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We had been in the hospital for like 2 hours and no one has came and said anything. I called Milan's mom and she was on the way.

Another hour passed and her mom and her wife had finally made it.

"Has they said anything yet??" Mona (Milan's mom) said looking at me

"Not a thing..." I said

Her wife went to hung Crystal and Red.

"How y'all been??" She asked them

"Good, being a mom and wife..." Crystal said

"I heard you had kids and got married. I wanna see that babies..." she said smiling

"They aren't babies anymore..." Crystal said and they laugh

She turned and seen Lalani.

"Lalani..." she said

"Melody..." Lalani said

"How you been??" Melody asked

"I've been good, and you??" Lalani asked

"Same, who this??" Melody asked

"This is my girlfriend Cameron, but call her Cam. Baby this is Melody, Milan's stepmom..." Lalani said introducing them

Cameron waved with a smile.

"Good luck..." Melody said making Lalani gasp
"Nah I'm just kidding.."
"Where's my hug??"

Lalani happily got up and hugged Melody.

"I missed you..." Lani said

"I miss you too Pumpkin. But I'm still gone fuck you up for leaving without telling me..." Melody said and they laughed

They let each other go and Lalani sat down. She looked at me.

"And you are??" She asked me

"Zion..." I said

She looked at Mona.

"This the one??" She asked Mona

Mona nodded.

"Mmmmm..." Melody said before walking off with Mona

"What was that for??" Cameron asked

"I don't even know..." I said honestly

They went to the front for about 20 minutes before coming back to the waiting room.

"What they say??" Crystal asked

"They'll be out in a few minutes..." Mona said before her and Melody sat down

While waiting my phone started ringing. I got up to answer. It was Treasure.

"Hello..." I said but no response

I was bout to hang up until I heard her and her friends started to talk.

"So you don't like Zion??" I heard

"No, I mean she fucks good. But I only want her to get back at Milly..." I heard Treasure say

"Who do you want??"

"Titus and only Titus. It's been that way since high school but Milly stole him from me so now everybody she's messing with, imma
have..." Treasure say

"Oh so that's why you dislike her so much. I never got it until now..."

"She ain't nun but a man snatcher..." Treasure said

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