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I've been here for almost 2 weeks and I think it's time for me to go back home. Mom and Melody had enjoyed my company and told me to stay long as I want but I feel like I overstayed my welcome. They said I haven't tho.

I had booked my flight back home for tomar. Today was Sunday, Mom and Melody wanted to cook a big dinner before I leave. They've been really feeding me good since I've been here. I really love them. They made sure I was comfortable, cared for me when I couldn't, help me emotionally, and overall just been awesome.

I was in the front room laid down on the couch when Mom came into the front. She stood in front of me, I lifted my head up, she sat down, and I laid my head in her lap.

"You sure you're ready to go back??" She asked

"Yeah, I don't wanna be y'all space too long..." I said honestly

"Honey, we told you it's no problem. You can stay long as you want. I promise you're fine, we actually love you here..." she said rubbing in my hair

"I know but I gotta make sure things are good at home and I'm sure my friends miss me..." I said and she nodded

It was silent for a lil bit.

"So, what you going to do about Zion??" She asked

"Honestly Mom, I don't know......" I said looking up at her

"You have to tell her..." she said

"I know..." I said sighing
"I just wish life could be so simple. Yet, we have to go through so much..."

"We do, but we always make it through..." She said
"How are really feeling??"

"I'm in a better head place then I was when I first got here. Being here with you guys had really gave me a piece of mind. I don't know what to expect when I get home, and that scares me..." I said as she rubbed through my hair

"I'm glad begin here with us has put you in a better space. I'm sure you'll be fine..." she said smiling at me

"Thanks Mom..." I said smiling

"You're welcome..." she said before kissing my forehead

Later that day, Melody had just got done cooking. We ate, watched movies, and took a nap. We woke up around 7 and repeated. But this time we watched movies until like 11, then went to sleep.


Mom woke me up around 7. I got up, did my hygiene things, put my stuff in my bag, and put on my airport clothes. Mom cooked us breakfast. We ate breakfast and talked. After breakfast, I grabbed my things and they took me to the airport. Once we got there, I hugged them tightly. I told them to be looking for the gender reveal invitation. I got the gender 3 days ago from the doctor. I wasn't opening it until I get home tho.

"I love y'all..." I said hugging them

"I love you too..." Melody said giving me a forehead kiss and another big hug

"I love you too Honey..." Mom said hugging and squeezing my tight

Once we let go, I waved then bye as I went in. I got my bags checked then I went to sit by my gate. Around 9:30, the called us and we got on. Once everybody was in, we took off. I was looking outside and listening to music for about a hour and a half before my eyes got heavy. I closed my eyes and ended up falling asleep.

I woke up and we were still in the air. We had about 55 minutes left of the flight. This was a 5 hour flight.

We finally landed. We all got off and I ordered a Uber. They said they were 20 minutes away so I decided to get me some to eat from the airport. I got my food and started eating. By the time I finish my sandwich the Uber had made it. I grabbed my suitcase and bag, threw away my trash, and went to the Uber. He help me put my things in the car. Then, we were heading to my house.

We finally made it, he pulled my bags out, I tipped him, and I went up to my apartment. I got there and used my key to open the door. I opened it and it was just like I left it. I went to lay across my bed for a while. After like 20 minutes, I headed to the garage to go get my phone. I got there, opened my car, grabbed my phone out the glove department, and cut it on. I closed my car and locked it back. I was headed to the elevator looking at my phone as it turned on.

"MILAN!!" I heard

I looked up and seen Zion walking up to me. I wasn't expecting to see her so soon. She finally made it front of me. I seen her peeking down at my stomach.

"Hey..." she said looking at me

"Hey..." I said softly

"I've been looking and calling for you..." she said

"I went away for a while to get myself back right..." I said and she nodded

"So, can we talk??" She asked

"About??" I asked

"The baby..." she said

"There's no baby..." I said looking at her

"What??" She asked

"While I was away, I had a decision to make. I wasn't ready to be a mother, a single one at that..." I said

"What decision did you make??" She asked

"I had a abortion..." I said looking at my phone cuz it was vibrating like crazy

She was silent for a while so I finally looked at her and she like moved her arm and looked me.

"If the baby was mine why would you have an abortion without talking to me..." she said

I look at her for a minute.

"You got some fucking nerves. Zion you half ass believed that the baby was even yours after I told you time after time it was. I gave you a whole month with a extra day and half to get your shit together and you didn't. You didn't even call and check to see if I was even okay. You put yourself in this situation when you walked away from me and not even call in a month. My life doesn't revolve around you. If it did, it would've took the whole 9 months for you to even come and talk to me. The only reason you're here cuz that gift I left triggered something in your head. I had a decision to make for myself cuz obviously you can't face the fucking truth. Zion I never thought you'll ever do some shit like this to me but I guess I was wrong. This shit fucking hurts..." I said on the urge of crying but I wasn't gone let that out cuz I did enough at Mom and Melody's

She just sat there without saying anything.

"I'm done..." I said walking away

Even tho I'm very fucking pissed at her right now, something in me wanted her to grab me. Grab me and tell me how sorry she was. Grab me and tell me everything was going to be okay. But who was I kidding, it was never going to happen.

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