mom didn't treat me like I was her child. She always talk down on me and she was abusive. I used to get physical and verbal abused. Having that baby made me feel like I was finally going to get somebody who love me just as much I loved them. Like a someone who can be my peace through all the shit I was going through. Anyways, I keep going back to the doctor because I thought something was wrong cuz I had extremely bad cramps and stomach pain. The nurse was very nice and she gave me the heading pad and a massager I could sit on my back. After that, I was better and I didn't have many cramps anymore..." she said

"I'm sorry that happened to you..." I said sincerely

"It's fine, but I vow to never treat my child the way my mom did me. To listen to them and make them comfortable enough to come to me to talk about anything..." she said

I turned to look at my mom.

"Mom I think you made the right choice..." I said making her smile

"I know I did..." she said looking at Melody

"Do y'all think I made the right choice??" I asked

"Milan it doesn't matter what we think. It's about you. If you feel you did what was right FOR YOU, then you made the right decision..." Mom said

"And don't let anyone tell you that your decision wasn't right. You did what was good for you and that's all that matters..." Melody said

After a while I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up and it was pitch black in the room. I got up and felt my way to the bathroom. I cut the light on and went to the toilet. I sat down and started doing my business. Once I was done, I wiped, and headed out the room. I walked down the hall to the kitchen when I heard talking. I peeked around the corner to see Mom and Melody leaning against the counter hugging.

So cute 🥰

"I'm so glad we finally got to tell her about us. It was very hard keeping it from her..." Melody said

"I know baby I was just scared she wouldn't accept us. I love you much and I wouldn't know what to do if she didn't accept us..." Mom said

"I love you too Baby..." Melody said before kissing mom

"Y'all are so cute..." I said smiling

They both jumped and looked at me.

"Sorry..." I said laughing

"How you feeling??" Mom asked walking to me

"I'm fine, I'm just a lil hungry..." I said

"What you wanna eat??" Melody asked

"Nothing too hard, something light..." I said honestly

"You want a sandwich??" Melody asked

"Yes..." I said

"Sit down I'll fix it..." Melody said

I sat down and Mom sat beside me.

"You doing alright??" She asked

"I'm fine Mom, I promise..." I said looking at her

She nodded.

Melody brought the sandwich, we talked, then called it a night.

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