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Zion has been at work all day and I miss her so much. She was doing a 12 hour shift and she had 5 more hours to go. I've been from the couch to the bed all day. I was on the phone with Crystal and Red for half of the day then I ended up falling asleep. After that nap, I've been sitting on the couch watching tv.

After like 3 hours, I decided to go get in the shower. After, I detangled my hair hair and braided it up. After that, I went to the kitchen to cook cuz Zion told me she's been too busy and haven't ate. When the food was almost done, I heard the door open, and I stepped out to see Zion looked up at me with a smile. She sat her stuff down and walked to me.

"Hi..." I said smiling

"Hey baby..." she said wrapping her arms around my waist before pecking my lips

"You tired??" I asked looking at her

"A lil bit..." she said

"You wanna eat first or shower first??" I asked her

"Eat cuz I'm starving..." she said

I pouted.

"They ain't feed my baby..." I said rubbing her belly

"I ate crackers..." she said

"Next time you take long hours imma pack you a lunch so you can eat..." I said looking at her

"Awww baby..." she said hugging me tighter before kissing my forehead

She let me go and sat at the kitchen table.

"You ready to eat??" I asked

"Yes I'm ready..." she said

I made that dairy-free pasta that she loves. I cook it with friend chicken and rolls. I fixed her plate and fixed her some lemonade. I took her plate and drink.

"Thank you baby..." she said kissing my arm as I sat her plate down

"You're welcome baby..." I said smiling at her

I fixed my stuff and sat at the table.

"So, what you do at work today??" I asked looking at her

"We had a meeting about Titus. More information is still coming in against him. More women are coming in to tell their stores with hella proof. So you won't be the only one going against him..." she said

"How many more women??" I asked

"3..." she said looking at me

"Jesus Christ..." I said
"I'm happy we are getting our Justice. And I won't be up there alone..."

She nodded her head while looking at me.

"What you been doing today??" She asked

"Very bored without you..." I said honestly
"You know watching tv by myself is very bland..."

She laughed.

"So, what I'm hearing is that you missed me..." she said looking at me

"Unfortunately yes..." I said making her gasp

"Not unfortunately..." she said making me laugh

"But yes, I missed you a lot..." I said making her smile

"I could tell..." she said looking at me

"How??" I asked

"Cuz you texted me all day and you ask me about a thousand times about coming home..." she said making me laugh

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