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Lately, I have been moody as hell. I'm nauseous as fuck all the time. And I missed my period. So it was only right for me to take a pregnancy test. Zion and Zaylin went out and had the day to themselves. Lani and Crystal brought me a pregnancy test when they came.

I was in the downstairs bathroom taking the test. I peed on the stick and left it on the counter as I came out.

"Now we wait..." Lani said hugging me

"This feels like deja vu..." I said

"Do you think you're pregnant??" Crystal said

"I wouldn't be surprised..." I said as we laughed

"Y'all gotta start using condoms Milan..." Crystal said

"We never used those before..." I said

"Really??" She asked

"Yeah, we always do it raw..." I said and she shook her head
"I don't get the point cuz her pull-out game is on point..."

"But yet, you having your second and your first one ain't even one yet..." she said

"Off my case bitch. If it wasn't on point I'll have a max of about 8 kids, 4 minimum..." I said

"Lord..." Lani said

I laughed at her.

"I'm glad my woman got the same thing I got cuz I'll definitely have a lil bad one running around..." she said

We got so caught up in talking that we forgot about the test. Once I remembered we got up and went into the bathroom. I grabbed it and looked at it. I saw two red lines.

"I fucking knew it..." I said

"Biiiitch..." Lani said looking at me smiling

"I'm bout to have a niece..." Crystal said as she and Lani squealed

I smiled at them.

"You excited??" Crystal asked

"Yes, but I didn't wanna get pregnant again so
soon..." I said

"It's going to be okay girl. At least Zaylin would have someone close in age to play
with..." Crystal said

"Yeah, cuz Crystal's babies are already in school. So they'll be there together. That's going to be so cute..." Lani said smiling

"I just had a baby 7 months ago. That's not too soon??" I asked looking at Crystal

"I mean it's going to be judgmental bastards who have something to say, but long as you and Zion want this what others say doesn't matter..." she said smiling

"Okayyy..." I said as they pulled me into a hug

I smiled as I hugged them. While we hugged, the doorbell rang. Crystal went to open the door and it was Red.

"Heyyyyy..." I said running to her

I jumped on her as she scooped me up and we hugged each other.

"I missed you..." I said

"I missed you too..." she said

"What you have been doing??" I asked

"Working, working, working..." she said

"Well since you here, I got something to show you..." I said grabbing her hand and dragging her to the bathroom

I grabbed the pregnancy test. I turned around and showed her. Her eyes widened as she picked it up.

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